The Return of the City’s Cultivation

Chapter 1429: Yanhuang people never surrender

Just after midday, the Yanhuang District fell into chaos. Some people rushed in panic, dragging their families to the Huaxia District, and a considerable number of people gathered towards the entrance of the Tianxue Palace. The flying vehicles in the sky became a mess. Like a headless fly, there is no order at all. The sky above the Tianxue Palace was full of large and small, all kinds of aircraft, like a dark cloud, pressed in the air.

Amidst the chaos, the five-sided city ruler's official multiplier rate was 150,000, driving countless spacecraft, airships, and battleships to the Tianxue Palace, covering the sky and the earth, and a black wave rushed in.

They are the cause of the chaos in Wufang City. The spies recruited Ye Tian to be the master behind the scenes. Wufang City is in chaos. There are shockers, fears, sorrows, anger, and of course, choose. Believe in Ye Tian, ​​there are also many calm people who support Ye Tian.

The city lord of the five parties sent Fang Bei Dao soldiers to Yanhuang District. It seemed that a war was about to start. Many people chose to escape the war. However, a large part of the people in Yanhuang District chose to openly support Ye Tian. They came with a flying machine. In the sky above Tianxue Hall, expressing his attitude, everyone in Tianxue Hall confronted Fang Beidao's 150,000 army.

Ye Tian stood on the platform of the Heavenly Snow Lord Hall, looking at the rushing waves of the army, without the slightest expression, his face was as calm as ever, his clothes were hunting and hunting as the wind blows, but he did not move, even his fingers With a move, his eyes are like the moon in a well. Ren Qingxian, Jiujiao, Mo Jinshou, Ling Fuyun and others around him are all at peace because of him.

"I didn't expect that so many people in Yanhuang District would believe me and stand up for Tianxue Palace!"

Ye Tian was quite moved. This kind of moment stood up and confronted the city lord forces. It took much courage, or not just courage, but the belief in his heart.

"Ye Tian!" Ren Qingxian took a deep look at him, with more admiration in his eyes, "You really don't know your position in the hearts of cultivators in Yanhuang District. The miracles you have created one after another have been the entire Wufang City for more than a thousand years. It has never happened before, besides... What Kou Jingcheng has done over the years has made many people feel chilled. Everyone doesn't say, but who is a fool? My heart is bright as a mirror."

Not to mention Kou Jingcheng's harsh way of governing the city, in fact, some of the actions against the palace level in the past two days can be seen by a sane and intelligent person.

Ye Tian naturally understood that Fei Le Temple was transferred out, and the temple Yin God suppressed it. I am afraid it would be difficult to return to Wufang City during this time. Bailong Panyun Temple Li Meiyi rose up and down, and was taken up. A layer of shackles, Ban Yue Palace was guarded, surrounded by iron barrels, and all the forces that supported him could no longer come to his side. Even if they understood, the general situation was like this and could not be contended. And when he was framed, it must be Kou Jingcheng who caused the trouble. Kou Jingcheng has placed secret lines in various forces, and it is not difficult to find someone to kill Ye Tian.

Everything needs only one reason, a simple one is just fine.

In a short time, Fang Beidao's army pressed the realm, and the black pressure confronted the aircraft above the Tianxue Palace. Fang Beidao flew out of the aircraft and shouted with a cold face, "Ye Tian, ​​don't come out and be punished!"

The sound was like thunder, shook the yellow area, Fang Beidao was like a **** who descended from nine days to punish the crimes committed by mortals.

Ye Tian looked at the 150,000 army and shouted calmly, "The war will come two days later. If I am a spy at this time, will I stay in Wufang City? On this occasion, you still have to Internal friction regardless of the overall situation?"

Fang Beidao shouted again, "Do you need me to take the spy to confront you personally?"

Ye Tian smiled softly, "Justice and comfortable, no need." The confrontation of the spies was just a scene that was not good for Ye Tian.

"Then you should not deny it all the time, or plead guilty to the law! If you have a better attitude, with the magnanimous measure of the city lord, you can give you a chance to commit crimes, and it won't be overwhelming."

How could Ye Tian believe that Kou Jingcheng, facing the murderous aura of 150,000 people, still talked and laughed freely, "Why do you plead guilty if you are not guilty? Why do you fail to comply with the law? Cheng, because-I am Yanhuang!"

Ye Tian embodied a mighty spirit at this moment, not murderous, not strong strength, but purely bold, the invisible aura rushed into the sky from him like a dragon, "I still said that. War, the land under my feet is the land of Yanhuang, if there is an offender, every cent of the land will cost the Yanhuang people, but the Yanhuang people will never come down!"

Ye Tian didn't shout loudly, but he was stunned, shaking the hearts of many people, making blood boil, and the shouts of everyone in the aircraft above the Tianxue Palace could not help but echo.

"The Yanhuang people will never descend, the Yanhuang people will never descend..."

"You..." Even Fang Beidao's face was flushed and a little speechless. After a long time, he cursed again, "Say less nice things to confuse people, you spy will play tricks."

"Ye Tian, ​​you have blatantly disobeyed the city lord, you have no shame. For the city lord's order, you have arbitrarily delayed, concealed, and committed spy things. Any of these crimes is enough for you to die. Now I want to order you Tianxue Palace immediately Dismiss all the halls, you and the main members of Tianxue Hall, go to the city lord's mansion to collect the crime."

Before Ye Tian spoke, the voices of countless people rang.

"We don't believe that Palace Master Ye is a spy, and we don't agree with the dissolution of Tianxue Palace!"

"If you want to dissolve the Heavenly Snow Palace, first step over our corpses!"

A warm current surged in Ye Tian's heart. Yanhuang people never lacked brave men. In times of crisis, there are always people who come forward. They are the real heroes. They are not afraid of power, life and death. Looking at Fang Beidao, Ye Tian sighed deeply and secretly said, "Why don't you feel too anxious!"

When Fang Beidao saw this, he scolded angrily, "You bunch of ants and bugs, low filthy things, dare to confront the city lord. This is a capital crime, a capital crime!"

A piece of aircraft above Ye Tian's head did not regress at all, but instead stepped forward several hundred meters to strongly respond to Fang Beidao.

This tiny movement made the nerves of the two parties all tense, and there was no sound on the battlefield. The people in the Tianxue Palace gripped the magic weapon in their hands, and countless aircraft gradually lit up the brilliant light of attacking bursts, and the war seemed to be on the verge.

Those who stayed on the sidelines in Yanhuang District also swallowed.

At the critical moment, Fang Beidao’s identity chip jumped. When Fang Beidao saw Kou Jingcheng, he hurriedly connected, before speaking, Kou Jingcheng said, "Bai Dao, don’t start a war and kill each other, these People are not worthy of our blood or even our lives. My goal is to control them. After I have made peace with the Holy Light, I will make my own decisions."

In fact, Kou Jingcheng’s idea was to wait until the army of the Holy Light Judgment City settled in Wufang City. At that time, people like Ye Tian knew that the situation was gone and collapsed without a fight. Now they control it, and it will just be time and effort to eliminate the troubles. .

Fang Beidao waved his hand, and the 150,000 people behind him put away the magic weapon, and the attacks on the aircraft were simultaneously extinguished.

Ye Tian naturally didn't want to see large-scale cannibalism. He always had a deep feeling for Yanhuang in his heart, and he did not move.

The two parties confronted each other in this way, and the city suddenly became silent.

After this confrontation, everyone really lived through years of hardship, but the two days passed quickly.

The moment the morning sun rises, everyone's hearts are lifted up with the rising red sun, and the war is coming!

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