The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 857: Liuzhuang is overjoyed, distinguished guests are different

"Congratulations, congratulations! Master Liu is a big happy event today!"

"Congratulations to Gang Master Shi! Gang Master Shi is willing to come, and Liu Mou has lost his way to welcome him!"

"Hahaha, there is no need to be polite between you and me! Come on, let a few more of your people come and receive the congratulations!"

"You... Gang Master Shi is so polite, to bring such a generous gift!" Liu Xingteng hurriedly called his servants to the door to receive the congratulatory gifts from three carriages, and personally gave Jiu Quenfang Gang Master Shi Quan and his son Shi Hongyi. Lead the way, "Come here, please!"

Tonight is the wedding day of his daughter Liu Xingteng, and it is also a big day for Liu Jiazhuang and Lu Jiazhuang to join forces. What's more, the second young master of Lujiazhuang married in the name of entering the family. Liujiazhuang is equivalent to being the principal of the two villas. With their status, there are no nameless guests, and Liu Xingteng will welcome them at the gate in person.

Jiuquanfang is not a big sect, but it is quite famous for casting weapons locally. But Liujiazhuang and Jiuquanfang have close business contacts, and Liu Xingteng and Shiquan also often deal with each other.

Liu Xingteng greeted Shi Quan warmly, but ignored his son Shi Hongyi.

Liu Xingteng still remembers the last time Shi Hongyi broke into Liu Shaorou's boudoir at night with a bad intention. If Shi Hongyi succeeded that day and Liu Shaorou's chastity was not guaranteed to spread out, how could today's big marriage still be done, and the good thing was almost ruined by this beast! Later, if Shi Quan hadn't brought Shi Hongyi to personally apologize to him, he would have asked Shi Hongyi for trouble.

Today's huge Liujiazhuang has more than 300 tables. With the main courtyard as the core, it includes six large courtyards on all sides. If it weren't for a wealthy family like Liujiazhuang, it would be impossible to set up such a battle.

Jiuquanfang's status is not top, but he has a deep personal relationship. Liu Xingteng led him through the lively courtyard to the main courtyard area, and came to one of the ten main tables facing him in the deepest part. It can be said to be the most respected area for guests.

Shi Quan secretly made a lot of it. The tables here are next to the Liu family's main table, and the representatives of the top factions are sitting on the tables. He also understands that Liu Xingteng has given himself enough face, and he is happy now. Say hello to people.

There are big people in this area, but there is only one table in the corner, which is a small single table, which is relatively incompatible with other grand and luxurious round tables. A man with a mustache was sitting there alone. He was about fifty years old, dressed in simple clothes, sitting or not, and his temperament was difficult to be elegant. He turned a deaf ear to the hilarious sounds of the nearby gun salutes, greetings and socializing, and seemed to be more interested in drinking the pots and pots in front of him.

This person is very faceless and has never seen it before.

Shi Quan didn't lose his courtesy, so he went up to greet the other party.

But the man didn't even bother, just beckoned for another plate of peanuts.

Shi Quan felt that he lost his face, his face became gloomy, and the good mood after the day seemed to be poured into a basin of cold water, which was extremely disappointing.

"This is the adoptive father of my daughter Shaorou. I'm not very particular, please forgive me." Liu Xingteng seemed to be worried that Shi Quan would have a conflict with the other party, so he hurried over to explain.

It turned out to be Liu Shaorou's adoptive father...Shi Quan heard from his son that Liu Xingteng's illegitimate daughter Liu Shaorou used to live abroad and was adopted by a local ruffian who looked like a liar. But his son suspected that there was fraud, and it was likely that the father and daughter received Liu Xingteng's illegitimate daughter somewhere, so they lied to Liu Xingteng.

When I saw him today, this man's eyes were so rude that Shi Quan believed it a little bit more.

"Why haven't the food been served, I'm already hungry. Those who didn't come, don't wait. Hundreds of people who come and go can't wait." The man ate the last peanut on the plate. The new peanuts hadn't been delivered yet, so he turned around and complained to Liu Xingteng.

"No hurry, no hurry, and Xing Bing, the eldest disciple sent by Shaolin Temple to represent the first Master Chenggui in Arhat Hall, has not arrived yet. He has something to delay on the way. We will wait a while." Liu Xingteng squeezed out a smile and apologized to the man.

Shi Quan doesn't like it in his eyes. The dignified owner of Liujiazhuang, why should he apologize to such an unnamed local ruffian? Whose territory is this Liujiazhuang? The host said that the seat could not be opened, that is, the seat could not be opened, and why do I need to tell you?

"Then what is Xingbing waiting for? He's not a big man. Anyway, he's a monk. If you come late, you can eat some leftover vegetables. Do you want Laozi to wait for him?" Fish eyes make people look very angry.

The representative from Shaolin Temple is not considered a big man?

Shi Quan couldn't help but say something to his host: "You..."

But Liu Xingteng stopped him.

Liu Xingteng knew this well.

This line is regarded as a famous person in the world, but Shaolin disciples in the "xing" generation are as good as their grandsons in the eyes of men... People who call his master Chengji may not take it seriously. He really has this kind of words. Qualified to say. But having the right to say it and opening your mouth to say it are two different things. At least people who don't know it think you are insane.

In Liu Xingteng's eyes, having a good relationship with the Shaolin Temple is more important than this guy. No matter how senior this guy is, he won't be able to get on the table. If he's not careful, it's easy to provoke a show... He has to continue sloppy eyes and say: "Alright, alright, I'll have someone prepare it right away, the auspicious time is coming anyway."

After speaking, he motioned the servants to quickly get a few more plates of peanuts and melon seeds for the man, and hurriedly left with Shi Quan.

"I said Brother Liu, your stomach is too wide... What kind of thing is he? Besides, I see that he is sour and sour, and I am very worried that he is a liar..." After Shi Quan was pulled away by Liu Xingteng, he couldn't help it. Said to Liu Xingteng.

"Don't talk about Shi gang master, I have my own opinion. If you don't explain to this person, you will save the suffering." Liu Xingteng reassured that Shi Quan didn't see that few people in the circle here are willing to deal with that guy. This person is just a ruffian and the temperament of everyone is not on the same line... Of course, there is also the reason why the seniority gap is too big and you don't know the true face of Mount You are free, I have to go to the door to pick up the distinguished guests. "

"Go, go, you don't have to waste time on us, Liujiazhuang is not the same as my own family to me." Shi Quan said familiarly.

Liu Xingteng smiled, patted Shi Quan's shoulder and walked away quickly.

There are representatives of the great sects that are hard to come across on weekdays. Although they are not the elders of the sect but the core disciples of the younger generation, it is enough for Shi Quan to get acquainted. Besides, their Jiuquanfang is famous for casting, and it might be very good to talk about some business with these top sects.

When Shi Quan greeted tea one by one, Shi Hongyi escaped.

He was about to play with Liu Chengxi, but Liu Chengxi was sitting at the front table not far away.

But as soon as he approached, Mrs. Liu next to him stared him back.

Liu Xinqiao has had several conflicts with her husband recently, the reason being her son Liu Chengxi. Although Liu Xingteng was right many times, in Liu Xinqiao's eyes, he could not see his only son being punished. So, she felt that her son was a little skinny, but it was mainly caused by the friends around her... Among them, Shi Hongyi, the friend who played with wine and meat most often, unknowingly took out his anger at him!

Today, Liu Chengxi gave Liu Xingteng a ban, and she could only sit in her seat all night. She, the mother, had to be angry with him. There is nowhere to get angry, Shi Hongyi will suffer if he dares to come.

Shi Hongyi glanced at him, and when he saw that the atmosphere was not right, he quickly turned around and sat down.

But when he touched it quietly, he saw that Liu Chengxi gave him a few winks.

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