But all of this was completely resolved in front of Yang Qing.

Although the conversion of electrical energy into spirit stones, the efficiency is actually not that high, only about 90%.

But compared to other storage methods with a maximum efficiency of 40 to 50%, this is considered against the sky, okay?

However, when the spirit stone was re-converted into electrical energy, it exceeded 100%. Such a combination almost reached 99%.

Hundreds of square kilometers, or even the entire surface of the moon, can be covered with a layer of solar panels, and the aura obtained from this can fully meet the development of the base in the next few years.

But with such a large area of ​​panels, not to mention that Yang Qing doesn't have that much money to buy them, even if he has money, he may not be able to buy them back, at least not in a short time.

And after the construction of the moon base, Yang Qing didn't want to be controlled by others. All the finished industrial products had to be imported from Blue Star.

In that way, as long as the countries on the blue star unite, he will either bow his head or endure it, just like the country of Hua, which was just founded in the last century.

So the next step, what he has to do is to develop industry, the industry on the moon.

Silicon chips for robots, titanium alloys, steel, and various polymer composite materials for robot shells. In fact, all materials can be found on the moon.

However, with rune technology and Blue Star's modern technology, when they are added together, the result is that one plus one is greater than two.

For the industrial planning of the moon, Yang Qing and Xiao Ai have made many plans, including what he is doing now, which also lays a good foundation for the industrial system of the future lunar base.

So busy, the time has come a month later.

"Master, all the preparations for the spacecraft have been completed. In the next week, there will not be too many meteor-like celestial body activities. It is a suitable launch time. Do you need to take off as soon as possible?"

Yang Qing, who was still refining weapons in the refining room, suddenly heard Xiao Ai's voice.

"Calculate carefully and try not to damage the satellite in operation."

Xiao Ai obviously didn't care about those garbage-like artificial satellites, and heard that she was immersed in the calculation process again.

"We need to take off at 5:20:41 tomorrow afternoon, so that we can avoid the satellites in operation when we reach that altitude. If there is no accident, you can still see Huaguo's first satellite Sputnik."

"Dongfanghong? That's not bad!"

As an artificial satellite, Dongfanghong didn't actually play much role, and the running time was only tens of minutes, but the meaning behind it was not ordinary.

Because at that time, Huaguo already possessed atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs, and what was lacking was such delivery vehicles.

It can be said that being able to launch satellites means that Huaguo can already launch nuclear warheads to most regions of the world.

Of course, this kind of launch hardly has much accuracy at all. It did not pose much threat to the two big countries at the time, but it gave Hua the power to deter the whole world for the first time.

Such a meaningful satellite, of course, needs to be approached at close range. After all, he is also a Chinese. Although the moon base is his own thing, it does not prevent him from recruiting Chinese scientists to work on the moon as soon as possible.

"I'll go back and pick up Zhao Yuxi right away, you get the flying saucer ready."

Yang Qing ordered.

"The flying saucer is ready, you can ride on the top of the spaceship."

Xiao Ai's voice sounded in time.

"I guess I'll be back tomorrow morning. You pack up Kuba Island, and pack up some things."

Yang Qing said as he walked.

Kuba Island is a forced choice. If an agreement is made with Huaguo in the future, the landing site of the spacecraft will definitely be in Huaguo.

However, there are abundant tropical marine resources here, which may be used in the future, so we cannot completely give up.

"Yes, master."

Amidst Xiao Ai's crisp answer, Yang Qing walked up to the top floor of the spaceship, along a gangway, from the open roof to the outside.

On the top of the spaceship, lying prone, near the spaceship like a big fish, Yang Qing found the trace of the manned flying saucer.

At the same time, Xiao Ai's notification also arrived on Zhao Yuxi's mobile phone immediately.

Seeing this news, even after practicing for a long time, Zhao Yuxi, who had an extremely calm heart, couldn't hold back his excitement, his heart jumped up, his little hands were clenched into fists, and he waved them fiercely.

But she didn't expect that with her current physical fitness, with a wave of her small fist, there would be continuous popping sounds in the air, as if breaking the sound barrier.

The shirt on his body, because he couldn't bear such a wave, suddenly split from his arm, turning into strands.

Although the pure silk shirt has nothing to do with sturdiness, it is not so fragile. It can only show that Zhao Yuxi's strength has increased too much.

Fortunately, there are a lot of replacement clothes stored in her office, otherwise she might have to use the concealment talisman to escape from here to change clothes.

While changing clothes, Zhao Yuxi was thinking.

Yang Qing asked me to go home today to accompany my family, which is actually right. After all, I don’t know when I will be able to come back to the moon this time, so let’s go back.

It's just that she slowed down when she put on clothes. What are you doing when you go back?

It's only Wednesday, and I'm afraid I won't see anyone at home except for a nanny, and I don't know if I can come back tonight.

But no matter what, let's go back. After all, it will take a long time to come back after leaving this time. In fact, this is the main reason why she wants to follow Yang Qing to the moon.

Zhao Yuxi walked out of the office and gave instructions to the little assistant.

"I have a day off today. If there is anything, please inform Assistant Ai to deal with it."

"Yes, Mr. Zhao, are you feeling unwell?"

"No, you don't have to worry about it."

"Then Mr. Zhao, goodbye."


The sound of high heels hitting the ground was crisp, and her figure gradually faded away. On the computer screen in front of the little assistant, there was another picture, a cute little girl sitting there with a serious expression.

The flying saucer flew over the sky of Jinshi, but did not stop, and flew directly towards the small town in the northeast.

Going to the moon soon, Yang Qing also wants to go home and have a look, although even if the moon base is built, all the countries on the blue star will start to boycott him, and he can come and go freely on the blue star, but doing so, it seems The sense of ritual is a little stronger.

It's a pity that he wasn't ready this time, the stand-in couldn't move at the same time as him, so he could only hide his body and walk around his house ~www.readwn.com~ When he got home, it was already past noon, the parents who are civil servants, I went to work early, and there was no one at home.

Here also let him discover a secret, that is, at some time, Lingling actually learned to speak.

"Why hasn't the master meow come back meow? Lingling can't wait for his delicious meow."

I don't know what kind of setting it is. As a meow star, Lingling always ends with a meow at the end of every sentence.

Yang Qing suppressed a smile and showed her figure in front of it.


The sudden appearance of a figure startled Lingling a lot, causing her to jump four or five meters high, and her whole cat was stuck to the ceiling.

Lingling, who had just turned into a demon, couldn't fly after all, so she fell down all of a sudden, but Yang Qing's familiar aura immediately let her know who it was, and her cry changed from hoarseness to surprise.

"Meow, master meow!"

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