The Return of the City’s Cultivation

Chapter 1424: Son of disaster

"Boom! Boom!"

With two consecutive beeps, two of the three red **** suddenly burst, and the powerful air current shattered the earth. The earth was like an ocean and set off violent waves. Ye Tian couldn't avoid the red ball, but after This powerful energy blew to the side, his body couldn't hold back in the air, and it kept rolling.

Immediately, Ye Tian’s ears and head buzzed, and he could no longer hear any sound. In Ye Tian’s blur, he saw the only surviving red ball, which slammed into the earth with a bang, and the whole land was slightly slightly. With a tremor, a nearly 1,000-meter-high mushroom cloud splashed into the sky together with broken soil.

The hurricane became more violent than ever, and the whole world became dim.

After more than ten seconds, Ye Tian had barely managed to stabilize himself in the gusty wind and looked down at his feet, but saw that the red ball smashed into a large pit with a diameter of nearly 10,000 meters. The pit was dark red and the soil was soaked with blood. There are tiny electric arcs everywhere in the pit.

Ye Tian didn't know what it was that fell in the ground, but it must not be a simple or ordinary thing. The talisman covered the body and flew into the big pit. The crimson sphere is about ten meters in diameter and has a circular silver "window." , Looks very technological, more like an alien aircraft.

"Vitality is too strong? This vitality reminds me of the family of the Profound Sky Realm."

Ye Tian found that the sphere was not dangerous. On the contrary, the breath of life on it was so strong that it was suffocating, and he felt that there was a world of life inside.

The sound of "swish swish" sounded from far away, Ye Tian raised his head and saw hundreds of airways plowed out from the sky, flying towards this side quickly, which gave Ye Tian an illusion, as if there was a line of blood. The rolling river pours towards him.

When Ye Tian saw this, how could he not be surprised, the people in the sky were not something he could resist, and even any one of them, he might not be sure of victory. If it was too late, he would be dark red. As soon as the ball was collected into the world of good fortune, it was surprisingly smooth, without any resistance from the ball.

The hundreds of people are strong, but the distance is too far, Ye Tian is good at hiding invisible, before they arrive, taking advantage of the cover of dust and wind, quickly escape.


Only five or six seconds after Ye Tian left, hundreds of figures "sonically" slammed on the ground, sounding like countless huge stone pillars falling from the sky.

In the wind and sand, hundreds of monster-like tribes showed their bodies. They are different in height and similar in height to humans, but they are extremely thin, their skin is blue-gray, they look scary, a bit like a zombie complexion, their faces are more scary, their skin is covered with bones, and they look better than skulls at first glance. Not much, there is another feature that stands out on their bodies. Behind them is an ape-like tail, which keeps curling.

Inside, a man with a wide face and a plate said coldly, "The card... is gone, is it all exploding?"

"All of them exploded and saved our effort. I'm afraid to leave one behind!"

If people often wander in the depths of the battlefield of foreign races, they must see at a glance that these monster-like races in front of them are the Mongolian and French tribes that even the combination of King Lan and Dilan City dare not speak lightly to conquer.

At this moment, these powerful Mongolian and French tribes, all of them, frowning, worried, and they are very puzzled. What can make this powerful race jealous.

"Could the legend in the Demon Race be true? He is about to come! He is the son of heavenly choice and the son of disaster. He will usher in a new era, but it may also lead to the destruction of my Mongolian French civilization." An old man coughed violently after speaking, "I always thought it was just... just a legend, why... why did he come!" The old man screamed with a sad voice.

"Master Mage." The leading Mengfa tribe bowed his head slightly to the old man, "Can you figure out the whereabouts of the son of disaster?"

"The Son of Disaster is involved in the future of Heaven's Dao. I... only give my life..." The old man had just finished speaking, his body glowed red, his clothes dried out, and the little flesh left on his body quickly withered.

"Mage must never!"

The leader screamed in pain, but it was too late. The old man’s eyes were quickly flooded with thick white air, but he seemed to see something, and slowly turned his head to the direction of Ye Tian’s departure, "To give my life, It's not worth my life to be able to predict."

When the old man was speaking, white gas spurted out of his mouth. About five minutes later, the old man’s facial features were twisted, and he stepped back three steps in a row, and screamed, "Wufang City! There is a child of disaster." The place where he lives, but... where is a young man who is more terrifying than the son of disaster!"

Speaking of this, it stopped abruptly, his own energy was no longer enough to calculate the future of Heavenly Dao, and the person "poofed" into a mass of air, leaving only the clothes on his body and fell to the ground.

With sorrow on their faces, everyone bowed deeply to the clothes left by the old man.

"How could it be a weak city like Wufang City, where fragile humans built it, and where is the son of disaster going? The wizard said that Wufang City has more terrifying characters than the son of disaster, which is simply impossible. Believe."

The leader said solemnly, "The future of heaven is unpredictable, but we must believe the words of the mage. We can't move the humanoid city rashly, otherwise it will cause another war between the humanoid and the demon-like race. But... we send a team. It's okay for people to sneak into it."

"Xiao Lu!"

A female Mengfa clan came out, and the leader ordered, "Find a few human skins on the battlefield and pick some people into Wufang City. Regardless of whether the mage’s language is accurate, you must go to Wufang City. Check it up and down."


The speed of Ye Tian's back and forth is very different. It took 31 days when he went, and only 18 days when he came back. Of course, because Ye Tian encountered a lot of bumps when he went there, he got the red color when he came back smoothly. After the ball, it is even more focused.

After staying in King Lan City for two days, when Ye Tian returned to Wufang City, it was already fifty-one days later. In another eight days, his work-in-attentiveness would reach a superb grade, and he could absorb dry-in-state.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening, and Ye Tian returned to the human city again. The feeling was completely different. He had a different feeling of nostalgia. He just wandered around here and walked aimlessly, which made him feel more cordial.

Ye Tian's return caused the entire Wufang City to boil. Many people cheered loudly on the street. Kou Jingcheng rushed over as soon as he got the news and greeted Ye Tian personally.

"Leading officer Ye, I have prepared a dinner for you. It is in the city lord's mansion to celebrate the safe return of the officer."

After listening to Kou Jingcheng’s words, they must be grateful, but Ye Tian didn’t. He sneered in his heart. This trip to Lan Wangcheng, Kou Jingcheng had caused a lot of stumbling secretly. If it hadn’t been Yingxia, he would have died. In an alien land, the corpse was eaten by wild beasts.

Moreover, his mission was unsuccessful, or Kou Jingcheng expected that this dinner should be a Hongmen banquet that had already been planned.

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