"The Black Technology Returning from the Immortal World (!

"Tell me, what is the relationship between you and that little girl?"

When Yang Qing came home, just after lunch, he was met by his parents and Lingling, as if they were being interrogated, and now they were sitting in a row on the sofa.

"Didn't you say it? My girlfriend!"

"Who are you lying to? Are there any boyfriends and girlfriends who don't live together?"

Mom sneered and exposed his lie.

It's not what it used to be, let alone the two of them, even if they are college students, if they don't live together, they can't be regarded as boyfriend and girlfriend, even if they are in a small northeastern city.

"I don't care what happened in the past, I just look for this daughter-in-law. Besides, if she can go home with you, it's good for you. Don't let her down."

Mom said half threat, half persuasion.

Yang Qing smiled wryly, he actually had no choice, who made it so long to find only two spiritual beings?

Even a cultivator can't escape the fate of being forced to marry, so he has no choice, he can't find a little girl like Nini, right? That way, not to mention others, even my mother would call me a beast.

In fact, I can see what Zhao Yuxi means to him. Otherwise, why would he follow him all the way to his home, braving the cold wind in the northeast, just because of a word.

So if Yang Qing wanted to do something, he could do it.

However, because Yang Qing and Zhao Yuxi's cultivation bases are very different, it is also reflected in the body.

Once he did some indescribable things, not to mention that Yang Qing could easily injure her body, it was also possible to **** Zhao Yuxi's body directly when Zhao Yuxi was extremely happy.

What else can Yang Qing do when something becomes boring and life may happen at any time?

"Okay, your daughter-in-law can't run away, but we must wait for a while to get married, at least not within a few years."

Of course, Zhao Yuxi needs to be strengthened a bit, if he has reached the late stage of Qi training, he will be ready for use.

"I know you young people get annoyed when it comes to getting married. I said you should hurry up and have two children while you are young. When you get older, it will be much more troublesome to have children!"

Mom was nagging.

Having children, for a cultivator, especially a cultivator without a family, is actually of little significance. At least in the prehistoric hundred years, although he had many women, he never had a single offspring.

When the cultivation base is low, I just want to climb up. After the cultivation base is high, the body changes, and there is a little reproductive isolation from ordinary people.

Of course, there is a certain kind of elixir that can allow people with high cultivation to reproduce offspring, but this elixir is extremely expensive and the quantity is very small, and it is the patent of some big families or big bosses.

In fact, it is mainly those families who are more enthusiastic about giving birth to offspring, because if there are no offspring, the incense will never end.

The incense here is not incense in the ordinary sense. Lighting a few incense sticks is not considered incense. Only when you bow down sincerely can there be incense.

Incense can allow the dead to live in the underworld, instead of the soul flying away, the true spirit going to reincarnation, and it is not known where it will be reincarnated.

And the ghosts of the underworld can also cultivate, that is, ghost cultivation, and incense is their most important accumulation.

Of course, these are of little significance to Yang Qing. This place is no longer a prehistoric place, and there is no evidence for the existence of the Netherland. Anyway, even under Yang Qing's spiritual consciousness, no matter whether it is a human being or the soul of other creatures, there is no evidence. It dissipated between the heaven and the earth in a short period of time, and it has nothing in common with the prehistoric.

"Okay, Mom, it might be faster to get married, but if you have a baby, there is no possibility in a short time, so don't rush!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Qing stepped forward and grabbed Lingling, turned around and went upstairs, leaving her parents staring at her.

"You dead cat, dare to interrogate me together!"

Holding Lingling in her arms, Yang Qing ravaged her desperately, but the current Lingling is obviously rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and it is impossible for Yang Qing to really use force, so under Yang Qing's ravages, not only did she not suffer, but she endured Can't help, both eyes are smiling.

Ghost knows how a cat can laugh. Yang Qing had only seen a dog that could laugh before, but Lingling smiled with a charming feeling.

This guy is going to become a demon.

Yang Qing checked her body and found that it had indeed reached a critical point.

Then help it get promoted tonight!

Don't get me wrong, Yang Qing doesn't want to make a cat-eared girl, although Lingling is indeed a female cat.

But being a demon doesn't mean it can transform, it just makes it smarter, stronger, and possesses certain abilities by the way.

The transformation of a monster must wait until at least the transformation stage, which is equivalent to the alchemy stage of human beings, and it is even higher than Yang Qing's current state.

With Lingling's aptitude, it may be difficult to cultivate to the stage of transformation. After all, living in an environment lacking aura for a long time does not mean that she will advance by leaps and bounds in an environment with aura.

More is to use it or lose it, to directly evolve those organs that absorb spiritual energy.

After nagging, my mother started to get busy. In the Northeast, there were many things that happened years ago, especially in their big house. Do it yourself.

Anyway, Yang Qing has always been pampered since he was a child, and he hardly needs to work at home, especially his parents have recently grown physically and mentally, so they don't need his help at all.

It gets dark very early in winter, and in the blink of an eye, it's nighttime. My parents follow the usual practice, after watching the news and watching a few more episodes, they go to bed.

Also according to the usual practice, when Yang Qing was at home, Lingling would never go to them, and went directly to Yang Qing's bedroom.

Lingling's current state is very special, as long as she has a little aura, she can cross a certain boundary and become a monster, so today she becomes lazy, just keeps chasing after Yang Qing, when she is hugged in her arms, I can also vaguely feel the faint trembling on its body.

But on the Blue Star, no monsters have appeared for too long, and Yang Qing is not sure if it will cause any big disturbances, so the best place for Lingling to break through is still on Kuba Island.

After waiting for a while, in the dead of night, no one would wander outside in the winter night, Yang Qing hugged Lingling and appeared on the terrace again.

The flying saucers outside were already in place, and they were sucked into the cabin directly.

Lingling, who had never experienced this before, screamed loudly in fright, her tail swelled thicker than an ordinary person's arm.

Fortunately, it was in Yang Qing's arms, otherwise it would have been hidden somewhere long ago.

"Lingling, don't be afraid, we're leaving right away."

When they were seated, the flying saucer began to accelerate.

Perhaps it was Yang Qing's comfort that gave Lingling great courage, allowing her to look around curiously when the pressure of 7 Gs brought by the acceleration was on her body.

This time without the burden of Zhao Yuxi, the speed of the flying saucer was directly increased to Mach 5, and it took only 40 minutes to reach the sky above Kuba Island.

Walking out of the cabin, Yang Qing let go of Lingling and let her move freely.

Although free, cats are very cautious in unfamiliar environments by nature. Not only did it not run far, but it jumped onto Yang Qing's shoulder and observed carefully.

There were no outsiders this time, even if Lingling had been educated by her mother, she obviously wouldn't understand the meaning of the spaceship, so the island was completely dark except for a few necessary lights.

This kind of darkness naturally can't trouble Yang Qing, and as for Lingling on his shoulder, it's even more difficult. However, it is quite a violation for Yang Qing to carry the most natural nocturnal creature.

After walking a few steps, I came to the center of Xiao Ai.

"Master, is this Lingling?"

"Yeah, how is it?"

"It has reached its limit, but this kind of creature, even if it becomes a monster, has no future. Is it necessary to let it evolve?"

A spiritual consciousness from Xiao Ai swept over the ignorant and ignorant Lingling.

"In this world, there are all such ordinary creatures without any difference. Even if they are tigers and lions, apart from being more ferocious, they may not be smarter than Lingling. I want to see how much tolerance this world has."

"In such a weak world, does the Dao of Heaven still exist?"

Xiao Ai asked curiously.

"Who knows? After all, this place is not a prehistoric place with a round sky. Maybe its way of heaven belongs to the entire galaxy, or the entire river system?"

If Tiandao governs the entire galaxy, then it will not die. Although Yang Qing himself already belongs to a higher level of vitality, his soul essence comes from outside. Yang Qing still remembers the thunderstorm that night like New.

"Then master, how about building a Faraday cage?"

"it is good!"

The Faraday cage is an important way to resist thunder disasters. Yang Qing used to rely on it to resist many thunder disasters in the wild.

If it weren't for the various catastrophes in the prehistoric times, Yang Qing would probably be the easiest person to overcome the catastrophe.

Although according to Yang Qing's inference, even if there is a calamity, the thunder calamity is the main one, but he has to guard against other factors.

So after Xiao Ai set up the Faraday cage, he immediately flew towards a small island ten miles away, carrying it and Xiao Ai.

This is a coral island with a lot of sandy beaches. Occasionally, it is submerged under the sea during high tide, so there is not much vegetation.

Yang Qing stood in the center of the island, in a small lagoon, standing on the water with a little tension.

Lingling had already been frightened by Yang Qing's continuous operations, especially when she was flying in the sky, without any support, she made her furious again.

Yang Qing took out a few huge pile foundations from the storage bag, all made of metal, with pointed ends on the bottom, which can be smashed on the ground.

Generally speaking, this kind of work requires a pile driver, or at worst, several people and a few sledgehammers.

But Yang Qing didn't need these at all. He lifted the pile foundation high and smashed it down with all his strength. Immediately, only one meter of each pile foundation was exposed on the water.

After smashing three pile foundations in a row, Yang Qing took out the Faraday cage and carefully installed it on the pile foundations.

Seawater is a good conductor of electricity, and the Faraday cage is an all-metal structure, which can ensure that lightning falls on it and will not affect the inside.

Then there is the unlucky Lingling, who is shivering and locked in a Faraday cage, a small house.

"Lingling, sit down and start right away!"

Smiling at the restless Lingling inside, Yang Qing gave Lingling a spiritual energy that could cross the checkpoint.

After receiving this spiritual energy, Lingling was suddenly stunned. It slowly lay down on the ground, and its silver-white hair suddenly shone brightly.

Although the brightness is almost non-existent, he can still see it clearly in the dark night when it is close to the new moon and only the stars are left to illuminate the sky.

Yang Qing's spiritual consciousness was firmly locked on Lingling's body, and it could be clearly seen that the movement track of the essence in her body had undergone earth-shaking changes.

A thing that looks like true qi has replaced the movement of essence qi, and is transforming its body, especially its head, which has undergone many changes.

If its head used to have few grooves and was relatively smooth, it has become as complicated as a human being now.

So after becoming a demon, he will become smarter, Yang Qing came to this conclusion.

However, at this moment, Yang Qing suddenly felt a numbness on his body, and his hair seemed to stand on end.

When I looked up again, at some point in the sky, a layer of thin clouds floated in, covering the starry sky and making it look hazy.

Yang Qing waved his hand, and the friction between his arm and his clothes produced countless small sparks, which were especially conspicuous in the dark night.

The seaside has reached 90% of the humid air, which basically eliminates the possibility of static electricity generated by friction.

So, this is Thunder Tribulation? Yang Qing thought a little depressed.

When I looked more closely, the water surface under my feet had also risen by more than ten centimeters at some point.

However, with Lingling's successful breakthrough, everything returned to normal within a few seconds. If it wasn't for someone like Yang Qing who is as perceptive as Yang Qing, everything that happened just now would have been an illusion.

Give Lingling another wave of spiritual energy, and the demonic energy in her body circulates, quickly consolidating her realm.

Yang Qing reached out from inside, grabbed Lingling out, put away the Faraday cage, and the base, turned around, and flew towards Kuba Island.

"It seems that the way of heaven here has weakened to the extreme!"

"It is indeed the case. It is still prepared, but there is not much punishment for small transgressions."

Back on the island, after communicating everything with Xiao Ai ~www.readwn.com~ Xiao Ai came to such a conclusion.

This is still a different kind embarking on the road. When Zhao Yuxi entered the Qi refining period, he didn't even have the punishment of pretending.

"However, master, there is a big difference between the Qi refining stage and the alchemy stage. After all, the alchemy stage will change your soul, which may expose your soul."

No matter which world, there is not much tolerance for outsiders. Although Yang Qing is a native, a native soul, but has experienced hundreds of years of cultivation, it is inevitable that he will be contaminated with the breath of another world.

"So I still have to prepare!"

Yang Qing said lightly.

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