"Ha ha, it's more than a problem. It's a big problem." Ouyang Juwei said with his nose in the air: "she is no longer a young child, but you deliberately hide it. Moreover, she is the wife of your cousin Ye Fan. Their children are all three years old."

"No... impossible... Absolutely impossible."

Hearing his words, Ye Feng's face turned pale with fright and sweated wildly.

At the same time, his mind suddenly changed, and he finally understood the reason why the Ouyang family suddenly had a cold talk with the Ye family. The culprit was yefana.

But he does not understand, he is not already leaf fan serious injury, nearly die?

Why do you still have children with Liu Yanyun.

"Impossible? To tell you the truth, I took people to the Liu family to propose marriage, but I was humiliated by your cousin in public. As a result, my Ouyang family lost 12 local level masters. Ye Fan robbed Liu Yanyun from me, but he also compensated him 5 billion yuan. "

"Originally, I wanted to go to the Ye family some days to talk about it, but I didn't expect you to come here. Now that you are here, let's calculate the loss of my Ouyang family together."

"You know, my father and grandfather are very angry at the heavy loss. If they can't be satisfied, I believe the Ye family will get into endless trouble."

Ouyang Juwei is also a dandy disciple. In fact, playing tricks is no worse than Ye Feng.

It's obvious that Pangge only blackmailed him one billion yuan, but he asked for five billion yuan. It seems that this is not what he wants.

Sure enough, without waiting for Ye Feng to recover from the shock, he coldly said, "five billion is just my loss. Twelve local level masters cultivated by my family have died. Do you know how to calculate this account?"

"Come on, you're an ordinary person. I won't embarrass you any more. My father said that the Ye family will pay 10 billion yuan for the compensation, and that's the end of the matter."

Hearing that he was going to pay 10 billion yuan, Ye Feng was so scared that he couldn't stand any more, and immediately fell down in his chair.

His face was as white as white paper, his face was sweating, and he rolled down on the floor.

He did not expect that he just leaked a piece of news about Liu Yanyun, which caused such a big loss.

And this is not the most shocking thing for him. When did Ye Fan become so powerful that he killed the twelve ground level masters of Ouyang family? What a shocking and unbelievable thing?

No, it's definitely not that ye fan has become powerful. There must be something else. Maybe the Ouyang family deliberately planted and framed the Ye family?

In his cognition, even if ye fan wakes up from his lethargy, he will never suddenly become a peerless master.

Not only he would not believe it, but no one in his family would believe it. After all, they watched Ye Fan grow up, and everyone knew how much he had.

"This... Is too sudden, young master, can I have a phone call with my family?"

In a moment, Ye Feng eased from the complex mood of absence and shock, and said euphemistically.

Don't forget that it's Ouyang's home. If you don't get angry, you don't know how to die.

What's more, if we really want to pay for it, how can a younger generation of us get 10 billion?

Unless the old man agrees, it will become very troublesome.

Now Ye Feng really has the feeling of lifting a stone and hitting his feet. Isn't this a way to put it on him?

All is because of Ye Fan, let himself into a dilemma, Ye Feng can't help but hate Ye Fan more, want to immediately take a gun to him.

"Yes, Feng Shao please, but I don't have much time. Let's communicate as soon as possible."

After Ouyang Juwei finished, he suddenly felt that his resentment in his heart had been vented. Looking into Ye Feng's eyes, he regained his previous arrogance and cynicism.

"It won't take you much time. It will be ready soon. Just a moment, please."

Ye Feng picked up his mobile phone, went to the outside of the living room and called his father ye Shangqing.

Looking at Ye Feng disappearing at the gate, Ouyang Juwei can't help laughing contemptuously.

"They are all from the Ye family. Why is the gap so big?"

"Ye Fan, how did you suddenly become so powerful?"

"Do you really have an adventure, or is there a bigger backer behind it?"

"Haha, things are becoming more and more interesting. I hope you can withstand Ouyang Juwei's anger."

"If you step on me and rub, I'll let your woman lie on the ground and rub. If you don't get revenge, you'll swear not to be human."

Outside, Ye Feng finally got through to his father.

"Feng'er, how are you talking with Ouyang?"

"Dad, there's something wrong. It's like this..."

After listening to Ye Feng's narration, the phone was silent for more than ten seconds.

"One... 10 billion, the Ouyang family really knows how to open their mouths."

"Dad, do you want to report it to my grandfather? The amount is too big for us to pay for it."

"Don't panic. I'll go to the old man."

"Well, as soon as you can, or I may be in danger."

"First, hold Ouyang. After all, we are friends of the world. We shouldn't do anything to you."

"All right."

Hang up the phone, Ye Feng hard to Ouyang Juwei in front of.

"I'm sorry, sir. My father has been actively negotiating. Please wait a few minutes."

Ouyang Juwei nodded and said, "look at the relationship between you and me who used to be friends, I'll give you half an hour."

"Thank you, young master. I didn't expect this. Please forgive me."

"I'm generous enough. Now it's time for the Ye family to express their sincerity. If they are satisfied, we can still be friends. Otherwise... Hum, you know the consequences."

"Of course, I believe my grandfather will consider all aspects and will not let you down."

"It's the best."

They were chatting in vernacular, and the time soon passed half an hour.

And just when Ye Feng was in a hurry, his mobile phone finally rang.

An hour later, Ye Feng rolled out of Ouyang's house like a lost dog.

At this time, his face was black and blue, and his two eyes became panda eyes.

He was thrown out by Ouyang Juwei. As you can imagine, things didn't satisfy Ouyang Juwei.

It's true.

When he received a call from his father, he said that his grandfather didn't agree with Ouyang's claim.

After hearing what he said, Ouyang Juwei was furious. He didn't hesitate to beat Ye Feng and threatened to kill Ye Feng at Ouyang's house if he didn't pay compensation.

Ye Shangqing was frightened. He was the only son. If he killed him, all his previous achievements would be wasted.

In this way, ye Shangqing found his old father again. Under his coercion and inducement, he finally agreed to pay compensation, but there was no 10 billion yuan, and the maximum compensation was 1 billion yuan.

How can one billion satisfy Ouyang Juwei's appetite?

Don't forget that he has paid Ye Fan a billion yuan. If he doesn't blackmail back with interest, he is not the young master of Ouyang family.

Later, Ye Feng bears the beating of Ouyang Juwei while bargaining with his grandfather.

Ye Hesong is also afraid that Ouyang Juwei is irrational and really kills his grandson.

Although Ye family is a famous family in Yanjing, compared with Ouyang family, it is definitely not of the same level, regardless of financial resources.

If you really don't pay for it, under the anger of the Ouyang family, there is no hope of revenge, and it may bring disaster to the family,

In the end, Ouyang Juwei cheated two billion yuan, and the matter was settled.

Two billion is the bottom line that the Ye family can bear, because the Ye family's income is not good in recent years. No matter how much, it will affect the long-term development of the family and shake its foundation.

Seeing that there is more than 2 billion yuan in the bank account, Ouyang Juwei is not with Ye Feng and throws it out of the house.

At this time, Ye Feng wants to cry without tears. He looks at Ouyang's house and limps away.

Unfortunately, without the help of Mr. Ouyang, he was beaten violently and made 2 billion yuan.

I believe my grandfather must be mad now?

The more he walked, the more heavy his feet felt. He was frightened and his heart was rolling. Bitterness, regret, resentment, hatred and other emotions enveloped him.

He is afraid of the censure of his grandfather, the sarcasm of his uncle's family, and even more of the strong rise of YeFan's family.

When he returned to the car, all the problems focused on Ye Fan.

Ye Fan, no matter you have three heads and six arms, you can't escape the palm of my Ye Feng's hand. You will die.

"Drive, go to the airport!" Ye Feng painfully to the taxi driver, road.

The driver looked back at Ye Feng in surprise. He didn't dare to ask more. He stepped on the accelerator and drove out of Ouyang's parking lot towards Xiaoshan airport.

Hiding behind the door, Ouyang Juwei didn't see the taxi until he came to the study in the backyard humming a song.

"Grandfather, ye Jiafeng has not left."

Ouyang Juwei saw that his grandfather was studying an ancient book. He walked behind him with a smile and gently thumped his back.

"Well, what's the matter?" Ouyang Zhijian did not look up, still serious reading, inadvertently asked.

"The boy pretended to be confused, which made me teach him a lesson. He was honest at last. He paid a billion yuan compensation for the loss of his family."

It's two billion. Why is it one billion?

That billion will naturally become his pocket money. As long as he doesn't say it, grandfather won't pursue such small things.

"Well, what else?" Ouyang Zhijian was obviously a little surprised. He put down his book and said happily.

"Yes, it's time for the Ye family to knock. Otherwise, I thought Ouyang family was bullying me?"

"Well, it seems that my dear grandson has grown up. You've done a good job in this matter. As for the billion yuan of compensation, you can save it first." Ouyang Zhijian closed his eyes and returned with satisfaction.

He was very pleased that his grandson was sensible. Originally, he didn't want to deal with the Ye family from the younger generation, which made the Ouyang family magnanimous and detached. This was the result he wanted. He didn't want to be done by his grandson.

If he does it, it's bound to alarm the people in the strange Military Affairs Bureau. The relationship between the capital and the city is so intertwined that even he doesn't dare to act rashly.

"Grandfather, grandson's incompetence has caused heavy losses to the family. I can't take this billion."

"Good, very good. It seems that my grandson has really grown up. In that case, let me have it." Ouyang Zhijian nodded happily and said.

Later, Ouyang Juwei flipped over the operation on his mobile phone and transferred one billion to his grandfather.

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