The Return of the Black Technology of Immortal World

Vol 3 Chapter 140: Communication jade slip

After waiting for the plane to disappear into the sky, Yang Qing drove back home from the airport.

The transformation of the lithography machine is on the right track. It doesn’t make any difference whether he is there or not. It can replace his puppet, and a lot of parts have been refined. In ten days and a half months, you can try to assemble it .

Although this puppet has almost no functions, its biggest function is to disguise itself as a person.

But for Yang Qing, such a function is almost perfect.

But this puppet only has its appearance, and it is useless inside. Without Xiao Ai's support, it may not be able to do a simple thing.

However, as a scientist, especially the pioneer of chip architecture, he may need to give speeches everywhere, which is probably due, even if he has no interest in promoting the architecture, but Huaguo has always been like this, and it is rare to have a A structure that can crush the whole world, of course it needs to be promoted.

Although Yang Qing can decline most of the invitations, there are destined to be many that cannot be rejected.

If it happened to happen at the time when he was leaving, it would be really troublesome.

But many times, for example, when attending some important meeting, the mobile phone will be required to be stored, so it is difficult for Xiao Ai to help even if she is outside the venue.

Therefore, a brand new communication method that is not based on electromagnetic waves is needed, which can communicate with Xiao Ai at any time, and when necessary, can directly control the actions of the puppet.

Although Yang Qing can do this by himself, after all, he didn't gather the calculation array, and it is more convenient for Xiao Ai of the supercomputer.

Fortunately, such a communication method still exists. Yang Qing used it many times in Honghuang.

With the vastness of the prehistoric world and the way they are connected with each other, the mortal world is still concentrated on post stations, and even the method of transmitting information based on the characteristics of birds, such as flying pigeons, has not been popularized because of the harsh environment. After all, there are deep mountains and swamps that are difficult to develop everywhere, and there are many birds of prey. Pigeons that fly outside are easily hunted and killed.

The prehistoric world is another feudal society, running slowly and long, as if no progress has been seen for tens of thousands of years.

However, in the world of comprehension, the scarcity of manpower has made all kinds of communication cranes, flying swords and even talismans popular and timely, but these are concentrated in short distances, no more than one hundred kilometers away.

If you want to make a long-distance contact, you need another relatively expensive communication method, the communication jade slip.

The communication jade slip is slightly larger than a mobile phone, and there is a built-in connection circle inside, which can open up a temporary channel to transmit certain information.

Communication Jade Slips can be regarded as the top-level technology of the prehistoric era. It can transmit voice if it is not good enough, and can make face-to-face video calls if it is better. The only disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of energy.

But such flaws are nothing to those who can make communication jade slips.

The reason why Yang Qing is interested in communication jade slips is that it is a method of communication without delay.

That is to say, you open the communication jade slip here, and after contacting the opposite party, you can connect instantly there, and there is absolutely no delay in speaking.

Such a characteristic was also the reason why Yang Qing thought of it for the first time. Otherwise, it would be a very simple way to bury a mobile phone in the puppet's body and cover it with talismans.

Because of the characteristics of electromagnetic waves, its maximum speed can only be the speed of light. This speed, used on Blue Star, is actually enough for most applications.

But on the moon, between the earth and the moon, even if there is no loss of a signal, it will take more than a second for it to reach the blue star.

Such a delay makes any remote control behavior a nightmare.

Because everything you see is actually what happened a second ago.

Of course, if you put this scale on Mars, it will become more obvious.

Even during the launch window of Bluestar and Mars on the side of the sun, it takes more than eight minutes for a signal to be transmitted from Mars to Bluestar.

This kind of delay, several superpowers on the blue star, can fly to the country on Mars, there is no way to solve it, at least what they are researching now, including quantum entanglement, can't solve it, so they can only endure it.

So now they are all using simple landers to go up and investigate. As for the future, when Mars is developed, they will probably use manned spacecraft to command nearby on the Mars space station.

At this time, the advantage of communication jade slip is shown, because it does not have any delay.

Yang Qing once experimented in Honghuang. Even if he flew millions of kilometers with a communication jade slip, there was no delay in making a call.

Such a good thing, of course, needs to be built on Blue Star. At that time, even on the moon, you can access the Internet on Blue Star without any delay.

Fortunately, Yang Qing didn't completely forget his true nature as a man of science and technology. After getting the communication jade slip, the first thing he did was to understand its working principle.

Communication jade slips actually have great limitations. For example, they can only communicate with each other in the same space. If they enter a small world or subspace, it will be difficult to communicate with each other.

According to Hong Huang, it is the communication jade slip, which does not emit electromagnetic waves, but some kind of small spatial fluctuations. Therefore, this kind of fluctuations cannot resonate in the face of relatively strong spatial barriers, thus penetrating the space barrier. Thoroughly.

Space, even in the prehistoric and fairy world, is an extremely profound knowledge. Even if Yang Qing has reached the stage of transforming gods, he can only scratch the surface.

Fortunately, the basis of the communication jade slip is just a few rune arrays. Even if it involves several spaces of the supreme avenue, it is not that difficult to understand the rune arrays.

Of course, if you want to thoroughly understand these runes, or even create them yourself, you must comprehend the space to an extremely advanced level, but there are not so many thresholds for just applying it. Almost everyone has a communication jade slip?

As a master craftsman who has refined too many communication jade slips, Yang Qing also knows the communication jade slips well.

But this thing also relies on aura to operate, so he can't guarantee whether Blue Star, which is in a place that is almost utterly immortal, will be able to achieve the prehistoric effect, so he has to try it out.

If it succeeds, the communication system will be expanded in the future, so as to establish one or several communication base stations on Blue Star, as the basis for communication with the moon and even future space.

The materials used in the Communication Jade Slip were not so precious in Honghuang, but on Blue Star, it was a bit troublesome.

After all, in an environment full of aura, and in a world without aura, certain materials even have diametrically opposite performances.

The composition of the material is actually almost the same as that of jade, so it is called the communication jade slip, but the jade here is the spiritual jade of the prehistoric.

Although there is definitely no spiritual jade on the blue star, there are quite a few real jade. Among the countries in the world, there are probably only a few countries around Huaguo who have a natural interest in jade.

As for the West, what they care about is gold and diamonds. This can be seen from the low price of the jade industry in the 1970s and 1980s.

However, the jade that Yang Qing needs is not the jadeite from Myanmar, this kind of jadeite, but that kind of nephrite.

It is the sheep fat jade produced in the Western Regions and Lantian, that is, the jade that a gentleman is like jade.

Although nephrite jade with good quality can be said to be hard to find and can be sold for sky-high prices, Yang Qing doesn't need these.

Good jade and bad jade all need him to refine and process again, why not choose those miscellaneous jades that are not expensive?

Today, with the development of the Internet, it has become very easy to buy some miscellaneous jade as raw materials. Xiao Ai even went directly to other people's warehouses and checked it out. She was sure that it was real jade, not glass.

Yang Qing had already thought about this problem at the very beginning of refining the puppet, so he immediately asked Xiao Ai to place an order for jade.

Jade is far away in the Western Regions. For such a heavy item, it is obvious that it can only be delivered by logistics, not express delivery.

The speed of logistics is much slower than that of express delivery, and it is only today that it is delivered to the comprehensive laboratory.

So Yang Qing drove from the airport to the laboratory immediately.

Two boxes of miscellaneous jade had been placed in the quiet room. Yang Qing opened the box and saw the mottled jade wrapped in foam.

The biggest feature of Lingyu is that its closeness to spirit energy is far stronger than that of ordinary materials. This is also the key for Yang Qing to distinguish ordinary stones from Lingyu.

First increase the concentration of spiritual energy in the quiet room. Although the area has expanded a lot, the concentration of spiritual energy has also decreased a lot, but it is enough to stimulate those miscellaneous jades who have never encountered spiritual energy for a long time.

Lingyu's ability to absorb aura is much higher than that of ordinary rocks, so as the jade inlaid in the stone absorbs aura, its volume also undergoes a slight change.

However, the stones are solid, and there is almost no possibility of compression. With the change of the composition of the jade, there was a sound like toothache, and the stones were all expanded.

Before getting the aura, the hardness of these jade stones was very low, at least not the harder basalt they were embedded in.

Just absorbing the aura, the originally hard rock mass was destroyed by them, and then fell down by itself.

Yang Qing picked up a piece of relatively pure jade that had been separated from the rock, and felt a faint but agile aura in it.

In it, this aura seems to be alive. This is the difference between Lingyu and ordinary jade. If the environment is suitable, the aura inside will grow naturally.

Even in the Land of Absolute Spirits, the spiritual energy in the Lingyu will dissipate much slower than other things.

Reiki is naturally a good thing, stronger than any tonic, so in the ancient times of Huaguo, it is reasonable that jade can nourish people.

There are not many spiritual jades here, more of them are useless rocks, and all kinds of strange shapes, white one and white two stepped forward, picked out all the spiritual jades, and put them in a box.

Although Yang Qing's cultivation base is strong, but after all, there is only one person, one pair of hands, and two more robots on the side of the lithography machine. If there was a conflict, naturally he couldn't give up his main job, so he simply sent him two helpers.

This box is made of extremely spirit alloy. In this box, Yang Qing will add a higher concentration of spiritual energy to make these spiritual jades transform as soon as possible, so as to reach the level of being able to refine weapons.

Picking out all the spirit jades, Yang Qing sealed the box, and then guided out all the three spirit stones and spirit energy left in it in one breath, and immediately, spirit mist appeared inside.

However, these spiritual mist were quickly swallowed by the spiritual jade, and the spiritual energy in the spiritual jade was also growing rapidly, but it would take a long time to persist in order to reach a usable level.

The two soul refining arrays have been in operation for several days, and most of the soul bodies inside have been wiped out of obsession and turned into pure soul energy. Now the color of the crystal **** has also faded, until they are completely white , it is time to complete the soul refining.

Yang Qing continued to refine the parts needed for the puppets on the workbench.

Perhaps subconsciously, Yang Qing didn't regard this place as his base, but only as a temporary station.

Otherwise, Honghuang's various auxiliary equipment is already complete, and he is still using the most primitive method for refining, and he doesn't even have a refining tripod from the ancient times of Honghuang.

Of course, it was also because Yang Qing possessed divine consciousness, and had reached a level of proficiency in controlling the true essence, without any need for other equipment to assist him at all.

The days are passing by in such a hurry, Zhang Yuzhu's has successfully obtained their identity documents, and they have transformed into Chinese nationals who have just joined the nationality of Nicea.

Although the number of Chinese who have joined foreign countries, especially the nationality of Nicaea, has been reduced to almost zero, but with the cooperation of the charm, they still successfully obtained the Nicaea ID card.

The next step is to fly to the capital of Nicaea to purchase islands.

Everything is fine, especially under the command of Xiao Ai, and the existence of translation software, so that there is no obstacle to the communication between each other, they have successfully obtained Kuba Island.

But the official in charge was more miserable, because under the procrastination and lengthy work efficiency of the Nicaea government, he was illuminated by four deceiving charms in a row, and he had completely become their puppet.

Fortunately, otherwise, Zhang Yuzhu and the others would have to spend a month to complete all the procedures for the idea of ​​buying an island.

It's different now, although the procedures still take such a long time to sort out, but with the help of a puppet, the three of them can live in the room provided by the puppet, and wait for him to finish all the procedures.

When all the procedures for the island were completed and the one million yuan for the purchase of the island was credited to the official account of Nicaea, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.


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