The Return of the City’s Cultivation

Chapter 1266: Retreat from all corners of the world

If you look down from a high altitude, the entire Yanhuang District is as bright as day, with countless colorful lights flying like dragons, and the screens are like pictures hanging in the sky. The beauty is beyond words.

Ye Tian and Ren Qingxian followed the little yellow dog. They were honest at first. Later, they were infected by the intense excitement, and they disappeared for a while.

The Qimen General Election seems to be a day of universal celebration, which shows that Qimen has a high position in the hearts of the people in Wufang City.

In the main screen, an elderly man appeared, he was at least seventy years old in appearance. Although he had white hair, he was majestic, and his eyes showed the courage of a small upper rank, and his ambitions were confided in his words and deeds.

The old man was being interviewed. Standing beside him was a beautiful journalist with a very high-valued face. He introduced in a very excited voice, "This one next to me is the Lord of the Thunder and Wrath Garden of the Eighth-level Heart The strong."

Suddenly, there was a burst of cheers. These cheers came from the bottom of the heart. The name of thunder and rage has long been thunderous, like the world's super first-line stars, and is an idol that many people admire.

If you reach the seventh-level heart and surpass the leader, you can call it the pavilion master level. Although there is no official document similar to the express stipulation, this is the consensus of all Kunlun people. And this is just a standard. There are many pavilion masters who are already eighth-level hearts. The slightly weaker pavilion master-level has seventh-level hearts, but they don’t have six aspects of immortality, or even seven-level aspects. The qualification for leapfrog challenge, the combat power is extraordinary, the seventh-level heart can be shaken. Like Chen Wuji, the master of the Burning Sun Pavilion, the seventh-level heart, the super-seven geography, and the accumulation of profound accumulation, even the thunderous anger does not dare to underestimate it.

Another point, at the level of the pavilion master, magic weapons are also one of the important means of enhancing combat power.

The beauty reporter asked again, "The Lord Thunder Fury, your son Lei Xuan is also a representative of the 64-year event tonight. Do you have confidence in him? Can he make it into the top three and win the top six? What about the rewards of the earth and nine-aperture magical soldiers?"

A grand event once in 64 years, each of the eight pavilions and ten gardens will select one person. Eleven of the eighteen will be eliminated. The last seven will be the seven gods for the next sixty-four years. The top three can even reward the harmony of the six places. Nine-aperture magic weapon, this is a huge temptation.

"I'm very optimistic about Xuan'er's talent. I am impressed by his recent progress. He has stepped into the ranks of the top masters in Wufang City and will definitely be the master of Ba Tingyuan in the future. This time, I believe he will I played very well, and I will spare no effort to support him and train him."

"Lord Lei Yuan, it was rumored that you have the most outstanding features in the five directions. This is really shocking. I don't know if it is true or false. If you increase your strength, you will definitely shine in the winter feather hunting. Do you have a heart for hegemony?"

Thunder anger laughed and said, "My generation of practitioners, it is natural to pursue stronger and higher levels. As for the hegemony you mentioned, it will be the world of young people in the future, and they are the people who stir the situation."

"Oh, what do you mean is that you are going to focus on cultivating Mr. Lei Xuan? Ba Ting Yuan is the head of the ten gardens. It seems you are really satisfied with Mr. Lei Xuan.

"I just want him to go higher and farther!"

The beauty reporter then interviewed eight pavilions, including Li Dingshan, the lord of Yuanyun Pavilion, who is also Li Baoyue’s father, and Xia Helang, the lord of Yuxing Pavilion, who is Xia Lanying’s father, and the eighth pavilion. The head of the Chilong Pavilion, Tairenlong, his son Tai Dingzhi was given high hopes in this meeting, and it is very likely that he will win the top of the seven sects.

The lord of the ten gardens naturally also interviewed one by one, and the topics were all about the rewards of the top three and the six elements and the nine-aperture magical soldiers, which brought the atmosphere to a climax.

Ren Qingxian said next to Ye Tian, ​​"Are they all high-ranking figures, we can't reach them now, Ye Tian, ​​they are powerful, you have seen it, do you have the confidence to compete?"

Not to mention the masters of these eight pavilions and ten gardens, when Ye Tian was in the Profound Sky Realm, he hadn't seen any great powers, golden immortals, and emperor gods. Those characters were all the existence of vertical and horizontal galaxies. Naturally, he would not let the big people in front of him. In the heart.

Ye Tian said quietly, "How can you do something to share the world without sweeping away the hearts of the world!"

Ren Qingxian covered her mouth and smiled, looking at Ye Tian with a particularly warm gaze, and changed the subject, "Do you know how many small houses Mo has hired for us?"

Ye Tian only saw the eighteen contestants being interviewed on the light screen. When he arrived at Li Baoyue, he asked casually, "How much?"

"Speak out and scare you to death, eighteen!"

Ye Tian was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect Mo Jin to have a hand. In this way, the Tianxue League reached fifty-four affiliated forces.

"Eighteen homeowners are generally older. These old uncles hide so deeply. If you can choose us, you may also lack the desire for hegemony and want a peaceful life in your old age. After all, in their hearts, your development is stable. , And very short-term protection, so that they have a sense of security."

"Am I very short-term?"

Ren Qingxian flatly said, "I won't talk about destroying the Youth League. Some time ago, three small houses and our Tianxue League had friction. You directly attacked the killer. Or do you think why so many forces are vassalizing us."

In the past, there were three small houses that had some friction with Xianxiao Xiaoju. They maliciously snatched the resources of Xianxiao Xiaoju, vilified the people of Xianxiao, reversed black and white and slandered them. For a few days, they did nothing and specifically picked Some weak people in Xianxiao Xiaoju harassed, abused, beaten, broadcast the video, and even brutally killed one person and made it public.

After Ye Tian knew about it, he went straight to Huanglong, killed three small dwellers among thousands of people, and hung his body under the Yanhuang Bridge, one of the landmark buildings in Yanhuang District. For three days, many people were chilled.

Exclaimed from the crowd, I saw a young man in his early twenties appeared on the main screen. The beauty of this young man is like the **** of beauty in ancient myths and legends. His eyes deep into the pool water are full of peace and long black. Diverging to his ears, his fascinating temperament was a little more wild and unruly, as if he was a king of the world.

Many women beside Ye Tian screamed frantically, as if seeing the superstar: Taidingzhi...Taidingzhi...Taidingzhi...

Ren Qingxian patted Ye Tian and smiled, "Don't worry, no matter how handsome he is, he can't replace you in my heart."

Ye Tian smiled bitterly, "This is the favorite who won the top of the seven doors. It really is extraordinary."

This was an interview that made the woman tremble with excitement and almost suffocated. After the interview, a person Ye Tian hadn't expected appeared on the screen of the interview-Zuo Youfeng, with Ling Fuyun standing beside him.

The person with the dark umbrella actually arrived at the scene of the seven general elections.

But when I thought about it, I was relieved immediately. Now the dark umbrella is turning red in one day. Zuo Youfeng and Ling Fuyun are unknown to everyone. Moreover, the New Seven Gates will be their opponents. Please come to interview, it is normal. .

"Mr. Zuo Youfeng, Miss Ling Fuyun, you have obtained four seventh-level hearts, and you already have the strength to compete with the seven sects. The next seven sects will be, but the battle of life and death, I wonder if you have any feelings. Threatened?"

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