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But how can a Faraday cage that can withstand several times the intensity of thunderstorms be so easily damaged? These small details are just the connecting lines between several layers of cages. any impact.

The rain is getting bigger and bigger, but fortunately, the rainwater that falls from the sky does not contain many impurities, and its conductivity is far from that strong, but after it touches the metal of the Faraday cage, its conductivity increases immediately. Several times, Yang Qing had to stand up from the original state of watching the play.

He grabbed a seal and expanded the defense range to the second layer of the Faraday cage. At this point, there was no water in it.

Yang Qing took out a spirit stone from the storage bag. Although the true energy in his body was still sufficient so far, he still took out a spirit stone just in case.

But what surprised him was that the consumption of his spell was unexpectedly low, and the effect was unexpectedly good.


Yang Qing suddenly remembered one thing, that is, the wild aura in this world is actually poisonous.

Especially this kind of spiritual energy, which was originally produced by thunder and lightning, presumably, has now filled his surroundings.

So Yang Qing hurriedly spread out his spiritual consciousness, and sure enough, there were free auras everywhere beside him.

But as a monk, his body is actually absorbing spiritual energy all the time, and he has been in an environment without spiritual energy, so he loses his vigilance.

But at this moment, the moment Yang Qing extended his consciousness out of his body, the outside world seemed to be enraged, and the number and intensity of lightning falling from the sky suddenly doubled.

Now, even Yang Qing's feet could feel the heat from the cage.

This is also the reason why Yang Qing didn't want to release his consciousness.

Different from his blue star's original body, his spiritual consciousness came from the prehistoric, otherwise, with his cultivation base, it would be good to be able to release a spiritual consciousness now.

On weekdays, because of the weakness of Heaven on Blue Star, even if he released his consciousness, he would not be able to find out, or in other words, there would be no way to punish him.

But now is the time to be promoted to Transcendence Tribulation, and being watched, such a move is nothing less than provocative.

It's just that the power of Heaven here is very limited, and it can only attack by increasing the intensity of lightning.

In fact, if Yang Qing hadn't been prepared enough, a lightning strike of this intensity would have been enough to make him flustered. For ordinary people, that is, people like Yang Qing who came back from the outside, when they crossed the catastrophe, it would be a huge challenge. test.

Yang Qing withdrew his consciousness in an instant, shrunk to himself, and saw that many strange auras had entered his body, combined with part of his true essence, and flowed towards his dantian.

In those auras, one can faintly see that kind of colorless transparent energy.

The danger of this kind of transparent energy, when Yang Qing came back on the first day, he was already very clear, so he was determined not to let it enter the dantian.

In fact, there is no better way now. Yang Qing controlled the dantian, and stopped the vortex inside which exerted the power of the true essence to run. Immediately, the true essence in his body stopped in the meridians.

Yang Qing took a deep breath, controlled the true energy in the meridians in his body, and erupted from the acupuncture points all over the body.

This time, most of the true energy in his body was sprayed out, and his body and clothes were directly broken, turning into a beggar's outfit.

Although these clothes are all products of Blue Star, they have almost no defensive ability, not as strong as his own skin, but this is still the most embarrassing moment since he survived the thunder disaster.

In a short period of time, he lost most of his true energy violently. Even Yang Qing couldn't bear it. Most parts of his body, especially the acupuncture points where the true energy erupted, and the surface of his skin became red with blood. Penetrates the surface of the skin and oozes out.

He couldn't help but spat out a mouthful of crystal red blood.

Now Yang Qing is already suffering from five tuberculosis and seven injuries, and has serious problems with his internal organs.

However, compared to the harm caused by the transparent energy that harms the consciousness, it is a trivial matter after all. In the time he breathed, the spiritual energy of a piece of Lingshi was completely absorbed, and then from the dantian, a stream of true essence was recirculated, Soon, under the intentional control of the divine consciousness, it circulated all over the body.

As a result, the damaged parts of the body and internal organs were repaired one by one. Although his breath was much weaker, there was no longer any dragging injuries.

At this moment, a waterspout just passed across the island, or just passed by his Faraday cage.

The Faraday cage, which was never shaken by strong winds and waves close to the seventeenth level, suddenly shook under the high-speed impact of the waterspout.

Although he has some confidence in the Faraday cage designed by Xiao Ai, he can barely keep himself from being drenched by the rolled up sea water with all his strength, and he can't care about anything else for the time being.

Yang Qing, who has always put stability first, naturally will not have backup plans, but these backup plans are not as convenient and safe as the current one after all, so his foot stepped on a place, which is a switch of a talisman array .

When the talisman array was opened, Yang Qing felt his whole body sank, and the entire cage was pressed down by dozens of centimeters. The cage, which was shaking more and more in the wind and waves, immediately stabilized.

Even if it is the way of heaven, it can't defy the nature of nature. The waterspout raging on the small island for two minutes, finally left. Yang Qing felt the pressure was relieved, and he was relieved.

He completely closed all the acupoints on his body. Anyway, after repeated absorption for a period of time, the aura in his body has reached the overflowing state, and he can take advantage of the momentum to rush to the brain area and open up the brain area.

Although there is still thunder outside, and the momentum is not weak, but separated by the metal cage, it is no longer a big threat.

Occasionally, tiny lightning flashes in from the gap~www.readwn.com~, but Yang Qing doesn't need to resist, it is blocked by his skin.

This made his body tremble from time to time due to the passing of the current, and he was also struck by lightning, with black patterns on his body, but it finally did not cause much damage.

On the contrary, those electric currents rushing into the internal organs, together with the true essence, rushed directly towards the brain.

Yang Qing's brain area development is quite simple, because he has actually opened it up once, and he still has his spiritual consciousness. Open up one by one, and then his brain domain was opened directly.

After opening the brain domain, in fact, his catastrophe has passed. He only felt that his brain was cleared, as if the whole world had changed.

Similarly, with the development of his brain domain, the divine consciousness that belonged exclusively to him also changed quietly, and spread out uncontrollably, extending to a kilometer away.

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