The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 818: House shame, shameless

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"It's so good! Brother Xiao, you shouldn't be here for a long time, hurry up to pick up the dry fried beef and return to the capital to return to the capital, and settle those accounts by the way!" Mei Qianxiao felt that the light of happiness was being cast down from the sky and shining on him. At this time, even if I really returned to the west, I would have no complaints, but I did not forget to add, "I almost forgot, I also paid five taels of silver to go to Jinfenglou for me."

"You can also get credit for Jinfenglou? Didn't you say that you have a bad relationship with the boss of Jinfenglou now because of the commander-in-chief?"

"Hey, you misunderstood. I don't really owe money there, but Jinfenglou has been engaged in activities recently, so it would be great for you to help me with a pre-charge."

"Aren't you going to die soon, what's the value!" Jiang Hao said with a headache.

I didn't expect the plague to have the side effect of mental retardation. Look, his vice-captain was turned into a madman.

"I've never been so arrogant in my life..." Mei Qianxiao said deeply with emotion, "If I go down to Huangquan, I hope I can proudly say that I am a pre-paid senior VIP of Jinfenglou. I have no regrets in this life.”

"Your ambition in this life is really 'high and high'!" Qiu Haoyu really wanted to draw a knife and give him a good time, lest he would lose the face of Gong Weisi more and more.

"Okay, just a trivial matter, I'll do it for you!" Jiang Hao said loudly.

Anyway, he has paid so much debt for him, and it is not less than five taels of silver.

"What to do?"

A cold drink came, Jiang Hao and the others looked up, and a tall figure came shrewdly.

They had a relationship with the Five Poison Religion when they tracked the murder case on the outskirts of the capital. Even though she was still wearing a black dress and mask, everyone could recognize her at once: "I have seen Mr. Cao from Yingdufu!"

It was Cao Ling who came.

I saw that she was holding a bowl of potion with a strange smell, nodded to Jiang Hao and others, came to Mei Qianxiao and handed the potion: "Drink the medicine, Dalang."

"I bah bah bah, you are the best! Curse me to wear a cuckold or curse me to death!" Mei Qianxiao hurriedly said.

He is still single, and he curses such vicious words, how can he not jump.

Mei Qianxiao saw that Jiang Hao and the others hadn't gone to help him fulfill his "wish", and another extra person came here, desperately giving Cao Ling a wink and telling her to go away first.

But Cao Ling really can't stand it anymore. The boss of his own family is like a low-level swindler who touches porcelain on the side of the road. What a shameful thing he did, if one day his identity is revealed and the reputation of this demon sect is revealed?

I don't want his face, but I still want his face under the Tsing Yi school!

"Aren't you 'sick'? You are terminally ill at such a young age, who are you not?" Cao Ling said expressionlessly.

"If you don't drink it, go away, hurry up! I won't drink Jinlian's medicine after killing me!" If Jiang Hao was still there, Mei Qianxiao would have run away and chased away people.

"It turns out that Master Cao is here, so it's no wonder that he was able to save Qianxiao from ascending to heaven. But what kind of medicine? Can it cure him?" Jiang Hao asked curiously.

"I don't know where he got the remedies for the plague. He has been taking them with us for the past few days. The patient's condition has not deteriorated after taking it, but it has not improved much. The patient who couldn't survive it still died. We are good, temporarily one I didn't get it." Cao Ling ignored his boss's jumping feet, and shoved the bowl directly into Mei Qianxiao's mouth to block this stinky and shameless thing.

"Not a single one?" Jiang Hao heard the contradiction from the good news, pointed at Mei Qian and smiled, "Didn't he contract the plague and be quarantined here?"

Being left alone in this corner, he looked very pitiful.

"He? He hasn't eaten meat in the past few days. He's screaming there every day. Everyone dislikes him and arguing and drives him here." The guy just went to work and we didn't catch him getting the plague?"

"You!" Jiang Hao suddenly realized, smiled and said, "You lied to me again? You are not sick!"

"Brother Xiao, I didn't lie to you, I'm really sick!" Mei Qianxiao was badly spoiled by Cao Ling, and coughed a few times in a hurry, "cough, cough... I actually will die if I don't eat meat. I'm sick, I won't live for a few days, I hope Brother Xiao can quickly return to the capital to help me fulfill my wish."

"Shut up! It's true that good people don't live long, and a scourge like yours will last a thousand years!" Jiang Hao was so angry that he wanted to hammer him to death.

Han Ning and others felt that their tears were fed to the dog, and they felt more uncomfortable than constipation for ten days.

It took a while to calm down, Jiang Hao bowed her head facelessly and bowed to Cao Ling: "Jiang's poor discipline has made Lord Cao laugh... He definitely does not represent the image of Gongweisi, please don't misunderstand Mr. Cao. ."

Cao Ling had such a boss who also lowered his head to meet people, and bowed his hands to Jiang Hao: "Each each other, we're laughing at each other."

"What each other?" Jiang Hao didn't understand the meaning.

"It's nothing." Cao Ling said perfunctorily, "Anyway, I laughed."

"Then what about my wish?" The cheeky people were embarrassed and I was shameless, interjected.

"Shut your mouth honestly!" Cao Ling and Jiang Hao shouted at the same time. Does this shameful guy want to be seen as a joke!

"Master Cao, we are here to pick you up and your colleagues in the sub-station back, can we arrange for everyone to retreat now?" Jiang Hao then remembered her own business and asked.

"Everyone is still on duty, and the current situation is not bad. The plague is still under control, and the patient's condition has not worsened, and we have entered a dangerous area. Maybe we are infected and unknown, and it is not safe to leave in a hurry. It is better to continue. Stay here and stick to it for another ten days and eight days and you should get results." Cao Ling said.

"You're right. I'll report the situation to the capital right away. I don't know what else you need help with?" Jiang Hao understood.

"Some of the medicinal materials for this medicine are already insufficient and urgently needed. Regardless of whether it is effective or not, at least we have not been infected after taking it, and the patient's condition has not deteriorated. It is better to maintain the supply for now, and then let a professional doctor come up with a prescription for treatment. Also, since you have come here, it means that the Wuchang House has been won, and our food supply does not need to be delivered by my subordinates. , the pain will get better sooner.”

"Okay, Jiang will make arrangements now! Hey, Qiu Haoyu, where are you going?"

"Protecting medicines is the most important thing. The prescriptions have been handed over to the generals. I will urge them to prepare the medicinal materials. Don't cut off the medicines!" Qiu Haoyu hurriedly ran off after saying that.

"This kid is really..." Jiang Hao turned her head and smiled at Meiqian, "Don't look at him being angry with you, he actually cares about your safety the most. I heard that you risked staying in the quarantine zone in order to prevent the plague massacre, and his nose is sore. I can't even eat."

"Well, what a good boy... why don't you call him back and exchange with me? I want to go home and eat chicken You can eat shit!" Jiang Hao sighed, she really hated iron. .


ten days later.

Gongliang Junyi went back to the factory office of the Dongji Works Factory, followed by Bai Song, who had made a great contribution this time, and sat opposite Gongliang Junyi to complete the file. This time, the case was considered closed.

The incident of embezzling disaster relief materials in Wuchang House was more serious than Gongliang Junyi had imagined at first, and he even pulled out the governor and minister. However, the handling at the back was more minor than expected. After the case was concluded, many officials were involved, and even the six ministers and other high-ranking officials were all imprisoned. A governor mastermind, judging from his power and status, seems to be more than that.

In any case, this Lu Anshun committed suicide in fear of crime, and there was only so much evidence found in his home, and the case could only end here... This is also what the emperor meant.

"But I don't understand... We have all been rewarded for this incident, and even those Jinyi guards who are stationed in the Wuchang Mansion of the Gongwei Division have taken credit for their promotion. When I received the reward, I was severely scolded, if you and Commander Li hadn’t said a few words to him, I would have been punished.” Bai Song drew the end of the file and handed it over to Gongliang Junyi, puzzled at the same time. Di asked, "Look, it's not that the emperor doesn't value him. At that time, a letter was sent in front of him saying that he sacrificed himself and left to guard and manage the plague patients. The emperor was so anxious that he even sent 18 imperial doctors to lead a team to support him within two days. It can be seen that The emperor is still very concerned about the life and death of this person. It was a thankless effort to assist our Dongji Office in handling a major case, but he was actually trained to lie on the ground in front of the civil and military officials and couldn't lift his head... I have so much to replace He's not worth it. Uh, it's just a little bit, sir, can you stop looking at me with such disgust?"

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