Hearing what he said, a group of Muay Thai masters feel more and more depressed. Their eyes stare at Ye Fan, blooming in the dark cold and bloodthirsty light.

"It's just glib. If you want us to go together, please help him. Brothers, go ahead and kill him..."

The leader's roar, the rest of more than ten people, such as beat chicken blood, howled and hit Ye Fan with fists.

These Muay Thai masters have experienced the most severe special training. Each blow is as heavy as a kilo, each elbow can break the opponent's bones and tendons, and each knee top can make a strong man spit blood and die instantly.

"Ouch, ouch!"

"Hoo Hoo Hoo

In the dark, the howling of more than ten people, coupled with the roaring sound of fists and feet rubbing against the air, is even more frightening and frightening.

But this momentum can not make Ye Fan moved.

When ye fan saw a strong man rushing to his chest with his strong knee, he tilted his mouth slightly and showed a scornful smile.

"Ha ha, when you have much ability, it's just brute force."

When sneering, ye fan blows out quickly, aiming at the opponent's proud knees.


Among them, one fist and one knee collided violently, which made a shocking sound.


There is no suspense, the man's knee in Ye Fan's fist, instant crushing, bone crushing sound, clear echo in the wilderness, creepy.



After a scream, the man flew back like a big sandbag, and then hit the ground heavily, whining in pain.

The rest of the people see blink of an eye each other waste a person, immediately stop attacking, stare at Ye Fan in consternation.

Especially the leader, the contempt in the eyes of instant convergence, a moment of cold eyes, no fear, only more bloodthirsty and hatred.

"Ha ha... It's good, it's good. It's really good, but you're still going to die."

"Brothers, don't run into him. Just copy him and make a quick decision."

After hearing the boss's words, the other ten strong men pulled out short and delicate three edged spines from their waists.


After these guys put away their contempt, they became more cautious in attack. Their moves would never be old. Their recovery actions were quick and quick. They were really firm, accurate and ruthless.

If the ordinary master encounters the attack of more than ten Muay Thai masters, he will be in a hurry and dangerous situation.

But what they provoked was a great murderer. After these two days of cultivation, Ye Fan's skill has changed. Even though they have received the most rigorous training, they are only more powerful than ordinary people. In front of him, he is still a little bigger grasshopper.


One person pushed forward quickly. When he was less than one meter away from Ye Fan, the three edged thorn in his hand suddenly cut out, and the target pointed directly at Ye Fan's throat. The blade cut through the air, making a sharp and frightened howl.

Ye Fan is still standing in the same place, a pair of cold eyes, flashing incomparable light.

Seeing that the three edged thorn was about to cut his throat, the man saw that he didn't have the slightest action to avoid, and a cruel and bloodthirsty smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


Between the electric light and flint, Ye Fan's hand appeared on the way of the three edged thorn. After a light sound, the two fingers clamped the sharp blade with poison.

The man's attack was blocked. When he saw that ye fan just used two fingers to dissolve the swift move, he suddenly widened his eyes. His eyes were full of disbelief and horror.

Haven't waited for that person to react to come over, leaf any two fingers a turn, a huge force suddenly pass over.



The man seemed to be pulled by a powerful force. Before he could get rid of his weapon, he broke it. At the same time, the man's tiger mouth was cracked by great force. After a scream, he covered his arm and retreated in a panic.

How could Ye Fan let him go? When his true Qi was surging wildly, he stepped on his feet, and his body was like a shell, whizzing out.


The man just felt a flower in front of him, and he was hit hard by Ye Fan's fist.



In the sound of bone shattering, the man's sternum was smashed instantly. When his body shot backward, he spewed out a big mouthful of blood mist in the air. Then he fell on the hillside more than ten meters away and did not move.

The rest of the people saw that Ye Fan solved one of his brothers, which made him more crazy and hateful.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

The three edged spines in his hand are thrown at Ye Fan tacitly. Like more than ten sharp arrows, the three edged spines shoot at Ye Fan without dead angle.

It has to be said that these guys are really well-trained. They are not only powerful in fighting, but also calm in dealing with changes. They are also very flexible on the spot. If ye fan had met them a few days ago, he would have been stabbed by three edged thorns.

But now, these seemingly unavoidable attacks are just a piece of cake in his eyes.

Seeing his hands whirling and waving with lightning, he easily took down more than ten trigonometric thorns during breathing.

"It's not polite to come but not to go. I'll give you a three edged spear to kill you!"

When ye fan drinks, his body spins quickly, and the three edged spines in his hand shoot out like a spring.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

The dark blue three edged thorn is nowhere to be found in the dark. In addition, Ye Fan uses some real Qi, and its speed is as fast as lightning.

Those guys haven't recovered from their fright before they were shot in the throat by three edged spears.


More than ten people, all in the same way, covered their throats with their hands.

"Chi Chi..."

Nevertheless, blood shot from his fingertips.

"Bang Bang..."

But in three seconds, more than a dozen self righteous Muay Thai masters fell straight into the wilderness.

His body trembled violently on the ground, twitched a few times, and did not move.

The guy whose knee was broken by Ye Fan saw that his companions were destroyed in an instant. Where was the pride and ferocity just now? He dragged a broken leg and struggled to get up and escape to the dark.

"Hum, if you want to run, I have to agree. Go to hell!"

Since Ye Fan is determined to kill, he will never let go of any enemy. As soon as he picks his toes, a branch whistles and shoots at the man's back heart.


There is no suspense in the branches, right in the heart, will be its front and back through.


After a scream, the man fell to the ground, twitched a few times, and his soul returned to the West.

Next, Ye Fan killed another dead Muay Thai master without any mercy, and then began to clean up the battlefield.

The battle didn't last for a few minutes, but it took nearly an hour to clean the battlefield and erase the traces.

After burying the bodies of more than ten Muay Thai masters more than ten meters underground, Ye Fan cleaned up the blood and three edged stabbing weapons left at the scene. Then he clapped his hands and left.

Back home, see father mother and fat brother are nervously waiting for himself, Ye Fan can't help but smile will more than ten three edged thorn thrown on the eight immortals table.

"Jingle, jingle!"

All of a sudden, the three edged thorns scattered and attracted the three people's eyes.

"It's all your booty?"

Fat brother was so excited that he picked up a pair of three edged thorns to play with. The more he played, the more he liked it.

"Xiao Fan, what have you done to them?" Lan Xi is worried about his son's killing, and asks in some trepidation.

Ye Shangquan has no fear. After all, he is the fourth elder of the Ye family. He has seen a lot of big scenes.

"Son, are they all solved?"

Ye Fan looked at his mother, shook his head and said: "they were scared away. I found these from them."


Hearing Ye Fan's words, Lan Xi suddenly breathes out a long breath, and the fear in his eyes suddenly dissipates.

Seeing his son's expression, ye Shangquan and Pangge are no longer questioning whether those people are dead. According to their understanding of Ye Fan, there is no reason to let them go.

"Son, what are they and who wants to kill you?" A moment later, ye Shangquan asked again.

Hearing his question, Lanxi and Pangge all look at YeFan.

"It seems that they are Muay Thai masters. As for the people behind them, they ran away before I asked them. It's a pity..."

Fat brother: "it doesn't matter. They will not be reconciled after such a big loss. I believe they will come again."

Ye Shangquan also touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "from the analysis of the current situation, it is nothing more than the Revenge of the eldest brother and the second brother, as well as Tao Yumin and Zhang Huaide..."

Ye Fan nodded: "there is another person besides that."

"Who?" The three of them spoke in unison.

"The Chen family." Ye Fan is confident.

Fat brother heard, immediately frowned: "why don't I go to the Chen family."

"No, it's not the right time. At least take back your property." Ye Fan shakes his head.

He understood Pangge's mood and felt that his brother was a little upset. He wanted to wipe out all the Chen family and prevent future trouble.

But this is a society ruled by law. Killing the Chen family will certainly cause a big stir. At that time, Pangge will also be wanted by the police and become a murderer.

We could have solved the Chen family quietly. Why force ourselves to Liangshan?

Hear ye fan's words, fat brother silent nod, he is not stupid, know ye fan is for his own good, say, their revenge is not always in progress, why hurry in a moment?

In Chen's villas, Zheng tianqiang, Zheng huaiying, Chen Qiaoshan and Chen Xin are sitting in the luxurious living room, enjoying the best Dahongpao one by one, but their anxieties cannot be concealed.

"Tianqiang, how come your people haven't come back after so long?" Zheng huaiying finally lost her temper.

Chen Qiaoshan also nodded: "would you like to call those people and ask them?"

Zheng tianqiang looked at the old man and saw that he didn't respond. Then he took out his mobile phone and went to one side and dialed the leader's phone.

But in a minute, Zheng tianqiang put away his cell phone and came back with a frown.

"How's it going?" Zheng huaiying asked in a hurry.

"I can't get through. It doesn't seem to be in the service area." Zheng tianqiang doubts to return a way.

Of course, the phone couldn't be connected. All of them were buried more than ten meters deep underground by Ye Fan. No matter how powerful the communication function is, they can't be linked.

Chen Qiaoshan said sensitively, "it's not your people who are in trouble, is it?"

Chen Xingao also suddenly opened his eyes and said calmly: "look at you, you can't be calm. Wait a minute."

Being reprimanded by the old man, the three had to sit down and continue to taste tea. So far into the night, there was still no news of Muay Thai masters.

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