The reason why Ye Fan said this is that her whole body was beaten bloody, and her clothes were soaked with blood. If he didn't come here, I'm afraid Tang Yan would die in this basement.

Li Yan looked at Tang Yan and Ye Fan in surprise. Her beautiful eyes flashed with the color of eight trigrams, but there was a little jealousy.

Although this guy looks ordinary, he is really popular with women. Is this woman Ye Fan's old love?

If it's old love, today's play will be good.

But how can that guy be so indifferent? People are like this. No matter what happened before, can't we comfort him?

Hum, elm pimple, cold-blooded animal, you deserve to be single.

When the fire of Li Yan's eight trigrams is burning, Ye Fan and Pangge have disappeared in the tunnel.

They followed the cold, damp and dark tunnel and chased after each other all the way.

More than 100 meters later, they finally rushed out of the tunnel.

Standing at the exit, Ye Fan looks around and finds that they have come to the periphery of the distillery. He can't help admiring Liu Heming's scheming.

This guy really has two talents. How can ordinary people think so much?

"I don't know where I'm going. How can I chase it?" The fat elder brother looked around and could not help frowning.

"I have a way."

But ye fan didn't think so. With that, he lay on the ground, sniffing around like a hound.

"Crouching trough, you don't follow like a dog, do you?"

After all, they are brothers, so they don't have to care about these little things.

"What's the matter with dogs? With their sense of smell, human beings will instantly improve to a higher level, just like me, isn't it good?"

Ye Fan really does not care, but also proud to despise fat brother.

"Well, well, you're powerful. Do you want me to tie you a rope, which will be even more powerful."

"Go to your house and find a fight."

"Hey, don't get angry. Teach me how you smell different things."

See brother angry, fat brother immediately wilt, quickly ask for advice.

"You want to learn, please."

"Xiao Fan, please."

"Well, as for the rope, I'll loop you around first."

Fat brother's face turned black instantly: "I'll go. What a vicious guy, don't do it."

"Hey hey, don't do it. OK, just watch it."

"Cut, pretend, see, then steal."

The two brothers ridiculed each other and came to a bamboo forest outside the distillery.

Ye Fan sniffed his nose and his eyes brightened.

"Found it."

"What?" When he heard this, he immediately looked around and saw nothing but Bamboo Grove: "no, where are the people?"

"Here, there." Ye fannuzui, Tao.

Fat brother took advantage of the situation and saw a discarded backpack in the bamboo forest.

"It's not human."

"I didn't say it must be human."

"I'll go. Can I finish it all at once?"

Two people said to come to the backpack, Ye Fan will lift it, and then open, after a search, two passports and identity documents are in one.

"This guy even dropped such an important thing. It seems that he is not far away. Let's continue to chase in this direction."

"Xiaofan, I really admire your dog nose now. It's really powerful."

"Are you excited and eager to learn?"

Ye Fan said and ran forward quickly.


"Let's make a few calls first."

"Woof... Woof... Come on, even brother's cheap, it's careless to make friends."

Ye Fan suddenly stops and turns around quickly. Fat brother can't dodge and collides with him.

Also in this electric light flint, Ye Fan electric flash points out a few fingers.

"Crouching trough, sneak attack, I'll fight."

Fat brother see Ye Fan started, surprised, a little that is toward Ye Fan's face attack.

"Do you smell it?"

Hear ye fan's words, the fist stops one centimeter away from Ye Fan's face.

"What do you smell?" Fat brother is in a state of suspense.

A moment later, a pair of squinting eyes suddenly bright.

"I go, wine, soil, bamboo leaves, car exhaust... And a sour smell... How can my sense of smell suddenly be so strong?"

"Thank me quickly." See fat elder brother that pair of small eyes, at this time all big twice, leaf any air ground a wipe nose, way.

"You just poked me a few times and then I got a better sense of smell?" Fat elder brother still does not believe, startled way.

"What do you think, or how could you suddenly smell so many odors that you can't smell?"

"Hahaha... I'll say, brother, I won't forget me, but what else do we say thank you for?"

"I'll go. You're so brazen."

Fat brother didn't think: "what magic skill did you just perform?"

"Five senses and Tongling finger." Ye fantou did not return to the tunnel.

Said to continue to find the direction of the smell, continue to track down.

"What do you mean?" Fat brother followed, Baba asked.

"It is through acupoints that the sensitivity of five senses can be improved temporarily."

"I see. Can you teach me?"

Fat Gordon suddenly, a pair of squinting eyes suddenly burst out bright light.

"I've given it to you. Don't blame me for not learning."

"Oh, my dear brother, my brother didn't see clearly just now. Can you teach me again?"

"Then learn to bark a few more times."

Fat brother's eyes are burning and he bites his teeth. He just learns to bark.

"Woof... Woof..."

"Ha ha ha..."

In this way, Ye Fan tricked Pang Ge all the way, but Pang Ge still had no choice but to accept, but in exchange for learning five senses Tongling finger.

In this way, they amused each other, chased for dozens of miles, and finally came to a temple.

Fat elder brother nods to Ye Fan, two people split in an instant, one before and one after toward Earth Temple encircle and go.

Ye Fan rushed in through the main door.

As soon as he rushed in, he saw the God of the earth, who was worshipped, shaking up, and breaking up in his breath.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ye Fan was shocked.

It took a moment to understand what was going on.

He is the great emperor of heaven. When he walks into the small earth temple, the God of earth dares to sit on it.

Sure enough, when he understood, he saw scattered pieces of the earth God gathering at his feet, gathering and worshiping.

"Go back to your job. I have something to do." Ye Fan Light tunnel.

As soon as the words fell, the collapsing statue of the earth immediately returned to the shrine automatically, and in the blink of an eye, it was restored as before.

Ye Fan no longer cares about the God of earth, but goes inside.

When he left, drops of water dropped from the statue of the earth.

If anyone sees all this, he will be scared into a psycho.

The earth temple is divided into front and back halls. It is a relatively large temple in this area. When ye fan came to the back hall, he saw a young man lying on the ground with two strong men beside him.

Three people snore, sleep very dead, still flowing with the saliva.

Hehe, after running so far, you are really here. It's a pity to meet me. Today is the end of you.

When ye fan is about to walk past, he hears a strange noise coming from behind. He goes along with his reputation and sees that fat brother comes in.

They immediately nodded, one before and one after, approaching the three in their sleep.

Just as they were approaching, the two strong men seemed to be aware of it. They suddenly opened their eyes and saw Ye Fan.


The two strong men were frightened and jumped up in an instant. Between them, they found a ghost amulet from their waist and stared at Ye Fan.

Liu Heming, who was lying on the ground, sat up abruptly after being drunk by them.

"Click, click!"

Although he didn't see the person in front of him clearly, his action was not slow. He pulled an exquisite pistol out of his waist, quickly opened the insurance, loaded the bullet and aimed at Ye Fan.

"Ha ha ha..."

When he saw that the person in front of him was Ye Fanzhi, he burst out laughing.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to come here. I really underestimate you."

"Liu Heming, I have nothing against you. Why did I burn my house?"

Ye Fan stares at the gun in Liu Heming's hand. As for the ghost amulet in those two people's hands, he doesn't care much.

Ghost runes are powerful, and they are bound to be suppressed by the earth God in the earth temple, let alone want to hurt him.

Only the gun in Liu Heming's hand is a threat to him.

Of course, if he is on guard, it is not certain that Liu Heming will have the chance to shoot.

What's more, there is a big master standing quietly behind them, and ye fan is even more confident.

"Ha ha, why did you burn your house? Don't you know?"

Ye Fan shook his head: "what do I know?"

"Well, since you are pretending, I'll make it clear that you shouldn't soak my women, so you and your family will die. But what I didn't expect is that Zhao Jian are so useless. I'm too unwilling to be planted in your hands today, but you'll die by yourself. It's hell that has no way to do it by yourself."

Liu Heming points his gun at Ye Fan almost madly. During his outburst, his face muscles are twisted wildly. The color of his eyes is more and more intense, and his index finger gradually pulls the trigger.

"You mean Tang Yan?" Ye Fan is still looking at Liu Heming coldly, light way.

"What's the matter with pretending? I'll go to hell with you."

Liu Heming saw that he deliberately pretended to be a fool. He was angry and wanted to kill Ye Fan.

And at this critical moment, the fat brother behind him finally moved.



A machete, whistling down, sniffs in the sound, Liu Heming gun's entire arm, by its whole cut.


The broken arm fell heavily on the ground. When it fell to the ground, it touched the trigger of the pistol, and the pistol suddenly went off.


This shot happened to hit Liu Heming in the thigh.


"Ah, ah

Liu Heming fell to the ground in an instant, covering his right shoulder with blood gushing. The severe pain made him cry out.

The two strong men suddenly turned back and turned pale when they saw a fat man with a knife standing behind them.

"The wind blows hard!"

One person drinks, and then throws the ghost Fu in his hand to fat brother without hesitation. The other person throws the ghost Fu to Ye Fan.

When they threw out the ghost amulet, they did not hesitate to pull out a soft sword from their waist and stabbed their opponents in the throat as they had agreed.

After solving the biggest threat of Liu Heming, Ye Fan and Pangge are highly focused. Of course, they know the power of ghost Fu.

Just as they were on guard, the ghost amulet shot at them.

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