The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 952: The real case, the end of the original intention

Under the constant surveillance of Shi Prison, a group of monk disciples searched the east wing to the ground, confirming that Master Huifang did not play a trick to escape from suspended animation.

Master Huifang's escape is equivalent to confirming Xuelang's inference. Master Chengjing is not old and confused. He brought the news back to Shaolin, and the **** case in Shenzong Temple came to an end. Shi Prison was naturally acquitted and continued to stay in Shenzong Temple to meditate... After this change, he had no intention of joining the rivers and lakes.

The princess and her party also made their way back to the palace, and gathered at the palace and the emperor to detail the process and results of the investigation.

The process is very complicated, but also twists and turns bizarre, listening to the emperor's admiration, so exciting that I wish I could see with my own eyes how this serial trick Master Hui Fang was detected by the fiery-eyed blood wolf!

"I didn't expect that the blood wolf brother is very witty, wonderful!" The emperor was partial to the blood wolf, and at this time he did not hide his satisfaction with the blood wolf.

Lu Fujin and the others also had nothing to say. After all, it was indeed the blood wolf who saw through the traitor's trick in the end.

But who would have thought that the murderer was actually inside him! That is the connection person arranged by the court there!

"Okay, if everyone has no other opinions, shall we start grading them according to their performance now?" The emperor looked around for a week, confident that these people were convinced, who could raise objections?

"I have something to say! What the emperor asked us to investigate is not over yet."

The emperor was surprised that there were still people who dared to stand up and be stubborn?

He was faintly angry, who is so shameless, he looked intently... It turned out to be a blood wolf, then it's alright...

No, the blood wolf will definitely win this review, why did he stand up against it? !

I am against myself? ? ?

"General Blood Wolf, you solved the case, why do you say the case hasn't been solved yet?" Li Changrong asked quickly.

The blood wolf behaved in its own way and played cards completely out of common sense. Li Changrong was worried that he would overturn the sure-win situation by superfluous.

"What the emperor really wants us to investigate is not the murder case of the ghost-headed knife king..." Xuelang said with a grin.

"General Blood Wolf, what do you mean by that?" Shen Hongtang looked at the emperor and then at the blood wolf, obviously the emperor himself was confused.

"I ask you, about the matter of the ghost-headed knife king Jianghu's retreat and self-closing in Shenzong Temple, why did the imperial court intervene?" Xuelang looked at the other people who were frowning, and asked back.

The blood wolf gave them a little time to think, and they all figured out after a while. I thought I understood, but no one dared to say it.

They dared not speak plainly, but the blood wolf dared to say, "Of course it is because of Mo Xie's miraculous skills, or else the emperor is willing to invest in the construction of Shenzun Temple? Where can the silver of Baihuahua be better spent than in the deep mountains and old forests?"

Seeing that the blood wolf actually said it plainly, everyone secretly looked at the emperor's face.

"Although the emperor does not need any magical powers, the flow of magical powers in the rivers and lakes will inevitably cause blood and blood, so the emperor has to take part in blocking the ghost-headed knife king. The emperor is here to eliminate hidden dangers for the rivers and lakes, and he is a Mingjun who does good deeds silently and doesn't speak up! Long live my emperor!"

I'll go... This guy's backhand is just a piece of flattery, and the filming of the emperor Fuxu's secret music also caught everyone off guard.

Although it does have the function of removing hidden dangers for the rivers and lakes, this is only a matter of the way! The emperor intervened in this matter and also put Master Huifang in it. In fact, he was like everyone in the rivers and lakes, and wanted to take the magic for himself!

Even if the emperor doesn't need to practice any magical skills, he can become an absolute force when handed over to the three companies, which is better than falling into the hands of a good person or a bad person. Even if it is swallowed by Shaolin Temple, the imperial court is worried that Shaolin Temple will become more dominant, and how can it not interfere in the face of the opportunity of peerless martial arts.

"The emperor is concerned about Shi Prison's murder. There are many embarrassments. In fact, he only cares about where the magic is in his hands. If there is no so-called magic, who has time to care about his life and death?" Said: "I have already checked it out, the words of Mo Xiezhi, the go-getter revealed from Shi Prison's mouth, are just a metaphor for loneliness."

The blood wolf really understood, and when he rushed back to the God of Swords on the first night to understand Shi Prison's situation, he wanted to understand what Shi Prison's general, Mo Xie, meant.

"Metaphor?" Everyone couldn't figure it out.

"Everything starts with the origin of the Ghost-headed Swordsman..." Xuelang grinned, his arrogance was not concealed at all, it was really arrogant, "Back then, the Ghost-headed Swordsman was a great swordsman, but later In order to avenge the family's revenge, he tried his life to study the swordsmanship, and acted too hastily. Although he was successful in his cultivation, he also hurt his body and spirit, which was not the right way. Then, when he had the confidence to seek revenge on the enemy, in fact, the big devil was not his own hands. Killed, but he has already gone into the devil's life not long ago..."

"Before that, the ghost-headed sword king was not called the ghost-headed sword king. That sword was obtained from his enemy, the big devil. Only then did he rely on his fierce and lifeless swordsmanship to fit that sword. The terrifying ghost-headed sword won the title of the ghost-headed sword king." The blood wolf said in detail, this is the origin of the ghost-headed sword king.

"So what?" the crowd asked again.

"It means that the Ghost-headed Swordsman King did not acquire the magic skills from Mo Xie, a good man, and practiced martial arts without his own life." Xuelang said angrily.

"So it's just that he lied to us?" Li Changrong couldn't help but wonder.

"That's not... They didn't say that they got the magic from the knife, they just told a story with two famous knives." The topic of the blood wolf changed, "But this story is not from Shi Prison's nonsense. Brother Shen After spending a few days with him, I should know that he is a straight-forward person who doesn't make up stories."

"That's right." Shen Hongtang said confidently.

Even if Shi Prison endured the murderer's guilt, he never lied to them.

"Where does the so-called Gan Jiang Mo Xie come from? It's just a metaphor... There is indeed a martial art hidden in the sword, but it is not hidden in the Gan Jiang Mo Xie, but the ghost-headed sword! And what is hidden is not the magic power, but the magic power, the ghost-headed sword king. hidden by the original owner!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and Lu Jianyi couldn't help but say, "It's all just your guess!"

"That's right, I can't give you any evidence unless I break his ghost-headed knife." Blood Wolf laughed, "but there are traces of this speculation. The stone prisoner should be from a dying great demon. Touzui learned that he hid the magic power in the knife, and knew that this harmful martial arts could not be passed on to the world, but the ghost knife was a magic knife built by the big devil who dominated the party, and could not find a way to destroy it. So I thought again and again. , he gave up the knife he had in hand and switched to a ghost-headed knife, intending to guard this secret in person."

"This secret has been kept for decades, until Shi Prison's anger became too much, and he knew it was time to retreat. Returning to a peaceful life, this secret that has been guarded for many years, can't help but drink with friends. He blurted out. But he still understood what was at stake, and it was just a metaphor for the story of a fictitious go-getter Mo Xie. In fact, it was the Guitou Dao who really hid the magic power."

The blood wolf didn't know where the confidence came from, but he said it so clearly that everyone was so surprised that they couldn't speak, and they didn't know whether to believe it or not.

"So it's useless to find Shi Prisoner to spy on Mo Xie's magical power. There is no such thing at all. The emperor and Shaolin have cooperated to block Shi Prison for many years, not just to confirm the whereabouts of the magical power... I also found out the whereabouts."

This time, everyone immediately gave up Piaoyuan's thoughts and pricked up their ears. Only Shen Hongtang was stunned and smiled relieved... Blood Wolf, Blood Wolf, pulling them to drink tea every day, really thoroughly checked everything that should be checked, and had to obey.

"When Shi Prison decided to retire, he had already handed the Ghost Head Sabre to Lin Jiazhuang, the head of the martial arts alliance, to take care of him. The so-called cadre Mo Xie's miraculous power has disappeared."

At that time, Shi Prison of course didn't know that the blood wolf had already guessed the inside story of the ghost-headed knife. When he was chatting, he asked where the ghost-headed knife king was going to be. If he suddenly concealed it, it would make people suspicious. Therefore, Shi Prison generously explained the whereabouts of the ghost-headed First, even the blood wolf could not trespass in Linjiazhuang, and secondly, he continued to confess to the blood wolf in exchange for the trust of the blood wolf and help him clear his grievances . He dared to hand over the Ghost Head Sabre to Lin Jiazhuang, naturally convinced that it was the most reassuring place in the world.

Shen Hongtang laughed just now, but now he understands that when the three of them were drinking tea and chatting, Shi Prison wanted to use the blood wolf to clear his grievances, but the blood wolf used this to confuse him... Although they each had their own thoughts, their thoughts They don't do any harm, I really can't explain whether the Tao is one foot high and the devil is one foot high.

The reason why the blood wolf dared to explain the location of the Ghost Head Sabre openly is because Lin Jiazhuang is very reassuring. Even if this secret is spread out by these people, does anyone have the ability to break through Lin Jiazhuang and grab a ghost knife? Also, even if he can break through Lin Jiazhuang, he will steal a ghost's ghost-head knife. Isn't Lin Jiazhuang's own peerless martial arts delicious!

"As for Shi Prisoner, what the emperor really wants to find out is Moxie's magical power, a cadre spread in the rivers and lakes. Now I have found out the truth. The emperor doesn't need to worry about the whereabouts of the so-called magical power. This big stone can be placed." Everyone was amazed.

The emperor sighed deeply, looked at the crowd and said, "The Blood Wolf has ended our original intention to build Shenzong Temple with Shaolin. I won't say more, please rate me."

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