The Return of the City’s Cultivation

Chapter 942: Encounter Miss Sister

Ye Tian turned his head to look and saw a slim Western woman standing in the distance.

This woman is extremely beautiful, without powder and daisy, but like a lotus in the water. Her white and jade-like cheeks are flawless. She is about twenty years old. She has a blonde hair neatly pierced behind her head, and she has a pair of watery blue eyes. With a strange light, she was extremely tall, wearing tight-fitting jeans, and her legs were slender. He stepped forward and came to Ye Tian, ​​who was only slightly shorter than Ye Tian's two fingers, and Ye Tian was on her face. , What I saw was full of rebelliousness "not afraid of the sky, not afraid of the earth".

This woman's temperament and appearance were not at all inferior to Ami, and this Western woman gave people an ethereal and cunning taste.

She walked over with a smile, looking at Ye Tian, ​​with a full face, and smiled: "Children, came out alone? Where's your grown-up?"

Ye Tian couldn’t laugh at this. She obviously regarded Ye Tian, ​​an old monster who had lived for more than 600 years, as a child, and she was a big sister, looking at Ye Tian condescendingly. Weird, Ye Tian looked very tender, with fair skin, more like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy.

Ye Tian glanced at her indifferently, but he was quite surprised, because this woman, who was actually a character of the Hinayana, could not help but re-evaluate the Western practice world to a higher level, and it seems that the so-called three major golds The family and the twelve nobles are nothing more than cultivators on the bright side, and many hidden forces disdain to compare them.

Ye Tian's performance was extremely plain. He didn't want to ask this girl to have fun on him. He didn't say anything. He ignored her. He continued to look at this precious place. It seemed that he didn't find any treasures, except for the mountains, I frowned because I didn't even see a living thing in the pool, the woods.

"Yeah, she has a very personal character." The woman still reluctantly came to Ye Tian, ​​and actually reached out and pinched Ye Tian's face, "But she looks really handsome, better than the self-proclaimed fools I have seen. It's too much, it must have turned a lot of little girl fans over."

Because of the practice of reincarnation through the celestial body, Ye Tian's body is evolving towards perfection. Nowadays, his appearance can be said to kill the international superstar at the first level, and he has an indifferent temperament that is beyond the detachment, which is truly outstanding.

Ye Tian drew back from the woman's bare hands, frowning deeper, but he really had no experience in dealing with such girls, and said coldly, "Stay away from me."

How could Ye Tian take her to heart since she has never seen such a beautiful woman.

"Hey, are you shy? You ignorant kid, but you know how many genius cultivators dream of wanting to be favored by me, but I don’t rarely touch them. It’s just that you still have some eyeballs. , I give you this honor. If you know who I am, you will not be able to sleep for a year of excitement."

What she said was from the bottom of her heart. For some reason, the first time she saw Ye Tian, ​​a woman had an inexplicable affection for him. This was not an admiration, just like sometimes when someone saw someone at the first sight, they would treat him. It feels good and I hope to make friends with him. This is the first impression.

Ye Tian is this woman's food.

But Ye Tian feels that this woman is too arrogant, can't fall asleep after a year of excitement when you touch her? It's extremely ridiculous.

Ye Tian didn't want to entangle with her. He flew up and wanted to explore the distance. Who knows that the woman also flew up, came to Ye Tian and flew in the air together, with a smile, "What are you running? Are you afraid of sister?"

Ye Tian sighed secretly, and said helplessly: "I'm here to hunt for treasure, not to chat with you, I hope you don't disturb me, what should I do!"

The woman felt a little displeased and surprised, and she felt whether Ye Tian's head was cramped, "In the Western practice world, not to mention the strength and background, I don’t know how many people are fascinated and squeezed by my beauty alone. Hope is close to me, why is this person so indifferent?"

In this way, it aroused her rebelliousness and eagerness even more, "Hey, what is your cultivation level?"

Ye Tian still ignored her, investigating everything in this world intently, and found that there really wasn't the slightest breath of life here, these sceneries were also lifeless, and there was no sign of a baby.

When the woman saw that he still didn't speak, she couldn't help being anxious. She hadn't been so cold-hearted since she was born, and her voice was a little louder, and she reported her net worth, "Sister, I am in the realm of Pill Immortal, how can I cover you? ??" He snorted in his heart, "When you see my strength, you will be scared of my eyes and chin, and you won't be scared!"

"Little handsome guy, what are you looking for here, looks like you have come in for the first time, why don't you speak?"

Ye Tianzheng was a little impatient when he was disturbed, and suddenly heard the woman say: "Now there will be no treasures here..." Pointing to the red sun in the sky: "The treasures will only appear until the setting sun goes dark."

Ye Tian couldn't help but glanced at her, "So that's it!"

The woman was immediately satisfied because of her full experience. Some seniors taught the younger generations, feeling happy and proud, and said: "But there are also some restrictions. Those treasures are either guarded by powerful guardian beasts, or it is not easy to enter."

"When it gets dark, some different sceneries will appear, and the baby will appear."

Ye Tian wanted to say thank you, but she didn't expect the woman to teach her a master gesture: "As long as you listen to your sister and follow your advice, I said that you can't go to the west, and the sister will keep it for you to find the treasure."

"Come on, call my sister first."

This is obviously to be Ye Tian's boss, and he is also full of confidence.

Ye Tian couldn't laugh or cry. He didn't dare to say thank you anymore as if he had been playing Jiajia. The good self-feeling of the provincial girl took another step up.

Seeing that Ye Tian returned to indifference, the woman was not conquered by her own knowledge, she was angry, and tightly squeezed her fists, "Wait, if there are powerful monsters, I will let them torment you first. Until then..." I am very proud of thinking about this, "Hehe, you must kneel on the ground crying and beg me."

It was getting dark here very quickly, and the woman was talking with each other, and the sky soon darkened. Ye Tian raised his eyes and saw a mysterious and weird scene.

Sure enough, as the woman said, there began to appear scenes that were invisible during the day. I saw that among the forests, there were colored ribbons, each of which was more than ten meters long and colorful, in the woods. Swaying incessantly, like beautiful tentacles.

And on those mountain peaks, gas-like black holes of different sizes appeared.

Looking at the lake, there are many small halls that are magnificent or celestial at two or three meters above the lake. The small halls are about the size of three or four hundred square villas.

In addition, in the vicinity of these ribbons, small halls, and black holes, various guardian beasts appeared together, and they roared loudly and rumblingly.

It was an empty and lifeless treasure land, and it suddenly became perilous.

Ye Tian couldn't help being a little surprised: "These strange beasts are actually sacred beasts at the lowest level, and they have the strength of a cultivator virtual immortal!"

If the Xuxian came here without the elixir, it would be a life of nine deaths.

Ye Tian’s surprised words obviously once again aroused the woman’s extreme pleasure and comfort. Seeing Ye Tian’s blue eyes turning, he was overjoyed and secretly calculated: “I’ll bring in a few more holy beasts later and call you. This little kid tastes great!"

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