The Return of the Demon

Chapter 96: Open Favoritism

Emperor Xuan looked calmly as he watched a group of censors jumping up and down.

Immediately, his eyes moved and fell on Ning Ziming... He snorted in his heart, what a good father. His son was criticized, but he didn't say a word.

The right prime minister looked back and then at the left prime minister.

Those who jumped out to criticize Ning Chen were all from the left prime minister, just like last time.

He sent people to investigate, but he couldn't find any deep hatred between Zuo Xiang and Ning Chen?

Suddenly, what did the right figure think of?

Since there is no deep hatred between the two, but Prime Minister Zuo insists on putting Ning Chen to death, it is not for himself, but for others.

Who in the capital wants to kill Ning Chen the most right now?

The answer is obvious...the Queen and the Third Prince.

Because Ning Chen killed his uncle.

I should have thought of it earlier.

However, the left prime minister made a bad move this time.

The left prime minister felt something in his heart, turned around and saw the right prime minister showing him a meaningful smile.

Zuo Xiang was slightly startled.

But he didn't think much about it, instead he was thinking about other things.

Last night the queen sent someone to urge her again.

Let him kill Ning Chen no matter what method he uses.

Yanguan Yushi was still jumping up and down to play Ning Chen.

Emperor Xuan finally couldn't help but frown, and then slowly said: "My dear friends, are you paying close attention to my Supervision Department?"

With one sentence, the entire court suddenly became quiet and silent.

Yan Guan, who was jumping up and down just now, turned pale and sweat broke out on his forehead.

They all forgot one thing. The Supervision Department belongs to Emperor Xuan and no one can get involved. This is Emperor Xuan's inverse relationship.

Prime Minister Zuo also trembled slightly.

He finally understood what the right minister's meaningful smile just now meant?

Unfortunately, I only focused on completing the queen's mission and made a bad move.

Emperor Xuan stared at the officials and asked calmly:

"When this incident happened, all the people present were from the Supervision Department. I only got the news last night. It was only a few hours before the court. Where did you, dear ladies, get the news?"

"You have better information than I do. Is this my Supervision Department or the Supervision Department of your dear friends?"

Yan Guan, who had just participated in Ning Chen's performance, was all trembling with fear.

"Liu Aiqing, come and tell me, where did you get the news?"

Yan Guan, the first person to jump out to join Ning Chen, was so frightened that his legs softened and he fell to his knees on the ground.

"Please have mercy on Your Majesty, please have mercy on Your Majesty..."

Emperor Xuan looked at him coldly, "Liu Aiqing, you haven't answered me yet?"

"Your Majesty, please have mercy, Your Majesty, please spare my life..."

Emperor Xuan's face suddenly sank, "Very good, you dare not answer my words truthfully, you are so brave."

"Since you are so interested in my Supervision Department, I will let you stay for a few days."

"Nie Liang listens."

Nie Liang knelt down: "I'm here!"

Emperor Xuan said coldly: "Send these people to the Supervision Department and let them interrogate them carefully. I want to know how they got the news?"

"My lord, take the order!"

"Your Majesty, please spare my life. I beg your Majesty to have mercy..."

A group of officials were so frightened that they fell to their knees, kowtowed and begged for mercy.

After entering the prison of the Supervision Department, no one can come out alive... except Ning Chen.

Nie Liang waved his hand, and a group of imperial guards rushed in and dragged Yan Guan, who had just participated in Ning Chen's performance, down.

The left prime minister turned pale... He was confused for a moment and sent these people to hell with his own hands.

Emperor Xuan glanced at the ministers with sharp eyes.

All civil and military officials were so frightened that they dared not breathe.

"Just now they played Ning Chen, saying that Ning Chen killed his colleagues with swords, ignored the national law, and was arrogant because of his favor... What do you think, dear friends?"

No one from the civil and military officials dared to say a word... They all looked like they didn't know anything about this.

Anyone who jumps out now will be suspected of colluding with the Supervision Department. Those who were dragged down just now are a lesson learned from the past.

Emperor Xuan said calmly, "It seems that not all Aiqing's information is well-informed."

Do we dare to be enlightened? All the well-informed people were imprisoned by the Supervision Department... The ministers complained in their hearts.

"Since you dear ones don't know what's going on? Then I'll tell you."

"Yesterday, I ordered the Supervision Department to inspect Xu Xinjue's family property. My decree is that the men should be exiled and the women should be sent to the Jiaofang Department."

"But during the inspection, a woman in silver clothes actually insulted Xu Xinjue's female family members. The female family member who was insulted was only thirteen years old, and she was brutally killed afterwards... Ning Chen drew his sword in anger and injured the woman in silver clothes. What do you think Ning Chen is? Does this mean that Chen is ignoring the laws of the country and relying on favor to be arrogant? "

The Right Prime Minister was about to stand up, but he didn't expect Li Hanru, a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, to be faster than him. He stood up and said:

"Your Majesty, I don't think it counts... His Majesty's decree is that the female relatives of Xu Xinjue's family should be appointed to the Jiaofang Division. There is no decree to execute him. The man in silver is committing adultery in front of him and murdering in the back. This is clearly a blatant disobedience. Holy Will, his crime should be punished!”

"Although it was wrong for Ning Yinyi to draw his sword and hurt someone, his intention was to maintain His Majesty's majesty... I feel that the merits outweigh the faults."

When Li Hanru finished speaking, the Prime Minister glared at him. This old thief had finished everything he wanted to say.

The right minister immediately took a step sideways and came out of the queue, leaned down and said: "Your Majesty, I feel that Ning Yinyi not only has no fault, but has made meritorious deeds... On the other hand, that Yinyi blatantly disobeyed the holy order. It is really hateful and his crime should be executed."

"And the leader of the team, Jin Yi, who allowed his subordinates to commit adultery and murder, should be severely punished."

Emperor Xuan nodded with satisfaction.

"You two ministers are right."

"Quan Sheng, draft an edict!"

Eunuch Quan said hurriedly: "Yes!"

He thought Ning Chen was arrogant because of his favor, which disgusted His Majesty and he was about to fall out of favor.

Unexpectedly, His Majesty remained silent, and it turned out that he was holding back a big move.

Your Majesty, this is a plan that kills three birds with one stone.

First, it is to warn these censors and imperial censors. These people are the most annoying. His Majesty probably wanted to deal with them a long time ago, but he just didn't find the right opportunity.

Second, of course, it is to intimidate the ministers.

Third, it is to blatantly favor Ning Chen, and use actions to tell the civil and military officials that Ning Chen is my man, and I have the final say on whether to kill or plunder him. This is the end of you impeaching and attacking him.

Emperor Xuan spoke slowly: "Wu Dayuan, who committed adultery and evil, violated the imperial order, shall be executed immediately!"

"Chen Lezhang, who condoned his subordinates to commit adultery and violence, and was not strict with his subordinates, shall be punished with thirty strokes of the cane, and Ning Chen shall supervise the execution, and shall be fined one year's salary."

"Geng Jing was not strict with his subordinates, and was responsible for negligence, and was fined one month's salary... In addition, he was ordered to check himself to see who in the Supervisory Office colluded with those bastards and colluded with the news? Once verified, he will be executed first and then reported."

"Ning Chen is upright and impartial, and has made contributions to maintaining my majesty. I am very pleased and will reward him with a thousand taels of gold!"

When Emperor Xuan finished speaking, all the ministers were stunned!

Your Majesty is openly favoring Ning Chen.

Ning Chen is definitely your Majesty's illegitimate son, and Ning Ziming is a fake father.

The officials who didn't have time to speak just now regretted it...Your Majesty didn't give them the opportunity to speak just now, otherwise they would have said a few good words for Ning Chen and got a favor.

In the past few days, they prepared generous gifts and sent people to Ning Mansion to ask Ning Chen for poems.

But they returned empty-handed every time, because every time they went, Ning Chen was not in Ning Mansion... They did not dare to go to the Supervisory Office, for fear of being accused of colluding with the Supervisory Office.

Ning Ziming and Chang's mother and son had a very upset life these days.

Seeing the court officials come with generous gifts, but they didn't see Ning Chen and left directly, not even willing to say a word to them, the family was furious.

Ning Ziming was almost mad, this rebellious son... If he hadn't said in front of all the officials that day that he was not familiar with him, how could these people dislike him?

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