The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 859: No skill, self-awareness

Yue's voice used a strange internal force, and the sound was not loud, but every word and sentence seemed to be whispered in his ear. The warning in the clear and identifiable tone, no one will think that he just said a joke.

This is big news!

Not long ago, the emperor held a martial arts conference through Linjiazhuang, probably intending to cleanse the Sun Moon God Sect and return the kindness of the Sun Moon God Sect for saving the car. After such a cleanup, although it is clear that people who understand clearly understand what the Sun Moon God Cult is about, those who don't understand can only follow the direction of public opinion.

As a result, the Sun and Moon Divine Sect just looked a little whitewashed, so it's a monster again! Sure enough, the dog can't change eating shit, the devil is still the devil!

Most of the people present belonged to the right way, and they had never seen the legendary character Yue, so they all fretted when they heard that the main demon sect came to **** relatives.

To actually dare to rob Liujiazhuang and Lujiazhuang's relatives, this madman has not lost the notoriety of the Sun Moon God Cult!

"The leader of the demon sect... wants to rob my relatives?"

Lu Jian'er was startled for a moment, then stared at Yue and looked around quickly.

He was not surprised, the bride fell into the hands of others, it seemed that he didn't worry too much. He seemed to be more interested in Yue than his own bride.

"I don't agree with this marriage. Since I don't agree, you won't be able to get married even if the sky falls... Do you have any opinion?" Yue tore off the red silk in Liu Shaorou's hand and threw it aside.

Lu Jian'er was the only one who was alone holding the red silk. Lu Jian'er didn't find it interesting.

The red silk fluttered like a rush of electricity, and it struck the air with a swoosh!

Yue Mu didn't squint, she put her arms around the bride with one hand, gently lifted her free hand, and bent her fingers into claws to probe into the void.

Before the red silk could touch his hand, it was torn to shreds by an invisible force!

"Long River!"

Lu Jian'er did not know when he had jumped up, the proportions of his long legs covered by the groom's robe were envious of others, he twisted his body and threw it horizontally.

The guests present all had eyesight, and couldn't help but snorted: Good work!

Lujiazhuang's "Legs Without Traces in Fallen Leaves" is one of the best leg skills in the Central Plains martial arts, and it is also the foundation of Lujiazhuang's famous foothold in the arena. Lu Jian'er was young, and he didn't expect to have practiced to such a level. With this sweeping performance, many of the core disciples in the sect present were sighed that they couldn't handle it!

Yue is not afraid, as if she can't see the inner power of the running waves.

The protruding claws continued to move forward, which seemed to be much slower than the terrifying leg sweep. But it just happened to catch the long legs that Lu Jianer swept, as if Lu Jianer took the initiative to give it to others, and the strong legs were as strong as a stone sinking into the sea.

Lu Jian'er was originally expressionless, but now frowns tightly.

At the beginning of the lower plate, the legs are rhizomes. Under normal circumstances, martial arts are like this, and it needs to exert force from the lower plate to fill the whole body. The power of the lower plate needs to come from the legs, just like the rhizome of a plant rooting in the soil. This is also why many beginners who are just starting to learn kung fu initially need to practice horse steps, because the bottom plate is the basis of all exertion. Therefore, the major taboo for martial arts practitioners is to get caught on their legs and feet. Once caught, they will not be able to exert half of their strength.

The fact that "Legs Without Traces in Fallen Leaves" has won high praise in the arena is not a vain name. If you can simply catch "Legs Without Marks in Fallen Leaves", this leg technique is nothing more than that.

"Legs Without Marks in Fallen Leaves" moves erratically and is extremely dexterous, making it difficult to distinguish between reality and reality.

Lu Jian'er's "Long River" seems to be going straight, but it also implements the dexterity of "Legs Without Traces in Fallen Leaves". Seeing the movement of Yue's hand, Lu Jian'er has changed accordingly, intending to avoid the block, and instead slammed to the side.

But beyond imagination, the inner strength he mobilized was completely useless, and any changes in his legs could not be produced, and he slammed it in a daze. In addition to its power, it is also worthy of the title of "Legs Without Traces in Fallen Leaves", and the agile and unexpected soul has no trace at all.

That's right, he didn't kick it into Yue's hand on purpose, but Yue's hand generated a burst of suction to **** his leg over! The powerful suction is constant and adapts to all changes. No matter whether your legs are empty or real, you can just wave your hands, and your legs can only go there in the end! And the power of the strike was all taken down by the opponent!

The name of the leader of the demon sect is like thunder, and it has become a legend in the rivers and lakes even when he was only a guardian of the law. Of course, Lu Jianer knows that Yue is powerful. But it was only when he actually met him that he realized that Yue was even more terrifying than he imagined!

The other party's indifferent appearance, I'm afraid I haven't forced the other party's strength!

"Falling Moon!"

Lu Jian'er's skills are quite good, regardless of the "long river" that was blocked, one move after another, and now force himself to volley and twist his waist. Because of his strength, he made a squeak, and the position of the waist of the groom's robe was twisted into rags directly by the powerful abdominal force!

After all, the bridegroom's robe is not a martial arts robe, so it can't stand the tossing of a master in a fight.

With the power of turning over, his other foot slammed down on his head. Under the condensed internal force, he split his legs as fast as lightning, drawing a beautiful arc in the air, like the moon bending westward, and the night sky falling brightly!

"Legs Without Traces in Fallen Leaves" can be described as varied. "Long River" is followed by "Lost Moon", and many variables have been added to the agility, which makes it hard to prevent. And there are countless such interlockings in "Legs Without Marks in Fallen Leaves", and once they are played out, they will be endless.

Yue pursed her lips... No wonder Lu Jiazhuang dared to go to Beijing to fight for his concubine. Even the second young master of Lujiazhuang, at a young age, has far surpassed many peers of the first-class martial arts in martial arts, and even if it is a master of the same level, it is difficult to prevent such a sharp surprise. Compared with many big factions that have not been connected at the beginning, Lujiazhuang is probably still enduring for many years.

But Yue and Lu Jian'er are not experts of the same level, and the difference between the two's strength is not even a star.

Yue still only used the outstretched hand, his upper shoulders shook, his elbows upturned, and he precisely blocked his long legs.

This month, it's not just a pick-up, but a touch!

Lu Jian'er felt that Yue touched him with her elbow, and an unstoppable terrifying force immediately came from her leg! A little careless, Lu Jian'er was afraid that his legs would be broken, but Lu Jian'er's legs were as dexterous as possible, knowing that he couldn't touch him head on, and then he subtly relieved most of his strength.

When the two collided, Lu Jian'er was no match for it, and it was quite remarkable to be able to relieve it in time. At the time of the relief, the strength of the opponent's upside down, Lu Jian'er was shaken and flew out, as if a cannonball flew into the sky!

Lu Jian'er's handsome turn around and swept across the sky and the slashing attack in the air made everyone in the room amazed. But the admiration for the future was not enough to Seeing that Yue only had one hand and didn't see much movement, Lu Jianer was blasted out!

Faced with such a situation, it is not admiration, only panic.

Lu Jian'er shot out, gritted his teeth in the air, and turned his body over before hitting the ceiling. Immediately after landing, both feet landed on the ceiling, and the beams squeaked and screamed when they stepped on them. Only then did they lose momentum and float down.

Although Lu Jian'er's face was ugly when he landed, and the groom's clothes were shattered like rags, no one thought that he was making a fool of himself... With two moves in Yue's hands, it was already clear that Lu Jian'er's skills were very good. Young talents, you can only blame the other party for being too evil!

After Lu Jian'er landed, he frowned and looked at Yue. The other party seemed to be unhurried, as if he was going to give him a chance to challenge. It is also the first time that Lu Jianer has met her so confidently.

But Lu Jian'er had self-knowledge, the other party only used one hand, obviously he was very drained, and it would be useless for him to do it 10,000 times. I had to stand on the opposite side and stare blankly, not daring to challenge again.

Yue wanted to steal his relatives, but he really couldn't stop him with his ability. Lu Jian'er could only admit that Lu Jiazhuang was going to lose a big face in Yue's hands this time!

Lu Jian'er has self-knowledge, but some people don't have this self-knowledge...

"Presumptuous! I want her to marry whomever I want her to marry, but it's your turn to object here? When will Liujiazhuang become a place where you can run wild!"

Mrs. Liu, Liu Xinqiao, was sitting behind Yue. Seeing that Yuelai robbed the bridegroom and embarrassed the groom, she slapped the chair again and became so angry.

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