Looking at Mo Huafeng's back, Ye Tian's thoughts were mixed for a while, for no reason, his heart was a little more impatient, he wanted to use the fastest speed, make the most money, and get the most powerful force.

Ye Tian couldn’t imagine how dark Mo Huafeng’s future life would be. He couldn’t stand his friend’s life in such a gloomy life. Before he waited for Mo Huafeng to go away, he suddenly shouted, "Mo Huafeng, I’m here. , No one can bully you!"

Mo Huafeng's footsteps paused for a moment, and his body trembled visibly.

Ye Tian left the Cuifeng Hotel and went straight to the market to purchase the materials Jiujiao needed. Unexpectedly, Jun Ziyue contacted him just after the purchase was completed.

"Master Ye, the boss just notified me that the shop has been vacated."

With shops, Ye Tian's goods are eligible to be traded in the trading market.

Ye Tian's spirit was shocked, "Fatty, spend some money to advertise in the trading market. The gimmicks are the four-level heart and the A one-star aircraft. From tomorrow night, rent the small square, all the goods, and all the sales promotion. Event." Ye Tian allocated all the 1.2 million renminbi remaining on his body to Jun Ziyue. Fortunately, the rent of the small square can be paid after the event, otherwise the renminbi would not be enough.

"Master Ye... don't worry, we have a lot of goods. If this impacts the market, will it be criticized by other merchants? I am afraid that even the grocery exchange on the other side will be dissatisfied."

"I want you to find a way to rent the small square for three days. After three days, you will know that no one dares to criticize us."

Gentleman Yue didn't say anything anymore, and went busy with the phrase "de lai".

These things are most handy to Gentleman Yue, if Ye Tian does it himself, there is no time to improve his strength.

Ye Tian originally wanted to keep two A one-star aircraft, but now that he has Jiujiao, he needs renminbi even more, so he dispelled this idea. Ye Tian picked out 9 general six geographies from the cargo, 9 of them. There are six magic weapons, 9 Fangdao realms, 9 first, second, and third levels, and the rest are all given to Junzi Yue.

There are special commercial express channels in Kunlun, which facilitates the exchange of non-coin goods between business partners, which is very safe, and there is no fear of embezzlement or fraud.

Ye Tian naturally wanted to use these things on Jiujiao. Ye Tian felt deeply about how wasteful it was to cultivate power. Take a look, 9 general six geography, 36 million lun coins, 9 magic weapons of six orifices, 7.2 million, 9 squares, 2.7 million, 9 first-level hearts, 2.3 million, 9 second-level hearts, 11.7 million, three Nine levels of 29.5 million, with a total value of 89.4 million. To be honest, if Ye Tian didn't have Kunlun precious treasures and no gossip priests, I am afraid that he would not be able to build such a high-end team that is not considered Kunlun in his life.

Of course, Lun Coin is not for nothing, Jiujiao's strength will instantly surpass Kun Tu'er and other cultivators.

Ye Tian was busy for a few hours and returned to the Cuifeng Hotel. It was already evening. It was not easy to get rid of the clutter for the nine people, and the movement might not be small. In order not to affect the hotel, Ye Tian took Jiujiao out of the hotel and took a ride. The aircraft chose a lush forest. The tree species here is not on the earth. It looks a bit like a magnolia tree with an ovoid crown, but it is much taller. The trunk is more than 40 meters. The forest is close to a mausoleum. secluded.

Jiujiao was still wary of Ye Tian, ​​but as soon as he entered the woods, he began to concentrate on being busy, non-stop, and gradually let go of his guard, and suddenly realized that this master, with clear eyes, seemed to be really helping him. It's different from others.

Ye Tian used a variety of materials to arrange the formation, and suddenly only a man and a woman approached. The two men, with a breath of lifelessness all over their bodies, were like crawling out of the grave. They couldn't help frowning. It was so late. Don't run into the eye-opening again, there will be branches, right?

The male has five big and three thick, long walks and tiger steps. His face is not angry or pretentious. At first glance, he is a figure of life and death. The woman is covered with a veil, only showing her eyes, but those beautiful eyes are flowing and can speak. In the same way, any man can fall, his body is impeccable, and his body alone can kill countless men in seconds.

However, Ye Tian's brow furrowed even tighter, and he could feel that this woman was like a sword, and the threat it posed was heavier than that of the man.

However, the two passed by Ye Tian and the others, only calmly glanced at them, and then walked past them. They ignored them and walked towards the tomb, and soon disappeared.

These two people were so strange that Ye Tian had to be on guard. The formation was half set, and there was no way to change places. Ye Tian could only stay here and continue to arrange the formation. Everything was in order. Ye Tian started to be Jiujiao. Get rid of miscellaneous air.

Suddenly, Jiujiao sat in the overlapping area of ​​the eighty-one formations, a brilliant colorful light spiraled around Jiujiao, covering a radius of five miles, and the woods were covered with colorful clouds, a piece of colorful light. Without rest, another piece of colorful light came up again, and the time was extremely gorgeous.

The process of getting rid of it is not that difficult, but it is very complicated, the steps are tedious, and the time passed by one minute and one second, and the blue and red mixed qi in Jiujiao's body are separated from the flesh. The cry of a baby, and at the same time Jiujiao burst into blood, and the blood shot out like an arrow. Jiujiao's lips were instantly white, and Jiu Tuan's mixed air wriggled and changed into nine in the sound of the baby's crying. The baby with a red head and a blue body, the baby's face was as ugly as a dead body, squeaking, and rushed towards Ye Tian.

Ye Tian's expression was stunned, "It's actually vicious, no wonder it hinders the absorption of Heavenly Court Heart."

In fact, this was a piece of meat that fell from Jiujiao, but it was like a tumor, and he had his own will, not controllable by his body, and Ye Tian's removal completely "angered" them.

No matter how fierce it is, there are still a few pieces of rotten meat, Ye Tian raised his hand to squeeze them one by one.

The underground formation gave birth to a strange light, and the brilliance was like silk, wrapped around Jiujiao's limbs and torso in circles, repairing the flesh and replenishing the original source, and their blood stopped immediately. They just lost a piece of meat and put a lot of blood on their bodies. It seemed that they had undergone a major operation, and it was inevitable to hurt their vitality, but for their future, this effort was nothing at all.

Jiujiao opened her eyes, her ears and eyes were so clever, her brains were fast, and the world changed drastically before her eyes. Suddenly, it was so colorful and full of vitality, everything had its own life.

Standing in the moonlight, Ye Tian was relieved and smiled calmly, which made the women feel grateful.

"I'll use these for you."

Ye Tian handed the heart of the heavens, the general six geography, the magic weapon of the six orifices, and the Dao realm to Jiujiao one by one. Jiujiao has never seen so many treasures. He was overjoyed. On the iceberg-like face, the innocence was revealed for the first time. Smile. This is their nature.

They refining on their own, Ye Tian looked at the time, unknowingly more than seven hours had passed, but it was about two o'clock in the morning, the woods were quiet, only the rustle of the wind blowing leaves.

Suddenly, a woman's Sanskrit singing voice rang together with the man's grievance cry and scream, during which the woman's Sanskrit singing turned into humiliation.

This sound is strange and strange. It is made by humans, but it seems to be played by a tape recorder or loudspeaker. When Ye Tian looked at the forest in the distance, he saw that there was a ray of light, and there was no one in it. Suddenly there was no one. Sounds loudly.

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