Ye Fan saw everyone quietly and happily close their eyes to taste their masterpieces, and his heart was full of achievement and happiness.

Maybe that's what happiness is like.

The whole family is happy and happy together, which is what he wants.

But at the thought of xiaoyeliu and Yanxue being taken away by people today, I feel uneasy.

In order to make us strong, he has done his best to transform us, hoping that this kind of thing will not happen again.

Otherwise, the consequences are quite serious. Once he goes crazy, maybe the whole China will be shocked.

When ye fan picked up the tray and was about to go back to the kitchen, the phone in his pocket shook wildly.

Pick up a mobile phone to see, not from a frown, came to the garden outside.

"Hey, King Kong, what's your gain?"

The phone call is from King Kong. It must have been a new discovery of the kidnapping gang that I called him.

"Xiaofan, this criminal gang is not simple. We have made a great discovery."

As expected, King Kong returned excitedly.

After a pause, King Kong said, "guess who is the power behind them?"

"I'll go. I don't know. Go ahead."

"Overseas forces, a criminal organization called Medusa." King Kong hastily returns a way.

"Medusa? I haven't heard of it. What's the origin? " Ye Fan frowned and said.

This is the first time that he has heard of foreign forces, and his name is so magical that he is very interested.

"Because it's related to confidentiality, Li Bureau asked us not to say on the phone, or come to the branch, we have big action in the evening."

"I see. Don't you think you're not sure, just call me up to be insured?"

"I can't hide it from you. It's just like this. How about I owe you another favor?"

"There's no one who owes. I said we're brothers. We're on call."

Ye Fan generously agreed.

Put away the phone, Ye Fan back to the living room.

Seeing that the fat man had eaten up a box of ice cream, he was meditating.

I didn't want to disturb him, but after thinking about it, tonight's action may be a hard fight. I think it's a good exercise opportunity, so I decided to wake him up and go with him.

"I'll go. Why? I'm refining the aura in the ice cream. Don't disturb me."

Wake up by Ye Fan, fat brother is very upset.

"King Kong said that there will be action tonight, which may be a tough battle. If you don't want to go, forget it?"

"Tough fight, with whom?" Fat Gordon jumped up excitedly and asked.

"Medusa, an overseas criminal organization."

"Overseas, why do you come to China?" Fat elder brother already some can't wait, follow Ye Fan side walk to ask a way.

"The specific King Kong didn't say. I'll know when I get there."

"Medusa, how does it smell like a beautiful snake?"

Ye Fan nodded and analyzed: "it's really weird, otherwise ordinary criminals, King Kong and Li Yan, are enough to deal with it. If they call us, we must not be sure, so we can't take it lightly."

"With you here, my fat brother doesn't care about Medusa. Just kill him." Fat brother doesn't think it's authentic.

Half an hour later, they showed up in the branch in a luxury version of Land Rover.

Li Bureau, black face, Li Yan, King Kong and other dozens of fully armed police rushed over.

Seeing this situation, I didn't know that he was a criminal.

When ye fan opened the door, Li Ju's big hands could not wait to meet him.

Ye Fan quickly grasped the big hands full of calluses.

"Master ye, thank you so much. On behalf of all the officers and men in the branch, I would like to pay high respect to you."

Let go ye fan's big hand and shout: "salute!"

When he cried out forcefully, his tall and strong body stood upright, and then gave Ye Fan a standard military salute.

Li Yan, black face and other policemen behind him were all the same, with incomparable respect in their eyes.

"Li Ju, what are you doing? Is it too ostentatious?"

Ye Fan and Pangge suddenly feel surprised, stunned tunnel.

"Master ye, you have sent two super policemen to our police station. Of course, we should thank you very much." Li Ju points to Li Yan and King Kong and thanks Wan Fendao.

"Two? King Kong has also been employed by the branch? " Fat brother asked first.

"Yes, from now on, he will be the chief drillmaster of our branch, and swallow will be the Deputy drillmaster. With them, the combat effectiveness of our branch will be increased by dozens of times. In my jurisdiction, criminals will be good people."

Li Ju nodded heavily, full of vigour.

The black faced policemen also laughed excitedly. Li bureau is right. With these two super combat instructors, what other criminals can't be dealt with by their sub bureau?

Moreover, with their training, everyone's fighting power will be improved in a straight line. At the end of the year, the big brother will win the whole city. He went to King Kong and looked at him curiously for a while. Then he nodded heavily and said, "yes, I'm really an official. I'll work hard and have a bright future."


Being amused by fat man's funny action, Li Yan couldn't help laughing.

The rest of the people laughed.

King Kong, however, sorted out his mighty uniform and said, "that's right. Although he can't continue to serve the motherland, he can still protect the safety of the people, can't he?"

Seeing this, Ye Fan thought that King Kong's choice was beyond his expectation, but he didn't mean to intervene. After all, people have their own aspirations. No matter what they do, as long as they don't do bad things out of their own heart, it's a good thing.

"Well, I'm with you."

Ye Fan clapped heavily on his shoulder, and King Kong's 1.9-meter-long body became short. He took a big step back to stabilize his figure.

King Kong and Li Yan are used to it, but the police are shocked.

It's really master Ye. His strength is really not strong. Even King Kong is not as good as his slap. It's hard to imagine how strong his fighting power is.

"Master ye, Master Liu, please!"

After a while of greetings, under the leadership of Li Ju, Ye Fan, Pangge, Li Yan, King Kong, heilian and others came to the conference hall on the fifth floor.

Just as a few people sat down, when the light went dark, the projector turned on, and a frequent file started to play.

Seeing the barrage on the screen, Ye Fan and Pangge can't help looking at each other and quietly watching.

Ten minutes later, after the edited video is played, Ye Fan and Pangge have a thorough understanding of the so-called Medusa criminal organization.

Medusa is a very large criminal organization, no one knows where its headquarters are, and no one knows who manipulates it.

Although they are mysterious, what they do is not mysterious. They mainly sell drugs, guns and ammunition, and human trafficking to the whole world. They are very popular organizations in all countries of the world.

In recent years, Medusa has developed to China, and has launched a fierce battle with the Chinese police.

Although the Chinese police have generally curbed their rampant acts, they are still unable to completely eliminate their criminal acts.

A few months ago, King Kong's special task was to capture the members of Medusa. Unexpectedly, the other side was so powerful that he killed and injured the members of King Kong and others. He also successfully broke through the encirclement, and then swaggered away.

Today, Xiao Yeliu and Liu Yanxue are taken away by people, which is also the result of their development.

From the neckline of the trafficker, Li Ju and others finally asked about the relevant information hidden in the fog.

This person's name is Ke Jiena, the age is unknown, but it is certain that he is a beautiful woman, and his fighting power is very high.

In particular, she has a double gun, which makes her perfect. She has killed dozens of soldiers and policemen.

Not only that, there are four masters under his protection, named falcon, Finch, poisonous snake and leech.

The four were second only to Ke Jiena, but all of them were sharpshooters.

In addition, there are a large number of ordinary members under the four men. These people are social cancer. After they were dealt with, they joined the Medusa organization, thus forming a huge criminal network.

It is the emergence of this criminal network that has brought endless disasters to the people of fog city.

According to internal statistics, there are thousands of missing people in the city in the past three years, most of them have no clue, and only a few children and women have been recovered.

For this reason, Wudu police and this criminal organization fought hand in hand for three years. Although they severely suppressed each other's arrogance, they still could not eradicate it.

This time, Ye Fan and others inadvertently helped the police, Li Bureau immediately reported, request full encirclement.

The request was quickly approved, and an additional SWAT team was sent to support it.

With soldiers in hand, and ye fan, King Kong, fat man, Li Yan and other practitioners, Li Ju is confident and determined to uproot the cancer hidden in the fog city.

It's a tough battle, and it's also a war of revenge.

Because King Kong was once assassinated by falcon, if it wasn't for Ye Fan's rescue, I'm afraid there would never be a chance of revenge.

"Master ye, this is all the information we have about Medusa. They are all returned by soldiers in exchange for their lives and blood, so they can't be leaked out."

Meeting hall lights suddenly turned on, Li bureau to Ye Fan serious tunnel.

"Don't worry, Li Ju. We know the weight." Ye Fan also solemnly returned.

It's not easy to let them know that it's top secret information. Ye Fan and Pangge are not three-year-old children, so they won't talk nonsense.

Li Ju nodded and said, "we've investigated Ke Jiena's residence and decided to take action after dark. What do you think?"

Ye Fan thought about it and asked, "why not take action immediately?"

"According to the report of the investigators, they said that the opponent's defense was tight, and they were afraid that they would scare the snake in the daytime. Ke Jiena was extremely clever and cunning. When we got in, we were afraid that she would have already run away." Li Ju returned.

"Then we don't have to make a big fuss. Just a few of us can go in. The Li Bureau will take people to surround the periphery. We can't let a mosquito fly out, so we can catch it all." Ye Fan nodded, but shook his head again.

Hearing Ye Fan's words, Li Ju immediately shook his head like a rattle.

"I'm sure it won't work. The other party has five experts and lives in an independent villa. There is no hiding place. I'm afraid you will be covered by the enemy's firepower before you enter the villa. Isn't that the death in vain? I can't do it. "

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