Of course, the current download is the same as that on the mobile phone. The first three days are free, so now his income is still zero.

But even so, Yang Qing is still very happy to see the soaring downloads. After all, there is an obvious difference between computers and mobile phones. Those who use mobile phones generally apply it to life. At least so far, there are very few Some people apply the powerful simultaneous interpretation function of Hongxin Translation Software to their work.

It’s different on a computer. Due to the bulky nature of a computer, even a laptop that claims to be portable is still a huge monster compared to a mobile phone. No one wants to run around with it on their backs.

Of course, for work, it is not a matter of course to spend a little money on useful tools and software. After all, who would like to ride a small broken bicycle after experiencing the speed of Maserati?

At least in translation software, Hongxin is Maserati, and other software is broken bicycles, which are not on the same level at all.

Just like the machine translation issue that has been raging on the Internet recently, in fact, if Hongxin translation software is popularized on a large scale, I am afraid that people's evaluations will become, how can it be a human translation, not a machine translation.

Even if Hongxin Translation Software may not be able to achieve the standard of integrity and elegance every time, it is not as good as a real master, but in terms of accuracy and smooth sentences, it is definitely the best.

Turning off the computer monitor and not continuing to pay attention to the soaring numbers on the official website, Yang Qing stretched a little bored. He is now in a rather embarrassing situation. He wants to study aura, but because he has no money, , can't do anything, and his job as a programmer has been completely taken over by Xiao Ai, so that he has become idle now.

So go to bed! Anyway, my soul is strong, and the oppression on the body is too great. Instead, sleeping is the best way to rest, which is good for both the body and the soul.

But before going to bed, you have to order takeaway. Although takeaway is not considered gourmet, it can only fill your stomach, but it is absolutely impossible for him to cook by himself. Even if he has been training since childhood, his cooking skills not bad.

After waiting for 20 minutes, the delivery boy delivered a lot of takeaways, and the door of the company was locked again. Anyway, it is not open for business now. If Zhao Yuxi comes back, Xiao Ai will automatically open the door for her.

So after lunch, Yang Qing took the initiative to roll out the folding bed and fell asleep.

However, during the time when he was asleep, the undercurrents on the Internet once again surged, but it was not sand sculpture netizens who caused troubles, but various app stores.

Tens of millions of users have changed the login interface almost at the same time, which is not a difficult task. Most of the apps in the world have reserved advertisements on the homepage, and only need to change a picture. can achieve the same effect.

But what is alarming is that the computer version of Hongxin Translation Software has been launched quietly this time without any notice, and the number of downloads has also increased rapidly with the passage of time. The icon seems to be poisonous, not only those users who are really useful, but even those in the industry, after looking at it for a long time, they even have the urge to download one.

Of course, they shouldn't know the specific download data, but in order to enhance the confidence of users, Xiao Ai has deliberately added a statistical tool on the webpage to display the data downloaded by users in real time.

In just half a day, less than ten hours, the number of downloads has exceeded 200,000. You must know that it does not have any publicity. The only thing that has anything to do with publicity is a few words on the official website on the login interface of the mobile app.

Although such an upward trend is a bit worrying, except for a few companies, everyone's main energy is still concentrated on the mobile terminal, and the computer terminal has no layout anyway, so it doesn't matter if it is occupied by others, and it cannot get a share of the pie.

So even though there are still people using Yang Qing's phone to try to contact him, they were blocked directly before they passed Xiaomei's barrier~www.readwn.com~.

In terms of application, the effect of Hongxin translation software is naturally good, especially in the mobile version, the real-time mutual translation comparable to simultaneous interpretation is almost the same as the top translation. What a huge response, but now, tens of millions of users, almost including most of the country's classes, have had a great impact.

Due to the increase in influence, it is inevitable that there will be noise on the Internet.

It was okay at the beginning, only a few people complained, probably practitioners in the translation industry. After all, Hongxin has ruined their jobs in a certain way.

But now, in the app store, Hongxin translation software is full of abuse and reprimands, and even the ratings of the software have been declining all the way, and now it is less than four points. After investigation by Xiao Ai, the source of these bad reviews is from Other competitors, hired water army.

This is because of Xiao Ai's emergency control of the review, otherwise the score would even be as low as one or two points.

With Xiao Ai's energy on the Internet, if it wasn't for Yang Qing's warning, she would have already changed all the ratings, instead of looking for those who use the software but don't score, and then watch the software Was badly rated, but helpless.

We must know that most people in this world don't really mean to judge, and they don't care how much the software they like, but the evaluation of the software will subvert the understanding of subsequent downloaders and affect Yang Qing's earning speed.

But no matter from which point of view, the emergence of Hongxin translation software is almost a disaster for domestic English majors. Now they don't know how to keep their jobs, and they will naturally hate it if they are taken by the navy Let's start with Hongxin's developers.

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