The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 892: Medical skills show blood, bizarre discovery

Mei Qianxiao's group went for a few hours as soon as they left, exhausting the good daytime in vain. At sunset and dusk, Mei Qianxiao returned home with a toothpick in his stomach like a landowner, and the officials who stayed behind saw itchy teeth.

Let him handle the case here, collect the corpse and send people to search the scene. What's more, the murderer himself is completely dead now, and it's even more worry-free. It's over in two days. It's a waste of time to be dragged here by this guy. He is a dignified Shao Yin, a high-ranking official from the fourth rank, and time is also very precious!

But as long as this mortal star is in Kanto, his task is to keep an eye on him, and he can only spend it with him.

The official squeezed a smile and greeted him: "Meijin Yiwei has enough to eat and drink? Today, Meijin Yiwei is exhausted from running around. There are still many unused wing rooms in Liujiazhuang that we have packed up and used as temporary residences. Why don't we go first? take a break?"

"Hey, this case hasn't progressed much in two days, why are you still sleeping? Your words are dereliction of duty." Mei Qianxiao said contemptuously.

Lao Tzu stayed here for two days and two nights, and still neglected his duties? ? If it weren't for the fact that he was just a civil servant who had no power to restrain his chickens, he would have slapped his mouth with a big mouth on the face of this voice star!

Isn't it you who neglected your duty? ! !

"Forget it, I'll turn a blind eye on this trivial matter. If I don't make a small report with the governor, I will treat it as if you owe me a favor."

Your kindness is really indebted!

No wonder he heard that the famously calm and wise Governor Guangjiang was so angry that he lost his mind before he fell. Now that he saw the Spring Festival couplets, the rumors were a bit true. He didn't know if the ruthless governor of Guangjiang was a human being, but he was a real dog

"Then I don't know what Meijin Yiwei is going to do now?" the official asked with gritted teeth and a stiff face.

Mei Qianxiao tilted her head to look at Hu Lai, Hu Lai looked up and said, "I see that the sky is almost over, we can start now. Prepare water."

"Prepare water?" The official still had a question mark. He never understood the logic of what they were talking about when dealing with Mei Qianxiao's people. He jumped too fast, "Does Mei Jin Yiwei want to drink water or take a bath?"

"Shidi Liujiazhuang is so dirty, why don't we wash it?" Mei Qian laughed.

The officer was dizzy when he heard it, and he had to clean the crime scene! The case is still unsolved!

With a cold face, the official scolded the man as a lunatic, but he ordered someone to draw water from the well and filled the Liujiazhuang cistern.

I saw that the quack doctor brought by Mei Qianxiao came back this time with a bag of flour, and suddenly all of it was sprinkled into it.

"Trouble the brothers of the government to wet the ground from the square to the back room and use the water here." Mei Qianxiao pointed at the pool.

Officials were too lazy to ask any further questions and ordered someone to do so.

Mei Qianxiao and Mei Qianju divided their troops, followed the yamen who started busy with buckets and fetched water, watching them gradually wet the ground.

Mei Qianxiao took Hu Lai to the back room, and the officials naturally followed Mei Qianxiao.

I saw that Mei Qianxiao had nothing to do and introduced Hu Lai: "Don't underestimate the shabby-looking yard. Behind this is the Liu family's ancestral house. Only the blood relatives of the Liu family can live in it, and no one else can enter."

"Is Liujiazhuang your creditor? You know it very well." Hu Lai said, rubbing his beard under his chin.

"Master Laozi's creditors are everywhere in the world. It's hard to say, but I didn't owe Liujiazhuang, but I heard about it when I came to Liujiazhuang on behalf of Gongwei Si last time." Mei Qianxiao spread her hands and said innocently.

"Last time? When?" Hu Lai looked left and right, chatting.

"Just last week, Liu Jiazhuang got married and then this happened. You said it was a coincidence, ahahaha"

You can still laugh, you mortal star!

Believe it or not, it's not a good thing, but I just came to Liujiazhuang for a wedding banquet, and directly blew the marriage and drank the entire Liujiazhuang!

The official listened silently behind him, sweating coldly, and even thought of retiring early and returning home.

Suddenly, Mei Qianxiao grabbed Hu Lai's shoulder, with a good mood on his face: "Senior brother, there is a situation!"

After that, the two ran to the other side of the square.

The officials followed closely and trotted all the way to the side of the square, where they saw Qianqian's tall and tall body standing on the railing as steady as Mount Tai, and several yamen officers were chatting outside.

there's a situation

But how did Mei Qianxiao receive the news, he didn't hear anyone coming to report.

The official was more curious about the situation in front of him, and quickly ignored it, and ran forward to check.

I saw that the open space on that side was completely wet, and a large pool of blood appeared out of thin air.

"This is it?!" The officer's eyes widened, and he didn't know what happened to the originally clean ground. He couldn't help but bent down and reached out to touch it, but there was only water and no blood on his hand, "Is there blood or not? Blood?"

"The blood here has been wiped off." Mei Qian smiled as expected, "Let's use a secret recipe to reveal the wiped blood. If it weren't for this quack doctor, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to discover this secret."

The official looked back in panic and looked at the charlatan who was acting like a liar, how could the blood that was wiped off actually reappear?

Thinking back quietly, it seems that the "flour" that Hu Lai poured into the sink just now is probably a blood-stained thing.

"But why are the bloodstains wiped off here?" The officials looked around. There were casualties everywhere in the Liujiazhuang massacre. Who would have thought that someone would wipe off some bloodstains?

Isn't that a lot of work! Security does not understand.

Mei Qian smiled, and it was no surprise that he had heard of this kind of blood-seeking secret technique before, and he knew that Hu Lai was a single handed down by the former imperial doctor.

As he said, for Hu Lai, this blood coagulation powder is only worth a wanton noodles.

"Wiping off the blood stains must be to cover up something." Mei Qianxiao didn't say much nonsense, but just clapped her hands to make everyone return to their senses: "Everyone continue, there must be traces nearby!"

Cover up what? !

The official didn't want to understand, but he also understood that if he followed the clues, he would get the results. He quickly shouted to the yamen who were watching the play: "What are you doing, keep pouring water!"

The yamen continued to fetch water to wash the ground, and they were very busy.

Slowly, more and more places showed the blood that had been cleaned up.

The officials were overwhelmed with amazement and looked back and forth. Only then did he find that Mei Qianxiao was not in a hurry, and only picked a route for the yamen to water and stared at it.

The officials have learned to behave well now. Anyway, they asked people and said they didn't understand, so they quickly followed Mei Qianxiao and stopped hanging around.

Mei Qianxiao directed the yamen to water the water along the road, leaving a stream of blood flowing on the ground gradually, as well as a blood paste that gradually became lighter. You don't need to smile to explain that the officials can roughly identify These are **** footprints that have been wiped away!

The clues seem to be gone here.

"The clue is broken." The official said helplessly.

"It's broken, but it's not completely broken." Mei Qianxiao asked all the yamen to bring water to the vicinity, so there was no need to waste time elsewhere.

Even if it is just to wet the area square of the main hall of Liujiazhuang, the workload is not small, but Mei Qianxiao has found a clue to reduce the workload.

After a meal of watering, the open space in the northwest direction of this square became wet. In addition to the footprints that disappeared just now, more and more broken blood lines and footprints appeared nearby, and it was obvious that these disappeared footprints were running towards this side. However, the blood is limited, and basically it will dry up after running for a while.

The officials are helpless, where did the clues come from not completely cut off?

"These clues are enough." Mei Qianxiao stared at the footprints around, overlapping the directions of the footprints in all directions, enough for Mei Qianxiao to identify the direction, and pointed to a courtyard in the northwest, "What is that place? "

"That? That's my room."

"Huh?" Mei Qian smiled for a while, "Damn it, is this your home?"

"No, no," the official hurriedly waved his hand to correct, "That other courtyard was prepared by Liujiazhuang to greet important guests, and it is rarely used. This place has not been damaged in this chaos, so we used it as a temporary residence. Wait a minute, isn't it Meijin Yiwei, do you mean that the destination of these **** footprints is that?!"

Looking at the strange scene where the **** footprints pointed to the other side, the official suddenly felt a chill down his spine, and he didn't know if it was because of his mood.

"Hehe, who knows what you guys have slept with all night." Mei Qianxiao patted the official's skin with a smile, and asked him to lead the way, "Everyone fill up the buckets and go to your dormitory to have a look."

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