The Return of the Black Technology of Immortal World

Vol 3 Chapter 118: Miserable Tool Meow

In addition, there is another relatively minor reason, that is, the two superpowers in the world have their own detection methods for nuclear fusion.

When nuclear fusion occurs, a large number of neutrinos will be produced. This thing contains no charge and has an extremely small mass. It can even be said to be one of the elementary particles.

It is like a ghost, traveling freely in the universe, even the huge blue star can penetrate it wantonly, it is difficult for anything to really stop it.

The sun in our solar system is the largest source of neutrinos, and various nuclear fusions will suddenly produce a large number of neutrinos.

Therefore, detecting neutrinos is one of the ways to determine whether nuclear fusion has occurred on a blue star.

Although there is a huge difference between controllable nuclear fusion and a nuclear explosion that releases energy in an instant, they will also release a large number of neutrinos.

These neutrinos can confirm that nuclear fusion has occurred on the blue star.

If it is confirmed that several major organizations in the world have not carried out nuclear tests or ignition experiments of controlled nuclear fusion, then it means that in this world, there has been a force outside the control that controls nuclear fusion.

For such a force, not to mention the United States, which is like the world's police, rampant everywhere, even if it has lost its thick fat and only has a body of bones, it will not be ignored.

According to the theory, it can suppress the pressure array of neutrinos, and can also restrain the emission of neutrinos. However, Yang Qing never paid attention to these in the prehistoric period, and naturally he did not dare to test them at will when he came back, so as not to attract more trouble.

However, the formation of the talisman that isolates gravity has been made, which means that Yang Qing has enough understanding of gravity or the essence that should become gravity, so enhancing gravity, or simply generating repulsion, becomes easy to do thing.

Moreover, the gravitational isolation talisman also has a great effect, that is, it can form a gravitational isolation layer between the spaceship and the repulsive talisman.

In this way, when the repulsive force array works, the things inside the spaceship will not be repelled to the top of the spaceship due to the repulsive force.

In this way, the spacecraft can be divided into up and down. Even if it flies into space without gravity, it can add a gravitational talisman to the gravitational isolation talisman to attract people to the bottom of the spacecraft without Will float around in the spaceship.

In this way, even a patient can easily fly into space without the discomfort of changing the environment if the repulsive talisman is gentle enough and the acceleration is slow enough.

However, in the future, to become a member of the Moon Cave Mansion, at least one must be successful in martial arts and reach the acquired state.

Such people have at least twice the tolerance compared to ordinary people, that is to say, they can withstand accelerations of fifteen to six G without experiencing various symptoms of blindness and dizziness.

After all, in battles in space, the distance is calculated in astronomical units. The acceleration performance of warships in the universe must not be too slow. Without mobility, they cannot hide from the laser cannons and electromagnetic railguns that can only be deployed in the universe.

Yang Qing called up the blueprint of the spaceship from his mobile phone again, looked at it, and then imagined how he would develop at a high speed after getting rid of the shackles, and couldn't help showing a smile.


A meow next to his ear interrupted his fantasy.

Yang Qing lowered her head and saw Lingling jumping onto the table, looking at everything on the table curiously.

Although during this period of time, Lingling has encountered the most miserable learning career in the life of a cat, she still doesn't understand in her little mind, she is a kitten, why should she learn multiplication and division within ten?

That's right, after these days of unremitting teaching, Lingling has learned addition and subtraction within ten, and addition and subtraction within fifty, and has achieved an accuracy rate of more than 90%.

It stands to reason that such a result can already satisfy my parents' purpose of going out to show off, but my mother seems to be addicted to teaching, so she simply went a step further and taught Lingling multiplication.

Now in Lingling's small classroom, the multiplication table is hung next to her, allowing her to recite it at any time.

Although Yang Qing was the instigator of all this, the subsequent education was handled by parents alone, so now in the family, the one who has the best relationship with Lingling is still Yang Qing, and she is even more attached to Yang Qing.

Yang Qing rubbed Lingling's little head. In the past few days, this guy has grown rapidly. Since he just came home, he has only a small hairball the size of a palm, and it has grown seven or eight centimeters, and his weight has increased by almost a catty.

Although such a little milk cat officially grows the fastest, it is obvious that the aura supplements that Yang Qing often throws at it are also indispensible.

Hearing the little guy's comfortable purring sound, Yang Qing suddenly had an idea. The plastic plate was pressed by a stone, and there was still a little spiritual energy on it, so Yang Qing took the stone, and the plastic plate was pressed again. Quietly suspended.

Immediately afterwards, Lingling put him in the center of the plastic board. Lingling was obviously dissatisfied with this position, and wanted to jump off several times. In the end, Yang Qing had to use a technique similar to the immobilization technique to make him behave stay there.

The plastic board rose slowly, apparently not as fast this time, because even Lingling, who was hit by the hold spell, still had a tail sweeping back and forth from time to time, often appearing outside the plastic board.

This breaks the ability of the plastic plate to isolate gravity, but a cat's tail is obviously not heavy, at least it can't completely offset the buoyancy of the air, so the plastic plate is still rising slowly.

This also shows from the side that cats and cat tails are two completely different creatures.

Yang Qing quietly untied the shackles on Lingling's but it was as if she was used to it, sitting there, not daring to move.

This is not because Yang Qing is making fun of Lingling, but to test whether this kind of isolation array is effective for life. If the plastic plate is not too small, he would like to stand on it and test it himself.

After verifying the effect, Yang Qing once again attracted a whirlwind, and threw the table, together with plastic debris, large pieces of stone, concrete, out of the window, without the slightest difference between large pieces and dust. But even the few sheets of paper on the table were not rolled up.

The sound of the door opening came from downstairs, Yang Qing looked at the time, and it was five o'clock in the afternoon, and it was getting dark gradually.

Originally, he planned to continue to make the repulsive talisman array in one go, but now it is naturally in vain.

Although he is still a little anxious, no matter how anxious he is, he will not let go of the rare time of the day to get together with his family.

Although now, the family has lost the surprise of reunion after a long absence, and my mother has already complained about his laziness, and she can't forget it in her heart, and she still wants him to bring her daughter-in-law back.

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