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For Zhao Yuxi, although she successfully entered the Qi refining period, she has never practiced systematically, so her body's thirst for spiritual energy is almost endless, so she was completely addicted to it as soon as she practiced.

Spiritual energy is like water, slowly blending into the body, being absorbed, and then transformed into true energy, entering the dantian.

The cells in her body are like chicks waiting to be fed. When they encounter delicious food from the sky, she can see that the aura enters the mitochondria of the cells, and then is transformed into true qi, which gathers in the meridians.

But on the flying saucer, it was never a place for serious cultivation. Yang Qing saw that she was immersed in it, so he woke her up after she finished running for a week.

"What are you doing?"

It was the first time that Zhao Yuxi completely entered the state of cultivation, he just felt like he was in a celestial state, as if all the good things in the world were presented in front of his eyes.

Being completely interrupted this time, it is inevitable that there will be emotions like getting up.

"My eldest lady, in order not to disturb your cultivation, the flying saucer has already flown around my house ten times, now we should go back!"

Zhao Yuxi blushed slightly, quickly sat upright, and buckled up her seat belt.

"The spirit stone can be retracted into the storage bag, and if there is anything in the future, you can also put it in."

Yang Qing reminded, and then reached out a little, tapped on Zhao Yuxi's forehead, and passed on the method of collecting items.

If one reaches the foundation building stage and the spiritual consciousness is born, one can naturally wrap the object with the spiritual consciousness and put it in the storage bag.

However, Zhao Yuxi in the qi training stage only expanded his consciousness and released his mental power, so he needed the assistance of real qi to put big things into the storage bag.

This is what he taught.

At the same time, he also warned Zhao Yuxi that before the completion of the moon base, he must never use the storage bag in public.

The spirit stone also needs to be cautious. If it is not necessary, the spirit energy in the spirit stone must not be diffused to the outside world.

He also showed her that when Yang Qing was doing the experiment, the cockroach that had absorbed the aura had tripled in size and was close to a sparrow.

Although such a big cockroach has lost its hidden characteristics, it still inherits its original strong vitality. Its body is cut in half. Once it is put together, it can grow into one body, almost comparable to some kind of severed limb. The supernatural powers of rebirth.

Except for the large-scale injury that cuts off the head, a few feet can be regrown within a day or two.

One can imagine how terrifying it would be if such cockroaches were everywhere on the blue star after the aura leaked.

That's why Yang Qing insisted on setting up the base on the moon, because it was desolate enough that there was not even any organic matter, so naturally there would be no possibility of mutation.

While Zhao Yuxi was absorbing the content he passed on, the flying saucer began to decelerate violently.

After more than a minute, they had successfully returned to the terrace of their villa.

It is worth mentioning that Zhao Yuxi not only did not experience the symptoms of airsickness this time, no matter because of his psychological preparation or the absorption of spiritual energy, Zhao Yuxi became extremely sober on the contrary.

Seeing the flying saucer hovering in the air and flying away without a sound, Yang Qing looked back, but saw Zhao Yuxi's eyes, with a touch of blue, was also looking at the flying saucer flying away in the sky.

Although Zhao Yuxi is dull in some places, she is actually quite gifted in cultivation. At least she can cover her eyes with true energy and see those ingeniously invisible objects, which is her ability to learn without a teacher.

Obviously, after entering the Qi refining period, she has also benefited a lot from the development of the brain domain, at least she has been able to cross over to the ranks of smart people on this blue star.

Afterwards, the two of them went back to their room together. Under Yang Qing's cover-up, all the movements, as well as the traces of going in and out, were completely erased.

When they returned to the two's room on the second floor, Zhao Yuxi looked at him, hesitated to speak, and finally walked back to his own room and closed the door.

Although there are still many questions to be asked for a while, Qi training is still more fascinating.

She sat on the floor, and the floor heating made the floor hot.

As if she had learned without a teacher, she naturally posed the orthodox way of meditation above the prehistoric.

Holding a piece of spirit stone in her hand, she slowly closed her eyes and entered a gorgeous and addictive world.

Through the unobstructed wall, Yang Qing's spiritual consciousness glanced at Zhao Yuxi, then lay down on the bed with peace of mind, and fell asleep.

The next morning, when the first ray of dawn broke, Yang Qing opened his eyes naturally.

Even though it was nearly 1:30 when he went to bed last night, Yang Qing's face was still full of energy and radiance, just as if the lost hours of sleep did not exist.

On the contrary, the next door is different.

Zhao Yuxi, who was next door, was lying crookedly on the floor, falling asleep.

Practicing qi is far from easy, especially the active activation of true qi and the absorption of spiritual qi must rely on the activation of consciousness.

However, it is extremely difficult for consciousness to drive cultivation. This is also because she first followed the way of a warrior, and the meridians in her body have been opened. Consumed consciousness, that is, one's own spirit, is even more.

For ordinary people who are just beginning to practice, it is better not to exceed one hour, and one day should not exceed three hours.

If you practice for a long time, you will lose your energy and even cause injuries, and you will be muddled all day long.

It seems that there will be a training notice for them in the future.

Yang Qing thought to himself.

It's not that Yang Qing deliberately gave Zhao Yuxi a hard time, but that he really forgot.

Although he also accepted apprentices in the prehistoric times, the disciples at that time would have some prior education and knew the taboos of cultivation well. Over time, Yang Qing also forgot about these trivial things.

Sure enough~www.readwn.com~Zhao Yuxi slept until half past nine, and was still pale and dizzy after waking up.

My mother was so anxious that she wanted to take her to the hospital, but she fell ill just a few days after returning home, which is not a good thing.

Of course, Yang Qing, who was watching the excitement nearby, was also dragged into the water, nagging, saying that he shouldn't take people out in the cold weather.

Although Dad didn't say anything, his eyes were staring at him fiercely.

Yang Qing was scolded, but Zhao Yuxi let out a sigh of relief, making him so fierce last night, so happy, even his head cleared up a lot.

Yang Qing had no choice but to apply a rejuvenation spell to Zhao Yuxi.

At this moment, Zhao Yuxi felt as if someone had poured a basin of warm water on her from the sky, making her whole body warm. Even her brain seemed to be washed, fresh and bright.

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