The Return of the Black Technology of Immortal World

Vol 3 Chapter 111: northern dumplings

Human life is indeed too fragile!

On the contrary, Yang Qing became more and more determined about her own plan to improve mankind, but this testing ground cannot be placed on Blue Star.

For the time being, human beings only have this home planet, and he does not dare to radiate aura wantonly on the home planet, even though for human beings, aura is the source of progress.

But in this world, apart from human beings, other creatures also regard aura as a source of progress.

Reiki can do many things, it can make steel harder, it can make many things subvert the three views of human beings, and it can even overthrow the existing laws of physics.

After all, the existing laws of physics are all derived in the absence of aura, and can only be regarded as a special case, just like after Einstein's theory of relativity came out, Newton's classical mechanics immediately became an approximation from a macro perspective. .

Aura can also make the skin of certain creatures strong enough to resist bullets, and even ghosts that are only in legends have a chance to appear again.

In fact, those hidden ghosts are even more difficult to deal with than those creatures strong enough to withstand bullets.

Because compared to the monsters visible to the naked eye, if the power of the bullets is not enough, then increase the firepower. If it is not possible, there is also the ultimate force of the blue star. Not many.

However, the Blue Star human beings have almost zero mental protection.

Yang Qing didn't know if there was a dark side on Blue Star, but just like the sunny side of Blue Star, the probability of disappearing was extremely high.

Then he activates the recovery of spiritual energy, and for a while, the dark side will not recover simultaneously.

Under the nourishment of aura, the human soul can survive for a long time without the body, and then there will be a soul living in this world.

Those legendary ghosts walking in the night, possession and other things may appear one by one.

So if Yang Qing didn't want to cause catastrophe in the world, he couldn't use the advantages of rune technology to create controllable nuclear fusion and create a large amount of aura on the blue star.

At most, it can only be used as he does in his home and laboratory, using aura-blocking alloys for those who are ready to ascend.

On the uninhabited moon, it is certain that there will not be any living organisms. It is the most suitable place for large-scale experiments, allowing all people to live in an aura environment for a long time.

Putting down the phone that was still flickering with messages, Yang Qing lay on the bed with her head in her arms, her mental strength moved slightly, and the switch by the door snapped and was pressed down. The lights in the room immediately dimmed, and the whole room, suddenly Into the deepest darkness.

After covering the quilt, Yang Qing closed her eyes, turned sideways, and fell into the deepest sleep.

I don't know how long it took, Yang Qing's ears moved slightly, and from the door, there were a few bumping and scratching sounds, followed by the doorknob, the door quietly opened a crack, and one Under the light of the corridor lights outside, some petite figures squeezed in through the crack of the door.

A pair of already big eyes widened even more in the dark environment, occasionally flashing green pupils.

The little fur ball jumped to the front of Yang Qing's bed in a few steps, jumped onto the head of the bed with a light jump, sniffed Yang Qing's hair with its nose, then sat down beside his ear in satisfaction, coiled up A round ball purring happily.

Although Yang Qing's spiritual consciousness is strong, he still selectively ignores those behaviors that do not bring him pressure or are not hostile, otherwise he will not be able to sleep all day long and become a mentally weak patient.

Obviously, the little Maotou Lingling poses almost zero threat to Yang Qing, not even a little pressure, and in his subconscious mind, Lingling can already be regarded as a member of the family, so he doesn't mind her approaching, otherwise even Even if it is ignored, just the coercion of high-end creatures over low-level creatures is enough to make them hide away.

When Yang Qing woke up again, it was the morning of the next day. Even through the thick curtains, he could still feel the heat of the first rays of morning light in the sky.

The snoring sound from next to his ear made him a little dazed, but when he turned his head and touched a ball of fluffy stuff, he immediately knew what it was.

"Little thing, when did you come here?"

Yang Qing suddenly got up, and with one hand, I held the poor little dumpling in the palm of my hand and lifted it up high.

Although the little thing can't speak and doesn't know how to look at the watch, Yang Qing's fast-running brain has already come to the conclusion through various clues that Lingling entered the room at 10:20 last night.


Being lifted up from the deepest sleep, little Lingling didn't show any surprises, she just let out a little dissatisfied cry, and then stretched her waist in his hands.

Now it was Yang Qing himself who was in a hurry. He didn't make up the other hand, but he didn't know how to do it. The white hair ball suddenly changed from horizontal to vertical towards the fingers. Still lying firmly.

But Yang Qing stretched his nose, and put Lingling down with some disgust, because he smelled the kitten's peculiar smell.

Let a few middle-aged people keep pets, and they will definitely not take Lingling to the pet hospital for regular bathing and hair trimming. They should still follow the previous practice and get some cat food instead of using vegetable soup to make rice. It's the limit of what they can do.

And kittens are extremely resistant to bathing, even though they can swim, but for Yang Qing, even without water, there are many ways to clean kittens.

He pinched a finger, and a whirlwind rolled up Lingling, flew into the sky, and turned into a white sphere.

But what is strange is that Lingling couldn't even utter a scream after being treated like this. It can be seen that it opened and closed its mouth inside, but no sound could come out.

After a while, the wind stopped, and Lingling fell off. The hair all over her body seemed to have been washed and waxed, giving off a silvery luster. Not only did she no longer have the usual cat and dog smell, but she exuded a faint smell. fragrance.

It's just that after Lingling landed on the bed, her eyes turned around like in the animation, as if she had completely fainted.

Yang Qing looked at Lingling amusedly. In fact, this behavior seemed to be abuse, but Yang Qing had already used a wave of spiritual energy to protect Lingling's vital organs. The reason why she acted like this was because her semicircular canals couldn't adapt to the high-speed rotation. , in fact, its body is healthier than ever.

The whirlwind fell, revealing an impurity group containing cat hair and various dirt smells. It was deftly followed the gap in the curtain, passed through the window that was just opened, and then fell into a small pit, and was buried by floating soil. Behind him, the window that was only opened a crack was closed again, the handle of the window was pulled down, and the curtains were slowly opened, as if there was an invisible hand manipulating everything behind him.

Yang Qing stood up, tidied the quilt, and looked at Lingling who had recovered, but was a little scared and did not dare to go forward.

"come over!"

I don't know whether it's fear or she really has a unique attraction. When Lingling heard this, she hurriedly took a few steps and jumped onto him, still sitting on his shoulders, but with four protruding claws. Be more careful not to touch his skin.

Taking Xiaomei along, Yang Qing walked out the door and walked downstairs.

"Qingzi, wake up!"

Mom and Dad got up early, they don't have nothing to do like Yang Qing, who have to go to work at eight o'clock.

This is the difference between the small counties in Northeast China and other places. Instead of going from nine to five, they go to work at 8:00 in the morning and get off work at 11:30 in the afternoon. operating hours.

"woke up!"

Yang Qing said hello to his father who was sitting on the sofa watching the news on his mobile phone, while his mother was busy in the kitchen as usual.

"This is Lingling, it's only been one night, how has it changed?"

Dad noticed Lingling on Yang Qing's shoulder, and asked in surprise.

"I gave Lingling a hair care, look how shiny it is now! And it's still delicious, isn't it, Lingling?"

Yang Qing fiddled with Lingling's little paw, not caring about its sad eyes.

"Really! Lingling smells so good."

The old mother who happened to enter the room at this time buried her whole head in Lingling's hair, sucking greedily.

The father over there also came over when he heard the words, he heard it carefully, and nodded again and again.

"It smells really good. I can no longer call our Lingling stinky cat. Now it is a fragrant baby."

Parents attacked from left to right, Yang Qing had no choice but to back out, letting out the kitten fixed on her shoulder.

Their family used to love to **** cats, but now that Lingling has become more fragrant, everyone can't put it down, so poor Lingling turned around between the two of them, as if a mosquito coil was lit in her eyes, and turned there again Ah turn.

After making a fuss for a while, Mom and Dad finally let Lingling go, she quickly fled to the highest partition in the house, and said nothing to come down, even the most attractive shoulder of Yang Qing, it was difficult to attract it.

At this time, my mother brought the meal, and the three of them gathered around the dining table to prepare breakfast.

Breakfast is dumplings, homemade sauerkraut pork stuffing, a bite full of juice, dipped in garlic sauce, the taste is not to mention delicious.

Of course, the dumplings are not freshly made. Before there was no refrigerator, their family had to make more dumplings and store them in winter. The low temperature in the Northeast is minus 20 degrees, and the dumplings can be eaten until the New Year.

Now that there are several large refrigerators, my mother will make some dumplings when she is free. Who made this Yang Qing's favorite food?

Sure enough, for northerners, especially those from the Northeast, there is nothing that a meal of dumplings cannot solve. If there is, then add another meal.

Yang Qing really enjoyed eating. He ate up a large plate full of dumplings, but there were two other plates waiting on the table.

"Why don't you eat?"

Mom asked with some concern, but she remembered that when she came back last time, Yang Qing's dumplings could eat three plates.

"There's been less activity recently, and the appetite has also come down!"

Since the establishment of the foundation, the emergence of true essence has finally satisfied the needs of the sealed spiritual consciousness in the brain, so he no longer needs to rely on the essence of food to replenish energy. Although he eats a lot, it has also declined. into the normal range.

"The appetite has dropped so much all of a sudden, won't you be sick?"

Dad also asked with some concern.

Yang Qing couldn't laugh or cry, everyone in this world is sick, and he won't get sick, but there is no way to say this.

"Our company conducts regular physical examinations. Your son's health has always been excellent, so don't worry!"

I took a closer look at Yang Qing's face, it was white and supple, with a little bit of bright red, and her eyes were black and white. Compared with most girls, she was prettier and could be called pretty, but she was not a girl at all. A kind of masculinity from the inside out, and there is really no sickness in sight.

"It's fine! Put the bowls and chopsticks in the dishwasher later, and put the dumplings in the refrigerator when they are cold. Let's go to work."

Mom exhorted.

"Do you have something to do today? I'll leave the car for you!"

Dad also asked aside.

"It's such a cold day, you should drive the car! I might go to see my classmates later, and I'll take a taxi then."

"That's fine, we'll talk about it when we come back at noon."

It was already 7:40, and it would be too late if they didn't hurry. Unlike their original house, they didn't need to ride a bicycle. They walked for more than ten minutes and arrived at their respective units.

Although they live comfortably now, they are too far away from the unit. If they don't have a car, they even plan to move back to live.

Even though I don’t have enough time to go out now, even though this is a small county, there are a lot of cars, especially in the morning rush hour, and it is normal to be stuck in front of traffic lights for more than ten minutes.

But at the age of his parents, they basically have nothing to desire, and the unit's attendance is also lenient to them. As long as it is not particularly outrageous, if they are seen by the big leaders, they will basically turn a blind eye. One-eyed thing.

Mom and Dad hurriedly changed into thick clothes and walked out. In the garage downstairs, there was the sound of a car engine starting and the sound of the garage door opening, and the car drove out soon.

Yang Qing was the only one left in the family again, but he didn't feel the slightest sense of loneliness. Here, it felt completely different from his home in Jinshi.


Parents were gone, and Lingling, who survived the catastrophe, dared to climb down from the top of the cabinet, came to Yang Qing's side, and rubbed her head against him.

Yang Qing reached out to pick it up, rubbed it with his hands, and asked about it.

"Lingling, are you hungry?"

He didn't think that Lingling could understand But what was strange was that Lingling shook her head seriously.

"So you can understand human speech!"

Lingling gave Yang Qing a surprise again, although it was more likely to be the credit of the Reiki Pill last night, but it is an indisputable fact that Lingling herself has a good foundation.

Spiritual consciousness swept across Lingling's body, a ball of pills was still being digested in her stomach and intestines, it was obvious that she would not be hungry until she finished digesting the pills.

After playing with the cat for a while, Yang Qing put it down, picked up the phone and asked:

"Xiao Ai, where are Zhang Yuzhu and his daughter now?"

Although the icing on the cake is not as good as giving charcoal in the snow, when Zhang Yuzhu was desperate, he went for treatment, and the effect was actually better.

But for Yang Qing, he didn't intend to show his skills, and the treatment was only a short-term thing, why not go home as soon as possible, so that the cute little girl would suffer less?

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