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"This is actually our future moon base, but with the addition of repulsive propellers, it can fly temporarily and be used as a spacecraft."

Yang Qing explained.

Zhao Yuxi looked at the spaceship whose metal color on the surface had been covered by some kind of special paint. It looked more and more like a building. Except that it didn't have any windows, it was actually no different from a building.

"Come on, let's go in and have a look."

Up to now, except for the goods that are still being continuously transported inside, the large-scale construction projects have stopped, and we can already see what the future moon base will look like.

Zhao Yuxi nodded, followed Yang Qing, and walked forward.

This is not the gold market, and there is no vehicle for them to travel, but the distance from the flying saucer to land is not too far, and they walked up to them in a few steps.

The opening with a width of eight meters and a height of ten meters is naturally not prepared for them. Electric trucks are dragging containers and they file in from there. On the other side, there is another door with the same A large number of trucks, dragging the empty containers, drove outside.

But as they approached, at the corner of the building, a small door was opening.

"Welcome master, welcome Yuxi."

As the door opened, Xiao Ai's voice rang in the minds of both of them.

With the completion of the spaceship, Xiao Ai naturally moved from the simple room outside to the central computer room of the spaceship, which will be her real territory in the future.

The current central computer room has installed a supercomputer with more than 500 billion floating-point calculations.

Even though the computing talisman can give birth to a spirit like Xiao Ai, the computing power alone is obviously strong enough, but it is still more inclined to fuzzy computing, which is similar to the computing characteristics of the brain.

This brings about a problem, that is, some are relatively simple, but the amount of calculation is large, and the result requires very accurate calculations, and it is very slow to calculate.

Especially when it comes to some operations on the Internet, there is a large amount of data exchange every moment, and it is not what the calculation symbol array is good at.

The Internet is the foundation of Xiaomei. Even now, she can start from scratch again and carry out her own path of tool spirit, but this kind of power to control a world has also brought her unimaginable gains.

This involves the cultivation methods of some gods or dynasties. It just so happens that this method is not a secret in the wilderness, but it is too difficult to achieve something.

But on Blue Star, it is a desert of cultivation, there is nothing that can compete with Xiao Ai on the Internet.

In fact, what Xiao Ai got from the Internet was only the spiritual power brought about by excitement, sadness, and special mood swings.

If there is no Xiao Ai, these powers will dissipate, and it is a good thing for Xiao Ai to use them.

Taking advantage of this power, Xiao Ai is also constantly transforming her calculation rune array. The current calculation rune array is very different from when Yang Qing just refined it. There are all kinds of brand new rune structures. , even Yang Qing couldn't understand it.

This is no longer the realm that a craftsman, or a cultivator like Yang Qing, can refine.

So after Yang Qing added a few sets of computing arrays to Xiao Ai, in terms of computing power alone, she has surpassed all computers in the world, and she still needs a supercomputer that can support her to process Internet data.

It's just that this supercomputer system uses the latest seven-nanometer technology and an enhanced chaotic architecture.

In the prehistoric times, there was not much demand for this kind of chip, so there was no motivation to transform it while it was enough.

And at that time, Yang Qing's knowledge reserve was not enough. Even though Hong Huang's rune technology was advanced, it was two routes from Blue Star's technology after all, which could not help him design a more powerful chip.

But now it's different. Supercomputers also consume a lot of power. It doesn't matter on Blue Star. After all, it has the support of the National Grid, but here, energy consumption is not a small problem.

So after Yang Qing's improvement, a processing technology using seven nanometers, which is not outdated even in the current foundry, reduced the surface area of ​​the chip by 65% ​​at once.

However, the performance has increased by nearly ten times, and the power consumption has been reduced by 60%. This is also the reason why Yang Qing can achieve ten times the computing speed with the same number of chips in the supercomputing center in Jinshi.

"Xiao Ai, hello!"

Having already seen Xiao Ai's magic, Zhao Yuxi didn't dare to use her as a tool, so he hurriedly greeted her.

"The inside is ready, come in."

A row of ladders hung down from the door, all the way down in front of them.

Although the gravitational teleportation runes similar to flying saucers still exist here, all the rune arrays that are not very useful but consume excessive energy have been cancelled.

After the spacecraft lifts off, lands on the moon, collects enough helium three, and builds a qualified fusion reactor, all spirit stones are precious and non-renewable resources.

Pick up the steps and walk up the steps, and walk up to the small door that seems not far away, but is actually five meters from the ground.

As the owner, Yang Qing has naturally entered here more than once, and the drawings were also finalized with Xiao Ai, so she is also very familiar with this place.

What shocked Zhao Yuxi was naturally not the layer-by-layer building-like structure inside, but the cabin that was countless times larger than expected after opening the door.

"Is this really inside the spaceship?"

Seeing that the construction has just been completed, there are grasslands, streams, and even sunny cabins with a size of nearly three square kilometers and a height of tens of meters, Zhao Yuxi couldn't help asking such questions.

"Inside the spaceship, of course."

Yang Qing pulled Zhao Yuxi out from the inside, closed the hatch, and suddenly a hatch that was a bit high, but not so outrageous, blocked Zhao Yuxi's sight.

"What's going on here? How did it get bigger inside?"

After going in and out several times, going in and out, and the changes in the cabin, Zhao Yuxi couldn't help but ask deeply.

"This is the expansion of space. The storage bag you use is based on the principle that you can't find it. It's just that the space opened by the storage bag is closed. The space here is open and connected to the outside world."

"This is so much fun! Can I learn it?"

Zhao Yuxi's eyes sparkled, as if he had thought of something fun.

If Yang Qing was willing, in front of him, even what they were thinking would not be a secret, the beating brain waves would have exposed their thoughts as early as the first time.

It turned out that Zhao Yuxi was thinking about the stalk of Wuling Hongguang on the Internet. Now that she has this technology, her Mercedes-Benz seems to be able to try it.

This girl~www.readwn.com~ doesn't mean she has a lot of people with her, so she's going to fight?

Yang Qing secretly smiled, but didn't dare to show it. After all, not everyone wants to be heard by others.

"This is a very advanced technique. If you practice it for another sixty or seventy years, it will probably be about the same."

Yang Qing did not lie to Zhao Yuxi, because none of the rune arrays involving space is simple, and he only came into contact with space after reaching the stage of transforming gods.

"So long?"

Zhao Yuxi pursed his lips in disappointment.

She is still looking at the life of a monk in terms of the lifespan of a mortal. Sixty or seventy years is already the life of a mortal. Even Blue Star has undergone earth-shaking changes only in the past sixty or seventy years.

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