The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 970: Show off your skills

"Get up, let's talk about this later. Blood wolf, go back and continue the game." The emperor reassured everyone.

If it leaked out, Li Mengyao would definitely be punished, otherwise it would be difficult to convince the public. But not this time.

In today's competition, in addition to the cabinet ministers, there are also many local tyrants and squires who came in. It can be said that the subjects gather together, and it is not good to lose the face of the court in public.

The blood wolf glared fiercely at the brow and smiled, seeing the smirk hanging from the corner of his mouth, he was not happy, and only then returned to the competition stage.

"The next one, the blood wolf general of the four martial arts of the country!" The father-in-law read the blood wolf, and the counselor just now smiled with a high-pitched voice.

The four martial arts of Zhenguo, who doesn't admire them greatly!

The four martial arts of the town are all mysterious. This time, one of them came out in an open and fair manner, and everyone stared at it carefully.

I saw the blood wolf with a sullen face, jumped up, and stepped onto the martial arts platform. The mood of the surrounding audience is still very light, the mere Queen Loulan is a weak girl, can General Blood Wolf still lose? It just depends on what General Blood Wolf wants to make, so that Queen Loulan can come down with dignity... But General Blood Wolf's solemn expression is too much... It feels like he is going to the battlefield!

It's not too much, only the two people on stage know.

At this time, everyone paid attention to the blood wolf, but did not find that Queen Loulan had changed her standing position.

She carried it with one hand and held it lightly with the other, which was more casual than her previous appearance.

But faintly, there was a rustling sound above the competition platform.

Under the competition stage, Lu Fujin and the others, who were originally indifferent, watched as fine dust swept up from Queen Loulan's feet, like a wind blowing clouds, and they were even more astonished!

"The test begins! General Blood Wolf, please be merciful!" Father-in-law announced the start of the test, and did not forget to give Blood Wolf a little more.

The blood wolf is extremely powerful at first glance, let alone using martial arts, any elbow can break the slender waist of Queen Loulan, and I have to worry that the blood wolf's shot is not serious.

The blood wolf nodded slightly, but his brows were wrinkled, and it was very scary not to be angry.

"It's too late for you to stop now." The blood wolf condensed his eyes and said.

Although he had already guessed that Yuchi Li was going to stumble when facing him, Blood Wolf still wanted to persuade Yuchi Li before he had a big problem.

No accident, Yuchi Li closed his ears and could not hear the sound transmission. With her resolute temperament, she will not retreat as long as she fails to achieve her goal at this point.

The blood wolf ultimatum has no effect, only a quick solution.

Queen Loulan had been accumulating power faintly when Enke's farce, and the powerful internal force was surging like a flood in her body, which only affected her body without wind.

The first time I saw the blood wolf set off, I immediately made every effort regardless of the 3721!

How could she not know that the strength of the devil boy is not something she can deal with at all... But it is precisely because she knows that, so she doesn't need to think about it, just do her best without reservation!

Amid all the exclamations, Queen Loulan pressed her white as porcelain hand forward, and the seemingly weak blow actually exposed a strong wind that was blowing from nowhere! In the strong wind rising from the ground, the sound of breaking the sky rises and falls one after another, and it is vaguely seen that countless translucent palms like an illusion are smashing hard in all directions!

The experts present were all horrified!

Where is the strong wind blowing from nowhere, it is clearly the inner power that is poured out from the internal power of Queen Loulan! Which is an illusion, it is clearly the palm wind of Queen Loulan's internal force!

And one palm contains ever-changing subtlety!

The few people in the audience got the most real feeling when they were close. Every palm shape that seemed to be illusory above had the power of cracking rocks and shattering gold.

Queen Loulan's full-strength attack, which has been accumulating for a long time, naturally cannot be taken lightly.

As soon as the blood wolf moved, it immediately came out of its cage like a fierce tiger and rushed towards Queen Loulan.

For him, this is the efficient way to resolve the battle.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the blood wolf disappeared in the eyes of ordinary people, and when it reappeared, it simply and rudely submerged in the air waves erupted by Queen Loulan.

Under the palm wind, the blood wolf's figure stagnated a little, which made it clear to everyone, as if it disappeared for a while and reappeared.

I saw that he was cracked by countless palm winds, like a huge battleship, rushing into the stormy waves, although it fluctuated, it still moved forward quickly and steadily!

This seems to be a matter of course, but it is extremely admirable in the eyes of masters! In the face of such a destructive palm wind, the masters present can only avoid its edge!

An all-out blow can only make it stagnant... The powerful Queen Loulan of the Blood Wolf has long been aware of it.

Her clothes were rustling in the wind, and her curves were clearly defined. She was not affected by the savage pressure of the raging palm wind in front of her. The hand behind her turned upside down, and with a low voice, she shot a palm.

The naked eye can see that a palm force erupted, and Queen Loulan took advantage of the situation to sprint back, floating three steps away in an instant! This strong palm force is indistinct in the gust of wind that has not dissipated, and it is empty and real, and it is still tossing up and down, left and right, wandering uncertainly, and I don't know which direction it is going to hit!

"Baihong Palm Power!" The emperor was surrounded by masters, and all of them recovered from their shock. Eunuch Chen, who was well-informed, whispered the name of Queen Loulan's seemingly weird palm technique!

Bai Hong's palm strength, most of the people only hear its name but do not see its shape! It is a set of Void Palm Techniques that can control the palm force at will, and the virtual and the real are erratic! Not to mention how deep the skill is needed to strike out the palm force, the control force to control the palm force's wishful transformation is already an extremely high-level top-level palm technique.

Facing the unpredictable palm of the blood wolf, it was difficult to figure out its whereabouts, which should have been very difficult. But he didn't even blink his eyelids... It could even be said that he didn't even care where the palm came from.

The savage and straight-forward figure didn't stop, and finally a palm came down from the top and slammed into the blood wolf's shoulder.

In the face of absolute power, no skill can shake its standing power!

Queen Loulan looked at the blood wolf and slapped it regardless, and under the veil, she bit her lip in distress... Although the blood wolf's martial arts were strong enough to protect her body, she still slapped the blood wolf with all her might if she didn't stop it, it would still hurt... …

Just so distressed and distracted for a short time, Queen Loulan found that she was retreating quickly, and when she opened her eyes, she was caught by the blood wolf before she could retract her clapping hand!

The blood wolf did not spend any effort to resist this palm, just to arrive without delay for half a minute and a half, to kill Queen Loulan's purpose of delaying time and wasting rounds!

"Go on." Blood Wolf wrote lightly, in an unquestionable tone, as if this would be a fact.

After all, the blood wolf raised his fist on Queen Loulan's palm, Queen Loulan's wrist was clasped and she couldn't take back her hand, as if the two of them were knocking each other face to face.

The blood wolf controlled the force precisely, not only did not hurt Queen Loulan, but also gave Queen Loulan a decent step down.

How could Queen Loulan resist the huge momentum, her body flew upside down at once, but she could still maintain her balance in the air, like a cold heron gliding through the air on a turbulent tide, beautiful and natural!

Just when Queen Loulan flew out of the competition platform, the mutation started again!

I saw Queen Loulan waving her hands in waves, as if she was about to flutter her wings and fly high, but the strength of her hands was soft and firm, like a soaring bird, indescribably soft. Every time it swings, the naked eye can see a ripple in the air being hit by the internal force!

After such a few shocks, Queen Loulan finally dissipated the force of the shock. With the strength of the shock, her body did not retreat but advanced, and flew back to the stage in the air! What's even more terrifying is that the route she returned was not a straight line, she swayed left and right in the air, leaving countless faint afterimages, making it impossible to fathom where she went!

Just the effort of volleying and unloading the force repeatedly and the shadowy and heavy figures, whether watching the fun or watching the doorway, are all amazing and sigh!

"My God, how could she know the "Lingbo Weibu" of the Xiaoyao faction?!" If Gongliang Junyi and others hadn't seen the origin of Bai Hong's palm power before, this incident finally allowed them to see the clue!

Gongliang Junyi and others are right, but they can also be wrong.

It's true that Blood Wolf taught Queen Loulan's Xiaoyao School's "Xiaoyao Xinfa" in the Western But what he learned at the time was only internal skills but no moves, and the cheats his master gave him never had martial arts moves. Ordinary people have learned martial arts. Unlike him, a master who has returned to his original state and does not need any moves, but still needs martial arts moves to guide his inner strength to generate power. Queen Loulan’s study of “Free and Easy Heart” has no martial arts moves. The strength is greatly reduced.

But with a suitable foundation, it is no longer difficult to raise a tall building from the ground. So Xuelang based on some Xiaoyao sect martial arts he had seen, and then pondered on the basis of those martial arts "Xiaoyao Xinfa", restored some Xiaoyao sect's martial arts and taught it to Queen Loulan.

The imitations made by myself are not the original ones, and of course they are not as powerful as the moves evolved from the profound background of others, but they are also from the same vein, so even if they are not exactly the same, the shape and meaning are the same.

Those who know how to do it can recognize at a glance the deep imprint of the Xiaoyao faction.

This is also where the blood wolf is worried.

If Queen Loulan wanted to make trouble, he would accompany her to make trouble. After all, the girl he provoked had to be licked when she cried. But it was revealed that she was a master of martial arts, and she was still learning the martial arts of the mysterious ancient sect in the Central Plains, so it was difficult to explain clearly.

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