The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 809: A clever breakthrough, hurriedly arrived

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"It's a dead person or a dead person, of course it's a dead person! But it's not long since you died. If you stab a corpse and spray blood, we're not easy to get infected! We should be more cautious when dealing with the plague." After calming down, he pretended to be timid and said.

"What a fuss," the soldier said, but the spear was put away, and he obviously felt that he was a little rash.

"Okay, let's go." The captain waved his hand, not wanting to make trouble, and told them to leave quickly.


The local specialty Dark Guard turned his head and winked, and everyone covered their heads and pushed the scooters forward.

"Hey, let you leave, not go in!" Several soldiers saw the trolley continue to push forward, and quickly surrounded them and warned loudly.

The captain was annoyed. They were very unhappy at this duty post. These guys still couldn't understand human words, so they stepped forward angrily.

"You can't understand people's words behind your ears, right? All of our people here have been withdrawn, and the plague is going to be out of control. You people are still sent in for a fart! Take them all away, don't get in our way, we'll wait. We have to evacuate too!" The captain pushed back the local secret guards, but he suddenly said in surprise, "No, the prison guards in the torture room should have evacuated almost a few people, why are there still people who are sending patients in? Who are you? who!"

"There are no other soldiers? That's great!" The local secret guard sneered, and suddenly pulled out his short sword and slashed at the captain!

When the captain was in shock, he was energized, reacted quickly, and raised his hand. The light armor on his body helped him a bit. The power of the dagger, a light weapon, was neutralized, but the dark guard knew martial arts. This sword still ripped through the armor, leaving a deep visible bone on his arm. bloodstains.

"Enemy attack! Counter attack!" The captain shouted quickly, drawing a knife with one hand and fighting with the local secret guard.

The general manager and others quickly took out the weapons hidden behind their backs and rushed out. The fight was already planned by their group.

The general manager and others acted as planned, but these officers and soldiers were not prepared. Their task of staying here is to prevent someone from breaking through the many barriers in the quarantine area of ​​the plague and taking the patient back to me. Who would have thought that someone would attack them... What is the picture? Rob the plague dead? It doesn't make sense!

With mental arithmetic, more than a dozen soldiers couldn't even make an effective formation for a while.

Fortunately, the soldiers wore light armor, and even if the general manager and others were superior in martial arts, it was still a bit troublesome to eliminate them.

At this moment, the gradually forgotten scooter suddenly swayed, and the thatch covered on it erupted several meters, and a black shadow rushed out of it!

The long sword was unsheathed, and the light and shadow of the sword flickered and flickered, but the place where it fell was full of the crispness of the breeze sweeping the leaves.

Jian Fei splattered blood, and in the end, the two soldiers fell heavily with a sword in the neck.

"Be a tiger, kill without mercy!" Cao Ling said coldly, shaking off the blood on the sword, and the figure didn't stop, and the killing general came up.

The soldiers didn't expect a killing **** to appear behind them, so they panicked and were rushed away by the general manager and others. The general manager and others had already listened to the secrets of Lu Anshun with the dark guard on the road, and they were still skeptical at first, but they believed it after they met the people who were transporting plague patients to the dungeon on the road.

A group of people who are walking in the rivers and lakes, knowing that the important thing is either your death or my death, they moved their hands without a trace of softness, and they chopped the soldiers to the ground in less than a moment.

The remaining captains were also caught alive by the local secret guards. Using their secret guards, they quickly forced them to find out that this was the outermost checkpoint of the plague quarantine zone, and all the soldiers guarding the quarantine zone had been evacuated. It was almost time for them to retreat, too, to let the plague-infected go out.

"Being a fool for a tiger, I will die!" The local specialty Dark Guard slashed with a dagger, giving the captain a happy feeling.

They don't have the energy to take care of the captives, and if the captain is released, they will reveal their whereabouts, and they will die, so they don't take it lightly.

The group neatly cleaned up the battlefield, put on the corpse's clothes and set it on fire. Mei Qianxiao was afraid that something would get caught in the outcropping, so she got up from the scooter after making sure that nothing happened, and touched a light armor and changed it.

The refugee secret guard saw Cao Ling's face was different, and he saw Mei Qianxiao's refreshing look, the more he thought about it, the more wrong he was: "Wait! Sir, why is your forehead red? Is this guy right in the car? Your hands and feet are hairy!"

Damn, you have eyes on your butt, you can see it! But I don't care about you, all of your adults are gone, you ask if your adults are very happy! No, my brother is not sloppy!

There is also this Cao Ling. At first, he planned to serve him with his body, but when he hugged him, his face became hot, and even the scarf couldn't cover the reddened peach eyes!

"What?! It's not a shame that you are a Spring Festival couplet man, you are so courageous that even Dalian Cao adults dare to steal!? I can only be ashamed of myself!" , stared at Mei Qianxiao with fire-breathing eyes.

I know you are the most excited when it comes to stealing chickens and dogs! Brother, if you want to touch your adults, do you still use stealing! Don't look up to brother so much, brother is not the height you can look up to! And don't stare at Lao Tzu one by one, when Lao Tzu doesn't know if you are envious, pretending to be a fart is brave and enthusiastic about the masses!

"No... does he dare!" Cao Ling shook his head and said in a loud mosquito-like voice, then ran to the side and quickly and neatly put on his armor and stopped making a sound.

You are a bit arrogant to say this! You know in your heart that you are forced to! It's as if he wants to refuse and welcome, brother, what should I do? The faint fragrance of your body is still floating in your arms, and there is still an exciting feeling on your hands!

I'm not afraid that the beauty will ignore you, but I'm afraid that she will suddenly give you a pampering while Leng Yan, it's terrible!

"He wouldn't dare to measure it." Their guards were still quite blind to Cao Ling's cool and handsome image. The refugee guards didn't think Cao Ling was acting weird, and nodded in agreement.

The rumor of this old-fashioned criticizing the crime was suppressed like this, and everyone felt a sense of disappointment that there was no excuse to beat him up.

"The further you go, the greater the risk of contracting the plague, so everyone should be prepared." The general manager reminded everyone.

After he finished speaking, he took out the antidote pills that came standard with Gong Weisi, swallowed one, and took out another one and smashed it into mixed water and smeared it on the mask. This standard detox pill can reduce the heart rate and breathing, enhance the resistance to toxicity, and also have a certain resistance to the plague. The general-purpose stuff is useful for everything, but the specialization is not strong, and it can be used here.

Others did the same when they saw it, and after taking protective measures, the group went on the road again, already in the image of the officers and soldiers under the Governor's banner.

Along the way, they never met other officers and soldiers, and they rushed to the isolation point when it was just dark. The lights were bright in the temporarily enclosed wooden fence, the door was open, and two torches were inserted into the door, which were burning fiercely.

Seeing that the open door was unguarded, the general manager and others all sighed inwardly.

"It's too late, let's run away!" Liu Xing was half coerced and half helpless, and he shook his head and sighed when he saw this scene.

"It's not too late, just right." Mei Qianxiao stepped forward, took off the torch by the door, and held it in one direction.

When everyone opened their eyes, they could vaguely see a lot of people in rickety clothes surrounding several large pots, each with a white steamed Many people noticed that people were coming at the door, and they all looked at the door. Those dead eyes looked at under the darkness of the night, sending chills down the spine.

A wooden shelf was set up on the edge of the wasteland, and some patients voluntarily cremated their newly deceased patients. The air was filled with the stench of floating thick ash and burnt bones.

"What are you doing? Why is the door open?" Liu Xing looked at these people and shouted inwardly.

"We are distributing the rations given by the adults, and the door is also opened by the soldiers, so that we can go home..." One of the young men who seemed to be in good spirits responded with all his might.

"Who approved you to go home!" Liu Xing roared angrily.

"It's you, Mr. Bing..." The young man's face was blue and bony, and after a while, he continued, "You gave us the special medicine that we just developed today, saying that the medicine will cure the disease, and our The plague has all been cured. When the sun goes down, you can leave on your own and return to your family. Thank you Lord Governor for not abandoning us, and thank you soldiers for your treatment. We obeyed the law and did not leave early... Now the sun Down the mountain, can we go?"

"Where is the special medicine?" The refugee guard sighed and said in a low voice.

"How unreasonable..." The general manager slapped the wooden wall heavily, trembling with anger.

His attitude towards Lu Anshun went from admiration to confusion to disgust, and now he is burning with anger.

These people thought that Lu Anshun had given them hope. Who would have thought that Lu Anshun just sowed evil seeds on them, waiting for them to spread the whole city and produce countless flowers of plague. The first one to suffer at that time will be the relatives they are thinking about when they are waiting to die in despair! If they knew that their hope of salvation was the consequence of causing the death of their loved ones, they would not be able to rest their eyes even if they died!

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