Today is the fourth day since Jiang Hao and others came to Dunhuang, and also the third day that Mei Qianxiao was sent to prison. On the first day that Mei Qianxiao left, I missed him...cough, in short, Jiang Hao and others had an uncomfortable life.

As for the progress of the case, Dong Shengrui asked someone to send him a scroll. The case is probably not far from Dong Shengrui's reasoning, with only a few small errors. There is also a mysterious behind-the-scenes mastermind who has now become the key. Everyone can see it clearly. Mei Qianxiao is in an embarrassing situation now. Fingers crossed and smiles.

If Mei Qianxiao couldn't find reasonable evidence to prove herself, it would be difficult for her to escape. According to the current law, his evidence as a suspect is more than that of a non-suspect. Although there is no conclusive evidence, Jiang Hao has no way to save him, and he may eventually be convicted. Especially in such a major case related to the relationship between the two countries, it is definitely better to kill the wrong one than to miss one before.

At noon, Jiang Hao and the others sat together in the lobby of the guest room after lunch. Liu Quietly was about to sneak out to play with Brother Laugh, but Dong Shengrui was wearing a red silk gauze robe with flying fish patterns on it, which was so lifelike that there was no warning. walked in. The flying fish pattern is one of the traditional auspicious patterns. It looks like a python, with fins, turtle tail and two horns. It is also somewhat similar to a dragon. Dong Shengrui dressed so formally, something big must have happened.

"I've seen Director Dong." Jiang Hao took the lead and stood up and bowed to Dong Shengrui.

The rest of the team members also stood up and bowed their hands, and Dong Shengrui returned the salute one by one.

"President Dong suddenly came to visit. Could it be that there has been a breakthrough in the case?" Jiang Hao led Dong Shengrui to the table where they were sitting.

"It's just that there is no progress, so Dong Mou came here for a visit." Dong Shengrui's smile was slightly restrained and slightly serious.

"Oh, what's the matter, Director Dong said it doesn't matter."

"The Fengshan Sect gangsters know that they have already recruited them. At present, the clues all point to a mastermind behind the scenes. According to what Brother Jiang Hao sees, where should we continue the investigation?"

After Dong Shengrui finished speaking, Jiang Hao didn't speak for a while.

They discussed this case just now. Objectively speaking, if this case is continued, I am afraid that it will have to start with Mei Qianxiao. Who makes him the most suspicious.

Therefore, Jiang Hao couldn't open his mouth for a while, and after a long while, he said Ling Ran, "It's time to start with Mei Qianxiao."

"Brother Jiang..."

Tingfeng and Yixue looked at Jiang Hao together, Jiang Hao waved his hand: "The case should really be investigated like this."

"Dong Mou has promised Brother Jiang Wei, and Dong Mou can't do it, so Dong Mou will not abuse the lynching of Mei Qianxiao. Dong Mou has sent the scroll of the latest trial to Nanjing, and let the commander make a decision. But if the people from Wusun came to ask for an explanation, Dong did not dare to hide the details, and would tell all the facts of the case. If the people from Wusun thought that Mei Qianxiao was guilty, Dong could only hand over Mei Qianxiao to him. hair down..."

"How can this be so! Mei Qianxiao has not yet been convicted, how can it be handed over to Wusun Guo?" Yixue's emotions were a little flustered.

"The imperial court has already ordered this matter, and Wusun Guo has the right to take away the people involved in the case. With a smile on his face, who can vouch for his innocence? Can you?" Dong Shengrui smiled gently and asked solemnly.

Yixue had nothing to say. She didn't find any evidence to prove Mei Qianxiao's innocence, and she didn't dare to say that Mei Qianxiao was innocent.

"Or can Brother Jiang Hao guarantee it?" Dong Shengrui turned to Jiang Hao and smiled.


"This case involves the turn of the two states. Who can guarantee the innocence of suspects like Mei Qianxiao?"

Dong Shengrui spread out his hands, questioning everyone.

"I dare."

A melodious sound suddenly came from outside, and a dark blue figure walked in with a pair of long legs that were constantly intertwined. The fringes on the legs are constantly swaying, revealing the snow white of the early winter from time to time. A dark blue robe is close-fitting and elastic, and the concave and convex curves of the future people are vividly and vividly outlined, which is thought-provoking. The man had a delicate appearance, with dark eyebrows and almond eyes on a goose egg face, and a long hair scattered in the back, pouring down to the waist like a waterfall.

The appearance is pure and lovely, but the cold temperament and appearance form a contrast, exuding the pressure of dignified majesty.

"See the commander-sama!"

Yixue and the others were stunned for a moment. It took a few seconds for them to react, and they stood up and handed over to see their immediate boss. After a long time, they showed a look of surprise, as if someone with six gods and no masters finally found their backbone!

Why is Li Mengyao here? ?

Dong Shengrui was the most surprised. He had just sent the case scroll to quickly send it out, but it would take at least three days to send it to Nanjing. If Li Mengyao gave instructions, the people of Wusun Kingdom might have already taken away all the sinners. Then, as he wished, Wusun State was more willing to accept that his messenger would be involved in a major case, rather than die at the hands of an unknown generation. At that time, he will let Wusun's anger calm down again with his eloquent words, and a crisis between the two countries will be resolved by him alone, and his name Dong Shengrui will not cause a sensation in the entire Central Plains!

Don't say that Jiang Hao has no share of the credit for this case, and even Li Mengyao doesn't want to get a little bit of it.

But I didn't expect that Li Mengyao would appear here!

This was too unexpected for him. It would be normal for her to rush over after seeing his scroll, but it appears now... It means that Li Mengyao left at least three days ago! When was that three days ago? It's the first day Jiang Hao and others have just arrived! It was not long after Jiang Hao was dispatched at that time, why did she come here on a whim?

"See the commander!" After Dong Shengrui came back to his senses, a bright smile appeared on his face.

No matter how he refused to accept Li Mengyao, Dong Shengrui had to stand up and salute with respect. No matter what, he was the boss of the Gongwei Division.

"Why did Mei Qianxiao become a suspect? I'll protect him." Li Mengyao walked in in a flash, and sat carelessly in the seat Jiang Hao let out. Jiang Hao sat aside.

Behind Li Mengyao, there was another person, wrapped in a veil, and did not walk towards them. Instead, she walked to the other side and sat on another empty table, so that she could look at them in a leisurely manner.

At this time, there are more important things to discuss, and the person did not introduce himself, so no one paid attention to that person.

"Master Commander, you just arrived here, and you don't even know the latest progress of the case. How can you arbitrarily think that it is inappropriate for Mei Qianxiao to be innocent?" Dong Shengrui said quickly.

"Just because I'm here, it's impossible for Mei Qianxiao Duan to be related to this case."

Li Mengyao stretched out her hand towards Jiang Hao, who was beside her, and picked out her green, white jade finger. Unfortunately, Jiang Hao and Mutuo may be related. She couldn't understand what Li Mengyao meant, so she stuck out her head foolishly.

If this was in Li Mengyao's study, this guy's head would definitely be hit by a brick.

The quirky Tingfeng was much smarter, and hurriedly handed over the latest case scroll in front of Jiang Hao.

Li Mengyao took it with a smile, and then she glared at Jiang Hao with her beautiful eyes, her eyes filled with indescribable contempt.

Jiang Hao scratched his head embarrassedly. He had long been used to being so disliked by Li Mengyao and didn't take it to heart at all. In Jiang Hao's heart, Li Mengyao is a very dignified and reliable Although Li Mengyao is almost a year younger than him, it seems that any thorny matter will be solved by her.

For example, this incident made Mei Qianxiao, who was in trouble, a suspect. Since Li Mengyao said that he would like to protect Mei Qianxiao, he believed that Mei Qianxiao was innocent, and Li Mengyao had the ability to correct his name!

"Just because the commander came here, Mei Qianxiao is innocent? What logic is this?"

Don't say that Dong Shengrui is confused, even Jiang Hao and others are a little confused.

"I'm not here because of the **** Mei Qianxiao! You just passed the letter to me on the first day that Wusun Guo died here! Can you not come here!" Li Mengyao was so angry Blue veins are popping out, and they are particularly conspicuous on the white and flawless face. "This land in the Western Regions is windy and dry, and it hurts the skin!"

"That's it." The man sitting next to him finally said something, proving that he was neither deaf nor dumb.

"Our Gongwei Division is discussing business affairs, why are you an outsider?" Li Mengyao seemed to have found a vent in a fit of anger, and turned her head to erupt at the man.

"Did your last sentence just now discuss business affairs?" The man retorted eloquently, as if he was not afraid of Li Mengyao's status as the commander of the Secretary of Defense.

"I'm just saying it's serious business! The skin of the old lady is the most important and confidential business of the entire arch guard! Believe it or not, we will use voice transmission to enter the secret chat and let you listen to the egg here!"

Wow, I haven't heard Li Mengyao's powerful speech for a long time. Sure enough, whenever I listen to it, it makes me refreshed! Is it really good to spread the word that the commander-sama's skin condition is the most secret matter of the entire Kung Guard Division!

That person was sullen, but he didn't talk anymore, he didn't bother to have the same knowledge as a sturdy woman like Li Mengyao.

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