The Return of the City’s Cultivation

Chapter 773: Qualification for kowtow

"You are Miller's lifelong teacher!"

Miller and Chloe knelt there, putting their hands on their chests religiously, looking up at Ye Tianru and looking up at the gods, their excited cheeks were shaking.

Kyoko and the others were dizzy in surprise, completely unimaginable, Ye Tian didn't even need to move his hands, and in a few words, he had conquered the successors of the Leila family and became the master of the gods.

"Have you ever asked whether I agree to accept you as a disciple."

Ye Tian's calm voice was like a bomb, blowing up all the people present.

"OH!" Miller jumped up and yelled, his face flushed in anxiety, "Teacher Ye, you must not break your words, the Chinese saying goes: "The man said nothing, the horse is hard to chase"!"

Chloe knelt on the side, and was about to cry in a hurry, "Mr. Ye, if we did a bit too much just now, in fact, this is Chloe's fault, it's Chloe who doesn't know Tarzan..."

Miller was heartbroken and slammed his fist on the amethyst-like coffee table, "You are so powerful, you are rare in the world. The test we have just tested is really an insult to you, and I regret it!"

The two were like ants on a hot pot, and they didn't even know what to say for a while. They have long regretted their intestines. It is so horrible to be able to see Miller's physical problems in just one or two minutes, and to modify the formula passed down for thousands of years. If they hadn't experienced it personally, they would not believe it. A teacher like Ye Tian is like a **** who descends from the sky, turning his hands into clouds and covering his hands into rain. He can easily influence one or even several snobbery situations. He is a peerless stranger who has not been encountered for 300 or 500 years. .

However, it is not too difficult for the Immortal Venerable who has cultivated for six hundred years in the Xuantian Realm to do this.

Thinking of this, Miller knew that by missing Ye Tian, ​​he would have missed a lifetime opportunity, and cried out in repentance, "I have eyes but no beads..."

Ye Tian looked at Miller, although he did not speak, but his heart was quite shaken. Because in Miller’s flesh, he felt a breath similar to that of the Xuantian Realm Xuannan Clan. The blood pulsation and the ups and downs of muscles and flesh contained explosive power, and the Xuantian Realm Xuannan Clan was the only one to break through the peak of his physical body. , The existence of Broken Void is also the supreme king among the tens of thousands of clans in the Profound Sky Realm.

Miller has unlimited potential and definitely has the ability to aspire to the pinnacle of the earth, but this force needs someone to help him awaken. How could Ye Tian not want to be a disciple of such a talent? The reason why he has a bit of rejection in his words is because he has really moved his mind to accept a disciple, and he wants to be his disciple, even if he is supreme. The existence of it is not so easy.

Ye Tian was also relieved at the same time, no wonder the legendary Danxian, who all robbed their heads to conquer Miller, must enter the realm of Danxian. He could see through many appearances and see Miller's infinite potential. Miller is a treasure. .

Ye Tianduan sat, still unable to see any expression on his face, and asked Miller: "What I just said, but is your Leila family's tactics?"

Miller nodded subconsciously.

"Then I'm an outsider, explaining the tactics you have cultivated for more than ten or twenty years, but you still can't comprehend it?"

Ye Tian's words, like Hong Zhong Dalu, shocked Miller. He was full of Ye Tian's explanation just now, before he had time to think about it. At this moment, he awakened the dreamer with horror, as if something was stuck in his throat, he couldn't say a word.

Miller has studied the tactics since he was a child, practiced daily, and is more familiar than eating and drinking. Every word of the **** tactics is familiar to the chest, but Ye Tian, ​​a person who has just come into contact with the tactics, speaks out at will. The key points of the tactics, the precautions for cultivation, and the profound meaning of bloody, I couldn't understand even at the end. What level Ye Tiande had reached, I was afraid that it was the patriarch of the Leila family.

"Your explanation is unique. It has completely subverted my view of cultivation over the past two decades, and subverted my understanding of the tactics. To me, it seems to me that I am listening to a brand new practice. This is my dream. Unexpectedly, it is countless times more profound than my father's explanation, and it can be said that it is not at the same level at all."

Miller couldn't help but speak. His father, but the existence of the fourth change of blood, was only a step away from the fifth change. But Ye Tian hadn’t even read the Blood Transformation Technique, and reached this level. This is a god’s ability. Thinking of these, Miller wanted to worship Ye Tian as a teacher even more urgently. He was excited and worried. My breathing began to heavier.

"Mr. Ye, Miller's life is not for you to worship. After seeing your strength, no one else can compare with you."

Miller knew that if Ye Tian didn't accept himself, it would be a matter of regret for a lifetime.

But Xianzun's disciple, where is such a good job.

Ye Tian smiled faintly, "Miller, you must know that my disciple must be a world-class powerhouse, a transcendent figure who aspires to the pinnacle, and the supreme existence of this planet! Do you have this determination?"

Miller raised his head suddenly, his eyes trembling constantly. This sentence was like a bolt from the blue sky, making him stunned for an instant.

Kyoko knew Ye Tian well, and immediately understood what Ye Tian meant. He stepped forward and said, "Miller, a teacher for a day and a father for life. Apprenticeship is not just two or three sentences. Especially for Ye Tian's strengths. People, do you think it's done by knocking two heads?"

Miller was full of sweat on his forehead, and said hurriedly: "Never dare, never dare!"

Kyoko also said: "The master is the guide who guides the road and teaches the essence of the disciple's cultivation, and the disciple also represents the dignity of the master, not only to test the strength, but also to torture the character. Many people have to be a teacher for at least five or six years, or even more than ten years. Later, I won the real inheritance of the master, and I do some chores on weekdays."

After Ye Tian came to the earth, he did not accept an apprentice. Although Bai Lan recognized Ye Tian as a teacher before, it was just a lip service. The two knew that it was more than a respectable title, and Ye Tian didn’t. I really bothered to teach her, but then I didn't stop it.

Miller immediately shouted firmly: "No matter what kind of test Yelaoshr has, Miller will desperately complete it!"

Ye Tian nodded and said, "Don't call the teacher, I only have one request for you. In two months, you will reach the fourth change of **** change. At that time, you are eligible to kowtow to me."

"The fourth change!?"

Miller and Chloe frowned tightly, but they couldn't help yelling together, and suddenly they felt like a huge boulder was crushed in their hearts.

Even the elder of the Leyla family, Miller's father only had the strength of the fourth change. It was almost impossible for Miller to achieve this step within two months.

Ye Tian's request was like a blockbuster, and the hearts of the two who exploded were in ruins.

However, Ye Tian knows that he modified the blood transformation technique for Miller. The physical body will improve day by day, and it will be stronger than the day. The speed of condensing the law will also increase dozens of times, and once the physical problem is gone, if it is He has a good foundation, is talented enough, and has accumulated a lot of talents, he can definitely do it.

Ye Tian's voice rang softly, "If you can't do it, don't come to see me again!"

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