By the time the gathering of Yin banners from dozens of cities had been collected, it was already past twelve o'clock at noon.

Yang Qing didn't forget to install a Juyin banner with a larger capacity here again, which can be used for at least one year.

Because this time we are going to the moon, and the return time is uncertain, even if there is no threat on the blue star, there will always be various problems in the construction of the base.

After all, the moon is still an undeveloped virgin land, and people's understanding of it is still too superficial.

By the time they returned to Kuba Island, it was already one o'clock at noon.

All the solar panels on Kuba Island have been dismantled. In the future, they may be installed on the moon, and of course they may be returned to the furnace as raw materials. After all, the high-intensity use for more than a year has made its lifespan It's been more than ten years, and it's on the verge of being scrapped.

After some dismantling, the entire Kuba Island, except for this large spaceship, no longer has any man-made objects.

Even the traces of human activities on the island will be completely destroyed by the warm and humid climate on the tropical island within a year or two, and then covered by the re-growing green plants.

After they had lunch, they didn't have any leisure time to rest and started working immediately.

For such a large spaceship, the future moon palace base, although most of the operation work has been taken over by Xiao Ai, and the maintenance work is also taken care of by robots, but there will never be a lack of work that requires Yang Qing's participation.

As for Zhao Yuxi, due to the damage caused by the soul cutting today, she has already gone to bed. It can be said that during this day, except for eating, she has been lying in bed, just like the time when Yang Qing came back.

Soon it was five o'clock in the afternoon, and the spiritual energy furnace had drawn out the spiritual stones placed inside and filled every unit of the huge spaceship.

Yang Qing's body suddenly felt lighter, and the weight of his body suddenly lost for a moment, and he immediately felt like he was floating.

But soon, his weight came back again, and he was back to a down-to-earth state.

The whole time did not exceed one tenth of a second, and the inertia of most objects had not had time to change, as if such an experience did not exist at all.

Only practitioners like Yang Qing who are extremely sensitive to the body and the outside world can feel the difference.

"Yang Qing, what's the matter? Why do I feel like I suddenly lost weight?"

From the bedroom inside, Zhao Yuxi's voice came. Obviously, people who have practiced are very sensitive.

"Nothing, the spaceship is charging and ready to take off!"

Yang Qing replied indifferently.

"Ah! Why didn't you say it earlier? Such a historical moment must be witnessed!"

The sound of Zhao Yuxi tidying up has already been heard from inside. Although this is actually Yang Qing's bedroom prepared for him, but now he has to think about sleeping in Zhao Yuxi's room by himself.

Obviously, Zhao Yuxi miscalculated the difference between his own spaceship and the Long March series of rockets.

The launch of the Long March series of rockets is completely majestic and majestic, and it is also unusually turbulent to watch.

My own spaceship uses a repulsive engine, and there is no abnormality when launching, and the speed also starts from zero and increases slowly.

In fact, if she observes carefully below, she will find that after the gravity isolation device works, the entire spaceship is actually floating slowly under the buoyancy of the air, but this speed is too slow. rises more than one meter.

"Then let's go and see. By the way, I still have some work to do in the main control room."

Yang Qing looked at Zhao Yuxi who ran out in a hurry, and said indifferently.

"Why aren't you paying attention at all? You know, it's the first time a spaceship of this size takes off, and I found that you're not nervous at all."

Zhao Yuxi took Yang Qing's arm and asked a little strangely.

"What do you need to care about? With a complete design and a construction process with a huge margin, there is basically no possibility of problems."

For his own design, Yang Qing has absolute confidence, and it is not in vain that he carved the array of runes on the bulkhead of the spaceship alone.

However, Zhao Yuxi's heart was pounding, and he had never been so nervous since entering the Qi refining period.

"Don't we use space suits?"

Zhao Yuxi asked using his knowledge of spaceflight acquired during this period of time.

"No, the spacecraft is completely sealed, and our launch is completely different from other manned spaceflights. We don't need to bear a lot of G force, so we don't need to wear spacesuits."

"Then do we have spacesuits?"

"Of course there is. After arriving on the moon, except for the Moon Palace base, the rest is a vacuum. At that time, if you want to go to the moon, you must wear a space suit."

The two of them were talking and had rushed to the main control room.

The main control room is not very big. After all, this thing belongs to automatic driving, and Xiao Ai is completely responsible for it. Unless there are taboos, at that time, Yang Qing will also connect to the control system with spiritual consciousness at the first time to control the spaceship. manage.

In fact, this step can be done in any corner of the spaceship, and it does not need to be in the main control room at all.

So to control such a spaceship, there is still a big threshold, at least the spiritual consciousness of the foundation building period, and the long consumption of up to four days.

The existence of the main control room mainly allows Yang Qing to understand the situation around the spaceship without using his consciousness, so various first-hand devices are the key here.

With Yang Qing's arrival at this time, facing the circular wall at the door, within a range of 180 degrees, all the external scenes of the spaceship from top to bottom, from left to right, are presented.

Yang Qing dragged Zhao Yuxi, sat lazily on the seat, took a glass of juice handed by the robot, and slowly tasted it.

Zhao Yuxi was obviously very new to such a scene, but she searched the entire room, but she couldn't find anything like a rudder, or any other control system.

She suddenly felt cheated, that's it? It was nothing more than a large monitoring room.

She sat back beside Yang Qing angrily.

"Drink juice, this is the freshest tropical fruit juice!"

Yang Qing pushed another glass of juice to her.

"Why is this place different from what you imagined?"

Zhao Yuxi took a sip of the sweet fruit juice, and finally couldn't help asking.

"What's the difference?"

"It's not the same as in a sci-fi movie!"

You must know that she watched a lot of sci-fi movies for this space trip.

"There is no way to compare this with sci-fi movies. Such a large spaceship is destined to be controlled by full intelligence, and the human reaction is far from that fast. After all, this is a short-distance voyage. Unless you go to space in the future, you can find it on a cosmic scale. There is only room for human intervention when there is a distant threat."

In fact, in the universe, most of the spaceships still need to be controlled by artificial intelligence. After all, people will be tired and sleepy, but even a little mistake will lead to the destruction of the spaceship.

In space, the destruction of a spaceship means death.

At this moment, Xiao Ai's voice interrupted their words.

"Master, the spaceship has finished warming up, request for liftoff?"

"Certified for liftoff!"

Then continued to fall silent.

"Don't you need a countdown?"

Knowing that he has no right to speak here, Zhao Yuxi asked cautiously.

"Then let's have a sense of ceremony, Xiao Ai, let's count down!"

"Good master!"

Following Xiao Ai's words, in front of them, in the air, a huge red countdown number appeared, accompanied by a voice broadcast.

"Twenty, nineteen, ..., one, launch."

But there is no other feeling, just that the scene on the screen and the outside world have changed a little.

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