After passing the Karman line, the acceleration of the spacecraft is still continuing, and the speed is getting faster and faster, but there is really no scenery to speak of. If you don't look at the cosmic microwave and radiation background, all you can see now is darkness.

As for cosmic rays, there are not many here, because it is still within the magnetic field of the blue star, and the influence of the solar wind can only be seen in the higher sky.

"Master, SpaceX launched another 500 low-orbit satellites the day before yesterday, so our flight orbit may not be able to avoid all the Starlink satellites."

Xiao Ai's voice came from next to her ear, which surprised Yang Qing.

Immediately he understood Xiao Ai's thoughts, that is, if the orbit was recalculated, the launch time would definitely be delayed.

And as time goes by, SpaceX will continue to launch low-orbit satellites, at least tens of thousands of them.

The space in low orbits is not that big, so almost all the orbits will be occupied by them. At that time, getting in and out of the blue star is a relatively difficult thing.

Of course, this refers to those ordinary rockets, regardless of how powerful the thrust is, but they are extremely fragile, and even larger space junk can cause a devastating blow to them, let alone ones that weigh at least tens of kilograms satellites.

This is one of the troubles brought about by objects moving at high speeds. Even airplanes have records of being crashed by birds during flight, let alone rockets that lift off at dozens of times the speed of sound and the first cosmic speed up.

"Pay attention, try to talk as little as possible."

Yang Qing was silent for a while, and ordered.

There is no way, although Yang Qing is not going to interfere with the operation of the blue star, nor can he destroy the property of a certain country, but the spacecraft has already taken off, and it is absolutely impossible to modify the path for a few ordinary satellites.

In the final analysis, this spaceship serving as a moon base is really too big, so big that it doesn't have much fault tolerance. It is impossible for him to take risks for a few backward space junks.

That's right, in Yang Qing's view, the Starlink satellites, which represent new technologies, are just a bunch of garbage. Not only did they not propose many new things, but they also occupied precious low-orbit orbits, adding a bit of danger to future space exploration. .

This kind of low-orbit satellite, SpaceX is not the first company. In the last century, Motorola once operated a low-orbit satellite communication system called Iridium, but it closed down because of poor operation.

Of course, Starlink is not without progress. At least the Iridium star back then could only make phone calls, and the cost was extremely expensive, but Starlink was able to downlink data services of at least 50bs.

If Yang Qing does it, he only needs three space wave base stations and three satellites in high orbit that can cover the whole world, which can satisfy the network communication services in any region in the world.

Although the space wave base station also needs a ground receiver, but does Starlink have a ground receiver?

The speed of the spaceship also continued to increase, and now it has exceeded 1,500 kilometers per hour, and soon entered the low-orbit satellite area above 500 kilometers.

According to Xiao Ai's calculations, although there are often low-orbit satellites whizzing by, they do not pose any threat to the spacecraft, and they escaped by luck.

But no matter how hard you try, there is no way to avoid all satellites in low-orbit space.

Since Blue Star launched the first artificial satellite on October 24, 1957, several major countries in the world have no idea how much garbage they have launched into the sky.

The initial satellites were used for a very short time. Even the latest satellites would not last more than ten years in the harsh environment of space. Most of them were used for only a few years. Even the famous GPS There are also Beidou navigation satellites, no exception.

So after ten years, a large number of these Starlink satellites may fail. If there is no good recycling preparation by then, they will become a new source of garbage.

So up to now, whether it is high orbit, low orbit or synchronous orbit, it is full of all kinds of scrapped satellite garbage.

Among them, the high orbit is better. After all, there is more space available, and there is only one geostationary orbit, and the low orbit has become a gathering place for garbage.

Xiao Ai can distinguish the satellites in operation, but she has no way to find all the scrapped products, so collisions are inevitable.

So Yang Qing could often see, occasionally, a satellite crashing into the protective shield in tatters.

The protective cover is a flexible cover, and with a slight flick, the satellite wreckage becomes more tattered and is bounced far away.

There will be a lot of debris thrown out of it, adding a lot of space junk out of thin air.

The entire impact, without any sound and light effects, was completely a silent film. If Xiao Ai hadn't converted the radar detection effect into a visual image, they would not have seen this happen at all.

Faced with such an impact, neither Yang Qing nor Xiao Ai had ever thought of avoiding it, because the mass of the entire spaceship is too large, and there is no engine that can change his trajectory in a short time like a repulsive engine .

"After arriving on the moon, if you have time, let's clean up the garbage!"

Yang Qing looked behind him, there were still specks of reflective light shining, and said to Xiao Ai.

He is worried that if this continues, the entire low-orbit space will be occupied by space junk. At that time, the original rocket launch may bring unexpected disasters.

This has little impact on other countries, because among the countries that are still conducting manned spaceflight, except for the International Space Station and the use of Russian spacecraft, only China is still trying.

In addition to Huaguo's space station, there are also future missions to the moon.

These astronauts not only have to meet the physical requirements, but also their knowledge is much stronger than the average person.

Such elites take off on unprotected rockets and have little protection against space junk.

It is a pity that they died here, no matter if they were from China or from a foreign country. Clearing the waterway will make it easier for them to enter and exit.

Although my own spacecraft is protected by a protective shield, every collision consumes a lot of energy, so a clean channel is also very is here! "

Following Xiao Ai's words, Yang Qing and Zhao Yuxi were all attracted, and looked in the direction marked by Xiao Ai.

Far away, a string of fireflies flew towards us.

This is not the first time they have seen Starlink satellites, and they have passed by several groups, but it is worth reminding Xiaomei that it is the group that will collide with them.

Starlink satellites are usually a dozen or so in a row, passing through the sky. As low-orbit satellites, their speed is extremely fast, and the moment they are seen, there is no way to avoid them.

It took less than a second for Yang Qing and the others to see it, and the string of fireflies suddenly expanded and slammed into the spaceship.

In less than a second, like a meteor, the side of the spacecraft was mercilessly hit by twenty Starlink satellites.

It has to be said that without the support of sufficient speed, the spacecraft's mass of more than three million tons played a vital role.

The protective cover on one side was compressed by a full three meters by successive impacts before the satellite was ejected.

The kinetic energy that hit the protective cover did not disappear at all, and was completely borne by the spaceship hull.

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