Ye Tian could see that this person is the kind of person who specializes in selling cheap goods, and may not have any business qualifications or capital. Most of the goods are off the beaten track, and even... it is something that is not visible.

Obviously, this person looked at Ye Tian hesitating and looked at him in a desperate manner before staring at him.

But Ye Tian was at a loss. He was not familiar with the slave market, and he didn't know where to go. It would be no harm to follow it. If you have gained something, knowing such a person is not in vain.

The man introduced himself, "My name is Hou Bigu..."

Ye Tian looked at him suspiciously, "Monkey butt?"

"Haha... My lord is joking, it must be necessary, the ancient ancient..."

Hou Bigu explained it very calmly, apparently often called a monkey butt.

Hou Bigu said readily, "Let's take a floater."

Hou Bigu generously leased floaters. Most of these floaters in various trading markets are half an eggshell in shape, full of a sense of science and technology, and the materials are very peculiar, and there is no such thing on the earth.

The aircraft is also spacious, enough for two people to sit side by side, sitting inside with the upper body exposed, without affecting the viewing of all kinds of information in the slave market.

This place is huge. Ye Tian was floating forward while thinking about Mo Huafeng’s situation. He secretly decided that he must build his team as quickly as possible. Without strength, his friends can’t protect him, so he can only helplessly. Watching his friends jump into the fire pit and owning his own slaves is undoubtedly the fastest way for Ye Tian to develop.

Traveling on a small track like a light strip, walking for more than 20 minutes, circling around, the floater entered the second underground floor of the slave market.

Regardless of the underground, the colorful light is still gorgeous, and the walls in the passage are full of projections, and there is no sense of darkness. After turning a corner, the two got off the floater in front of a small shop in the corner.

The shops are not too big, with more than 700 square meters. Among the shops in Kunlun, this is absolutely inconspicuous. Just like the Yunsheng bought by Ye Tian, ​​it can only be regarded as a micro shop.

In the 700-square-meter store, there are rows of containers erected in three rows, each with more than 30 rows. These containers are more than two meters high and are white, which look like the dormant cabins of spaceships in science fiction films. Almost, the streamer flying inside, obviously with a powerful formation.

There are about a hundred of these sleeping cabins, but most of them are empty, and there are only a dozen of them.

Obviously, Hou Bigu's small shop is almost out of business, and he looks like he's going to deal with it at the end.

Ye Tian muttered to himself, "No wonder I fell in love with a shy customer in my pocket."

"Please, please." Hou Bigu led Ye Tian to the row of dormant cabins loaded with slaves. There were a total of 14 dormant cabins in front of him. Five of them contained slaves like legendary aliens on Earth. The other nine are all women. They are all human, but they are definitely not human, because the hair is sky blue, the facial features are exquisite and glamorous, the absolute goddess level, the eyes are cold, see Ye Tian came over with a murderous intent, and the chill swept through, making all the five "aliens" shudder.

Hou Bigu habitually stretched his tongue and said frankly, "My lord must have noticed that there have been some changes personally, and I don't want to do business anymore. Now there are only a dozen slaves left, all of which are sold for cheap. Regardless of the small quantity, but the quality is absolutely good, at least worth the money."

Ye Tian pointed to the "aliens", which are very similar to the pictures of aliens circulating on the earth. The head is very big, the eyes are like almonds, the eyes are all black pupils, there are no white eyes, and the skin is gray. Ye Tian asked, "How do you sell this kind of slave?"

"Oh, this is the Moroccan. It is a race of non-human dimension captured in the battlefield of Wufang City. This Moroccan is considered to be a highly intelligent existence in the humanoid race. They are all filled with chips and can pass through the heavens. The heart inspires a variety of forms, and its power is not less than that of the holy power. These five Moroccans all have a first-class heart. The gods are blue brands, and they are real middle-class slaves. I will give you a minimum of 6 million."

The coins in Ye Tian's hands were just enough to buy a Moroccan.

Ye Tianlai had checked the information about slaves before. Generally low-level slaves did not absorb Heavenly Heart in their bodies. The gods were of white brand. According to their physique and sacred power, the price was between 2 and 4 million; The slave, absorbs the first-level heart, the **** blue brand, because of the different strengths of the holy power contained, the price is between 8-12 million. Don't look at this middle-class slave Hou Binggu giving Ye Tian 6 million, which seems to be 2 million less than the lowest, but slaves are creatures, not dead, and there are many variables in them, which are too different from ordinary goods, and the prices fluctuate. Not small, the Moroccans use chips instead of sacred power. Hou Bigu said it is not worse than sacred power. In fact, there is still a slight gap, and it is very troublesome to replace the chip. There are few in human cities. Chips are extremely side-by-side things. Without the strength of a strong one, who would dare to go to other cities and wander around, so the real price of the Moxing people is around 7 million. Looking at the listless appearance of these Moxing people, it would be good to buy 6.5 million.

Ye Tian watched the Mostian thinking and didn’t speak. Hou Bigu thought he thought the price was high, and said, “This adult, the low-grade white-brand slave, can sell for 4 million high-grade slaves. This is a blue brand. It's only 6 million, you really have come."

Ye Tian whispered, "Blue brand..."

Hou Bigu nodded vigorously, "Well, blue brand...this is already considered a high-end existence, and it is also the most popular. Most people in Wufang City use this kind of slave... "There was an emotional expression on his face, "If it's a yellow brand, it's only available in large chain stores, the least 30 million yuan, ordinary people can't afford it, silver brand, gold brand, There are even Cui brands, but they are all beyond high-level existence. Only those super giants are qualified to compete. We little people, let's take a look to solve our greedy eyes."

Ye Tian didn’t speak anymore but he was a little bit emotional. The **** brand of the middle-class slave was at the same level as the brand he had revealed on the surface. It is conceivable that the status of the white brand and the blue brand is low and they are not popular. Reason.

This is a different life from the same person. The white and blue brands still have human dignity. However, even if the aliens are creatures equal to humans, they have completely become slaves here, without dignity at all, for all reasons. All because they were captured on the battlefield in the city, "If they are not my race, their hearts must be different", and they can only be relegated to slaves. Similarly, if the people of the five-party city are captured by a foreign race on the battlefield, you will have a gold medal. Zi and silver plates were also captured as slaves by foreign races.

Ye Tian is noncommittal, but he knows that these are all true. On the battlefield, as long as the strength is enough, it is possible to capture a high-level **** like the Cui brand of the fire, but this level of slaves is not as strong as ordinary people. Controlled.

The yellow sign is definitely very tight. It is enough to be a small middle-level one. It is already at the same level as Kuntong. 30 million looks very scary, but these are all creatures. If Ye Tian walks on the street and sees The person you like tells them, "I am optimistic about you and give you 30 million. You will be my slave in the future."

Becoming a slave, there is no dignity at all, what is the use of having 30 million, these middle-level people, such insults, do not regard Ye Tian as a lunatic, it is blamed for desperately fighting with him.

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