The Return of the City’s Cultivation

Chapter 482: Frog at the bottom of the well

The people said with irony that the old face called Ma Yuhui turned into pig liver, and the danger was going to be overwhelming.

What a romantic figure, he has lived in Taiwan all his life and has been admired by countless people.

Ma Yuhui also has his own ambition, that is, to bring the martial arts community of Taiwan island to the international stage, and can represent the martial arts community of China proudly. Therefore, for decades, he has made friends, all heroes and heroes. The reason why he has been in contact with the big handsome is also the reason. Therefore, for decades, he has also made friends, whether it is China or a fellow from outside China. Quite a lot, the prestige is extremely grand on Taiwan Island. If it weren't because of the relationship with Ma Leiting's brother, he didn't want people to see the family ugliness, coupled with Ma Leiting's power, how could he tolerate it everywhere.

At this moment, he heard the indignant words from everyone, and pointed at Ye Tian who had walked out of his home. He was on pins and needles, and his face was achingly slapped.

In this way, under the eyes of everyone, he only feels that he has lost all of them. He, who had no good feelings for Ye Tian at first, does not care about his old manners at this moment. He relentlessly said: "My Ma Yuhui is in my life. There are countless friends. Geometry, but I have never felt so disgusted because of a person's ignorance of good or bad."

Although he didn't point at Ye Tian directly, he could point out that Sang cursed Huai with obvious meaning, and his face was full of impatience and disgust. He turned Ye Tian away from the corner of his eye, as if he was not worthy of looking straight at him: "Don't blame me for speaking seriously. , The martial arts world on your side stands still and thinks that it is an authentic inheritance. It is thousands of thousands of years when you open your mouth and shut your mouth."

"Always have a black face and refuse people thousands of miles away. In fact, in our opinion, it is just a joke. Our Taiwan Island randomly sends out a small person like Lin Yingnan, and it makes you restless. You are a Yue Xinghe. I respect it as a god, but I don’t know it in our opinion, but the frog at the bottom of the well only sees the sky above his head."

Someone laughed jokingly: "They think the sky above their heads is the whole world."

Having said that, Ma Yuhui paused his gaze on Ye Tian for a while, and then suddenly drawn a boundary of nothingness with his hand in the air, saying word by word: "There is a huge boundary between us, and this boundary is a chasm. , At least one hundred years ahead of you."

"Even if you are stronger than Yue Xinghe, when you get here, don't be so solemn, you have to learn how to bow your head."

After Ma Yuhui said this, many people shook their heads and looked at Ye Tian with boring and playful eyes, still with unabashed disdain, as if they were looking at a savages drinking blood.

Ma Yuhui looked down completely. It was an absolute confidence and ignorance. He glanced at Ye Tian again. He sighed and said, "Oh, pitiful."

He said that Ye Tian was pitiful. First, he felt that he did not know the vastness of the world. Second, because Ye Tian had offended Richard, he might not escape tonight.

Ma Yanran's expression on the side became more and more awkward and uglier, and she didn't know what to say for a while. In fact, she didn't have any hope for Ye Tian. As far as she was concerned, she could no longer contend at the level of a handsome man. However, with Ye Tian, ​​she always felt very at ease and more comfortable. Just insisted on waiting.

Ye Tian's gaze cooled slightly, and a bit of anger was already in his heart. Looking around, everyone looked at him with a downward gaze, as if he was a natural-born dwarf. He couldn't help but said in a cold voice: "Oh? Frog at the bottom of the well?"

"I think who is the frog at the bottom of the well is not necessarily true?"

Ye Tian has cultivated for six hundred years, as large as tens of millions of stars, as small as the Immortal Family Cave Mansion, and he has never seen any big winds and waves, so he is naturally qualified to say this.

When Ma Yuhui and the others heard him say this, they laughed instead.

"Ha, are you all so hard-mouthed? Well, well, then you can talk about it, how are we doing the frog in the bottom of the well?"

Ye Tian looked at him calmly and said, "Do you understand what a realm is? Know what a primordial spirit is? Do you know what a real **** is?"

With Ye Tian's vision, the level of their cultivation is naturally far from authentic, but as soon as his words were uttered, they immediately drew waves of anger.

"It's shameless, what qualifications do you have to preach here?"

"I don't have much ability, I can only play tricks."

Ma Yuhui stood with his hand, because Ye Tian didn't know the so-called "stubborn mouth", his eyes were completely indifferent: "Taiwan martial arts world, it is not necessary for you to make irresponsible remarks."

Ye Tian said blankly: "If I say you are standing still, how many years have you not set foot in the mainland martial arts world?"

"Do you know that the current mainland martial arts world has undergone earth-shaking changes. Younger generations of cultivators and masters are emerging in endlessly. Just like you are lazy and only knows to rely on external forces, you will be far away in a few years. Fall down."

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the crowd became excited.


"How many years? Don't even think about surpassing us for hundreds of years!"

Ma Yuhui also really got angry: "You don't even have a **** to worship. How can you surpass us? It's a big joke."

Spirits are very important to cultivators. This is something that everyone knows. It can be said that without the power of gods, one cannot gain the Dao and cannot climb to the top, which restricts the development of cultivators.

Ye Tian slowly said, "Can't you cultivate to the top without a god? It's just that you are ignorant and ignorant."

"Also, who said we have no gods?"

"You will see it tonight!"

The crowd glared at Ye Tian, ​​and being so despised by a "low-end" cultivator made them angry. Especially when Ye Tian said tonight he asked them to see what a **** is, how would they believe it, only felt that Ye The sky was here to blow the cowhide through the sky, and I couldn't help but scold it.

"I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"You will die on your own mouth one day, and sooner or later you will go on the streets."

Some people said it was really vicious, and Ma Yuhui was also angrily: "I have spent decades in business, isn't it as good as your little baby's words?"

"Since you are so good, that's great. It's up to you to solve Rong Ze tonight."

"Let me see what shocking methods my daughter's'boyfriend' has."

He fixed his gaze on Ye Tian again: "If you have this ability, don't say I marry your daughter to you, why not even if you send me Ma Yuhui?"

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