The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 820: Good morning, beautiful and beautiful

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Back at Gongweisi, after a few days of leisure, Mei Qianxiao was grabbed by Jiang Hao early in the morning.

It's not that he and Jiang Hao's team are on a mission. He returned to the capital and was criticized. His food and wages were deducted, and he was also suspended for a month.

To put it bluntly, it is actually giving him a month off to rest well.

As a result, before he could get enough of the bed, Jiang Hao grabbed him and threw him into the martial arts field.

The wind is howling, the dogs are barking, the sky is falling and he can't stop him from sleeping in... Do you think he will get up early and practice in the morning if you throw him to the training ground? Jiang Hao's pattern is really broken!

For a few years, when Lao Tzu was in a state of obsession, his body would explode as long as he didn't practice, and he practiced frantically every day without sleeping.

Look at Lao Tzu using the sky as his bed and the earth as his bed, sleeping in a dead sea and rotten rocks...


Just as Mei Qianxiao was about to lie down, her eyes narrowed into a line that could not be opened stared brightly.

Directly in front of him, a woman in a light blue martial robe held a knife in one hand, and the knife glowed like a torch! For a moment, her figure was agile, and the sword was swaying in the light. Sometimes it was domineering and violent, and it was as fast as a gust of wind. The entire training field was shrouded in her majestic sword! Her swordsmanship highlights precision and efficiency. If Tianlongshanzong's swordsmanship is an unreasonable hero, her swordsmanship is a valiant general who can attack Huanglong!

But none of this matters!

I saw that the side face of the ponytail was youthful and flawless, and the snow-white skin was wet with sweat, revealing a faint cherry red, and the pure and beautiful facial features made people feel like a horse that could not be restrained. What's more terrifying is that the close-fitting martial arts robes can't hide the concave and convex curves. Every time you exert your strength, you can feel the shock of the waves hitting the rocks on the shore!

"Sir Commander, good shot! Ahhh, good swordsmanship! Is it hot or not, do you want a small one to wipe your sweat? Tired or not, do you need a small one to rub your back?" Mei Qian smiled awkwardly Self-control screaming.

Li Damei's childish humiliation is too lethal. If Mei Qianxiao can still sleep, she really has to go to Imperial Doctor Xue for a few injections!

This is Li Mengyao's special martial arts field. Li Mengyao knew that Mei Qianxiao had been thrown in, but she found it uncomfortable to be stared at by Mei Qianxiao without concealment, and she stopped the knife.

Immediately after that, he smiled back to his eyebrows to suppress the embarrassment, lunged with his upper leg and slashed down with a single knife, his movements were not fast, but his supposedly soft body erupted with ruthlessness that would slash anyone and everything in front of him: "Honestly be honest. Look! Lunge down and split, use the strength of the whole body, the key lies in the lunge, and the practice is the lower plate!"

"Yes, yes, the next plate is good!" The girl who practiced the exercises didn't have any fat on the bottom plate, and the curvature of her thighs was awesome!

Seeing Mei Qianxiao's concentration, Li Mengyao nodded, stepped forward and moved sideways, making a horizontal slash with a single sword.

"Don't just stare at the knife, the horizontal slash is about core strength, the strength comes from the waist and comes out from the side, and the back is the abdomen!"

"That's a must, whoever only stares at the knife to see who's the bastard!" Because of the proportion of the upper circumference, Li Mengyao's waist and abdomen look more slender and slender, and she can hold it with a smile. saliva.

Li Mengyao nodded in recognition of Mei Qianxiao's upper heart, and suddenly took a step forward with her right foot, pressed her body forward, and the blade slashed from bottom to top, leaving behind a half-arc of silver light.

"This is not an ordinary squat, it's called Zhan! Stretch your back arm, and the strength of the knife spreads out from the center of your body! Tell me, where is this practice?"

Mei Qianxiao looked at Li Mengyao, who was leaning over like a Dapeng spreading her wings. The peaks were picturesque, and she clapped in admiration from her soul: "It must be the ball!"

"You've only practiced a ball! Ruzi can't be taught!"

Li Mengyao took a lot of effort to decompose him, but this guy was still not enlightened.

Mei Qian laughed and saw that the knife was slashed against his head, how could he still manage to be beautiful and sultry, and immediately turned over and came to a **** who rolled and ran for his life, and was chased and crawled in the martial arts field.

"Murder! Commander kills! Help!"

"Don't worry, I'm using the back of the knife!"

Don't worry, the back of a knife hurts more than a crutch!

In short, Li Mengyao caught up with her and pumped her **** a few times, and when she heard the scream of killing a pig, Li Mengyao was relieved, making Mei Qianxiao stand at attention.

"I just showed the basic swordsmanship of Gongweisi. You learn these three tricks first, and you may be able to bluff people when you go out. Don't underestimate these simple three tricks, they are all basic skills, you give me Practice hard! You see that more and more people are offending you, if you don't improve your martial arts, you will not be the one who will suffer!" Li Mengyao rubbed her chest, which was heaving violently with anger, and said angrily.

"Yes, yes, the boss is right!"

Mei Qianxiao couldn't help being moved, Li Mengyao dug him up early in the morning just because he wanted him to learn more life-saving skills... What was even more touching was that he enjoyed the beautiful scenery early in the morning, what a superior and subordinate could want!

If every morning there is a beautiful and attractive knife technique from Li Damei, how can he be lazy in bed with a smile on his face? Why don't you work actively? How could they not throw their heads and shed blood for the court?

It turned out that his laziness was due to the fact that the court did not assign him a beautiful wife... This case was solved, it was the court's fault!

"The boss takes me to practice every day, and I will definitely achieve results one day!" Mei Qianxiao patted her chest and began to imagine the beauty of every morning in the future.

"Who is free to take you to practice this basic knife technique! I have already called Prince Enke." Li Mengyao snorted coldly and said with disgust.

"What?! When you and I are doing morning exercises, you can still afford the next dry fried beef?!" Mei Qianxiao was extremely surprised.

"Bah! You still need to practice hand-in-hand with such a few basic skills? If your brain is so stupid, I can ask Jiang Hao to come over and give you a hand." Li Mengyao's face turned a little red again, as if there was a bit of emptiness in her mind In the scene of the two people holding hands and dancing the sword in the martial arts field, they couldn't help spit.

"I'm too high-level, Jiang Hao is not worthy of it, he is still suitable to go back to take his junior class... But it's not Enke's turn to guide me! I can kill that foreigner with a little finger!" Qian Xiao said unhappily.

"I can't tell you what to say... But the general constitution of the entire Gongwei Si is only as strong as you. He always says that he wants to learn how to kick you to death. You just happen to be partners to practice."

I rely on... Li Damei's entire strength to come to practice with Lao Tzu is justified, the whole hair is not long enough to learn martial arts. ? How low is the level of Lao Tzu in your eyes! There is a way to let the sweeper come to practice with brother, let's see if brother doesn't drink up his hidden wine!

Going back and forth, Li Mengyao explained the key points of swordsmanship and then left, the faint scent of sweat of the remaining girls in the martial arts field seemed to be scattered. After a while, Enke ran over.

"Master Mei, someone told me to come and practice martial arts with you."

After Enke came back from Wuchang Mansion, he became a lot calmer, and he seldom beat him with small reports. Although occasionally still staring at Li Mengyao and drooling, at least the thought of stuffing him into a bath tub and throwing him into the sea with a palm to make him float back to the Western Continent has faded a lot.

"It's not that you practice martial arts with me, it's you who practice martial arts by yourself." After losing the belief in humiliating her boss, Mei Qianxiao returned to her half-dead appearance and decided to go back to sleep.

"I practice by myself? Where are you going?" Enke was puzzled by the unequal information on both sides.

"Me? Anyway, stay here and don't leave. I'll go buy some oranges."

Enke doesn't know. So, buying oranges at this time makes a mess? But Mei Qianxiao lazily wants to run after saying Mei, I want to ask you a question. ' cried Enke.

If it wasn't for a beautiful woman, she couldn't hold back her brows and smile, and she turned her head while running and asked, "What?"

"You saved the people of Wuchang Mansion, but don't you feel disappointed that your King treats you like this?"

"I didn't save people for the sake of praise. On the contrary, I didn't kill people for the sake of criticism. How can I be disappointed? My KING is wiser than you think. A scolding with thunder and rain is just a trade-off between the government and the opposition. I It's a long vacation without any pain or itching, and Wuchang Mansion is reborn. You can get what you want, don't do what you want, don't just think about showing off, you are a smart person with your head down and your mouth closed. By the way, if someone asks Since you said that I have been practicing here!"

Enke watched Mei Qianxiao disappear into the distance, as if to understand why this lazy scoundrel always had such a good life.

Mei Qianxiao shook her head, and only a child asked such a question... Can the emperor treat him badly for what he did! I can't see how much money he paid for reimbursement in the name of Enke, which was more than three months' salary!

Let's go to Jinfenglou tonight! He generously offered money to Xu Luoqing, so what if he paid the old lady's money for touching porcelain last time!

After a few hissing sounds, Mei Qianxiao returned to the room, when a wisp of white smoke suddenly floated from the corner cabinet.

You can't talk about people during the day, and you can't talk about robbery at night. Look, what are you talking about... Your sister broke into my empty door again, you think I am your toilet, come and go and leave when you want, people go to the building and stay empty. Strange gas ghosts linger! The thief is amazing!

He scolded and walked over to take a look. The books in the dark room seemed to fill his heart, and he couldn't help but smile in surprise...Is my collection finally returned? ! It seems that he is still meowing more than the original!

Count you as a thief with a conscience!

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