Bikir recalled the past.

It wasn’t that long ago, just a few days ago.

When Hugo Baskerville had gaven an award after the triplet incident.

‘Do you have any snacks you want to eat?’


‘Butler. Let him enter the food storage and take out as many chocolates as he likes. Just enough to carry.’

At that time, Bikir had been handed over the key to the food warehouse.

In the cellar following Barrymore, Bikir obtained a bag of chocolate beans.

‘In the past, the Lord personally led the senators in the family to subjugate the savages on the western front of the territory and reclaimed the vast jungles of the area as farmland. It is said that one grain of ‘bloody bean’ beans, a local speciality, can make 100 litres of chocolate.’

Bloody Bean. A magical bean that boasts a rich flavour that one bean can make 100 litres of chocolate.

Bikir took out a single bloody bean from the sack he was wearing around his waist.

And he looked at the hellhound, which had been very slow going around the water, and had opened its mouth in the middle of its run.

The way it approached heading straight with its mouth wide open is as if he is asking for something to be thrown into his mouth.

In the eyes of Bikir, an experienced hunter, it looked like that.

… flick!

A bloody bean that Bikir flicked with his thumb went right into the hellhound’s mouth.

And the response came right away.

… Yelp!

A hellhound swallowed something that flew into its mouth.

The canine started to get affected immeditely.

Cahang! Crack! acck!

The hound started frothing from its mouth as it started to vomit, saliva, mucus, coming out of its mouth.

It started shaking and convulsing as it fell down

Its heart beat increased as if it was going to explode, and blood burst out of its eyes as a result.

‘As expected.’

Bikir nodded his head.

He was a fact known to all hunters who had gone through the era of destruction.

That is the fact that canine monsters are weak to chocolate.

The substances in chocolate beans are like poison to canine monsters.

Even if it was a hound from hell, this was similar.

“Let’s see. How were your symptoms? Vomiting of mucus, difficulty breathing, incontinence, diarrhea, increased body temperature, increased heart rate, loss of appetite, convulsions, seizures, severe agitation… … And death?”

Bikir grabbed a blunt shortsword that day.

Then, he walked towards the hellhound as the trees seemed to loom over it.

“The blow to the stomach and heart must have come first. The liver is next.”

However, a hellhound’s stomach, heart and liver are protected by ribs that are harder than steel.

Bikir couldn’t squeeze through that gap with the blunt shortsword that he currently had.

In that case, it is best to aim for a place that is slightly off the ribs and still weakened by the chocolate.

“… … The answer is here.”

The lower abdomen, which the hellhound’s ribs can’t cover, and the kidneys, which are overworked by the toxin from the chocolate,and were vulnerable.

Bikir laid his shortsword vertcally and stabbed it hard.

His blade was blunt, so he couldn’t cut or penetrate, but it was enough to stab damage to hide, muscle, and kidneys beneath the flesh.

Kang! I’m sorry… …

The more the shock comes upon the kidney, the weaker the kidney and the stronger the toxin.

Bikir cut off the last breath of the hellhound, which had become irresistible.

Hellhounds are monsters of the canine family, and at the same time, they are monsters of the hell who roam around with the hellfire of the oil pits swallowed in their stomachs.

If you don’t kill it, you don’t know when its vitality will become a threat again, like an ember reviving from the ashes.

“I’ll have to look at the lights that went out again.”

Bikir raised his shortsword and completely extinguished the hellhound’s last spark of life.

puck! puck! puck! Wow!

With his blunt shortsword, there was no answer other than to beat it.


An amazing thing happened.

Tsutsutsutsutsu… …

When the hellhound died, an intangible aura escaped from its corpse and settled in Bikir’s body.

What many people call “experience,” or “karma”,

When this mysterious and magical energy obtained by killing monsters accumulates in the body, it leads to strengthening of the body.

Bikir single-handedly defeated a high-ranking monster that children of his age could not dare imagine, and as a result, his body became even more powerful.

In addition to the blessing of the Styx River, the experience gained from killing a hellhound was added.

Bikir’s body is now impervious to any amount of poison, magic, or other physical force.

“… … hmm. Are my bones thicker? I seem to have grown taller.”

The shortsword in my hand became much lighter than before.

Since the weight of the sword could not suddenly decrease, it must be said that his strength had increased.

boom- boom-

Other 8-9 year olds handle the swords as if wielding it with one hand, which is difficult to wield with both hands.

However, there is still a long way to go before he regains his former strength.

‘At this pace, I’ll be able to recover all my strength before the coming-of-age ceremony.’

Bikir is only 8 years old now. The level is Sword Expert.

The other Baskervilles are on the verge of becoming visible only after the coming-of-age ceremony.

After the next seven years had passed, he was more than confident enough to regain the power of his previous life.

‘Right now, if I get first place in the practical test, there’s a reward.’


Bikir looked down at the hellhound’s corpse with a satisfied expression.

If the corpse of this monster, which is still hot, is brought to the family, it is a matter of course that it won first place in the practical evaluation.

Going out of the boundary area could be a bit of a problem, but it’s a rebuke to the guardian knights in charge of the role of the guide dog, and rather praise from the examinee’s point of view.

An 8-year-old child went out of the border area that even young dogs struggle with, and went to the forbidden zone to catch a dangerous grade B+ monster, and that too alone!

Hugo’s expression was already expected.

… hehe!

Bikir grabbed the hellhound by the tail and began to drag him away.

The corpse of a monster is subject to gravity and different laws from the human world because its soul is held as a mortgage in the demon realm.

Because of that, Hellhound’s corpse was much heavier than it seemed, but Vikir’s strength was different from that of a normal 8-year-old, so it didn’t matter.


Bikir continued to move forward.

It was an uphill road strewn with thorns, but it felt like a well-paved flower road.

Now go down and submit Hellhound’s corpse to the Guardian Knights and take the title of No. 1 in Practical Evaluation.

And when he thought of the reward he would get, a smile formed on his lips.

Bikir was waiting for a huge reward that he would never have dared to dream of in his lifetime, a treasure that no one even knows the real value of in this day and age.

… … at that time.

One of the factors stopping Bikir’s steps is here. no, several

Grrrrr… …

The cries that flowed from the depths of the sea behind them.

The burrow the roots are twisting, the howl coming from deep in the throat is getting closer.

“… … Oops.”

Bikir put down the hellhound’s corpse for a moment.

He had forgoten.

Hellhounds are monsters that live in packs.


Yellow and red sulfur fires began to burn in the darkness of the sea of floods.

Eleven Hellhounds came and surrounded Bikir.


“… … .”

Bikir just grinned, unfazed in the slightest.

Rather, the hellhounds who faced that smile just shrank their bodies low and growled as if they were anxious.

Do these dogs recognize a predeator ?

It seems that even those who passed through the world of destruction and passed through another round of reincarnation could not wash away the smell of blood that was deeply embedded in their souls.

Just like Bloody Mamba, the venomous snake who froze at the sight of Bikir in the cradle, it seems that the enemy and the Hellhounds of Black Mountain do not dare to act carelessly in front of Bikir, who reveals his life in earnest.

Before long, Bikir opened his mouth.

“Come on guys. There are still a lot of beans left.”

Bloody bean beans rattle at the waist.

Considering the body that became stronger after catching one hellhound, the growth rate when all the hellhounds gathered here were caught… … he couldn’t even guess.

When the Bikir and the hellhounds were in such a tense confrontation.

hehe… …

The ferocious hellhounds suddenly curled their tails between their crotches and began to retreat.

“… … ?”

Bikir was a little surprised.

A hellhound that once bares its teeth will never show its back, even if it dies.

But now, the hellhounds were running away in blatant fear, only their backs were invisible.

No matter how heinous the killing spree that Bikir spewed out was, he still had the body of an 8-year-old child, so it wasn’t enough to get more than 10 hellhounds out.

What then?

What external factors could cause these hellhounds to run away with their tails down?

Eventually, Bikir soon learned what it was.

Grrrrr… …

The sound of spit and brimstone boiling.

The owner of this district who makes all hellhounds out has appeared.

Six eyeballs burning in the dark.

Three heads poking out of the root hole of the sea.

“… … Did something like this live here?”

A top-notch monster that makes even Bikir look surprised.


Risk level: A+

Size: 7m

Discovery Location: Le Rogue 7th


-Aka “Hell’s Guard Dog”

It is not interested in the ghosts who want to enter hell, but the ghosts who want to get out of hell are immediately torn to pieces and made into rags.

It lives deep in oil pits of hell where all the ghosts finally head, and leads to the ultimate of monsters of the canine species.

The three-headed dog, which symbolizes hell itself, appeared.

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