The Return of the Martial Ancestor of Martial Arts

Chapter 151 Beast Valley, the Powerful Earth-Splitting Tiger (Second update!)

"The Holy Light Dynasty is an intermediate dynasty. A total of 20 people entered the ancient battlefield. The eight people stationed at this gathering point have been killed by us. Those miscellaneous fish at the city gate during the day were just kidnapped by Li Sheng and the others. People from other dynasties.”

"There are also twelve people in Yangcheng, thousands of miles away from here. The leader is Jin Mu, a strong man who has reached the Half-Step Nirvana Realm."

Lin Dong stood with his hands down and said leisurely.

"Yangcheng is thousands of miles away? Then should we kill him directly? He's just a half-step Nirvana strongman, let's just kill him."

Mo Ling and others looked at each other with expressions of eagerness to try.

"Killing must be done, and the roots should be removed. And I heard that an ancient key is about to be released in the Leiyan Mountains near Yangcheng. It is the key to opening an ancient secret. We must get it."

"It's just that, first of all, it's still some time before the ancient key is born, and secondly, I plan to leave for a few days."

Lin shook his head and temporarily rejected the suggestions of several people.

"Leave? Why?"

"In the Beast Valley in the northwest region, there is a powerful earth-splitting tiger with the strength of one-yuan Nirvana realm. It hides the bone of a demon tiger. Although Xiaoyan has advanced to the Nirvana realm, after all, he is inherently deficient. As one of the eight royal families in the Demon Realm, he is a demon tiger. The blood of the Tiger clan will definitely improve his qualifications, so I plan to change his bones."

Of course, the information about the Demonic Tiger Bones was not obtained from Li Sheng.

According to the original work, this information was obtained by the protagonist after he obtained the ancient key and spent 30,000 Nirvana Pills from an information dealer in the Nirvana Realm when he went to a city called "Ancient Land".

However, here Lin Dong said that the information was obtained from Li Sheng, so that's natural.

Well, nothing wrong~


Xiaoyan was startled when he heard this, and his eyes turned red subconsciously.

"Brother Lin Dong and Xiao Yan are heading to Beast Valley. If Senior Brother Shengguang from Yangcheng gets the news and attacks, what should we do?"

Mo Ling and others were a little worried.

"What should we do? Kill him of course! The four of you forming an formation will naturally be able to repel Jin Mu who is half a step into Nirvana. If you can make a breakthrough in your cultivation during this period, you can directly kill Yangcheng and destroy him. The Holy Light Dynasty is also easy."

"This is also a test for you. I have given you everything I should give you. If you are still killed by Jin Mu, that will also be your fate."

Lin Dong's tone seemed gentle, but underneath it was a strange coldness.

Although Mo Jingtian asked Lin Dong to take care of Mo Ling and the four of them, it did not mean that Lin Dong planned to take four oil bottles to operate on the ancient battlefield. He should have a lot of training, and he had no interest in being a nanny for others. .

"Brother Lin Dong is joking. You and Xiaoyan are going to the Beast Valley to get the bones of the devil tiger from that day. The four of us will definitely guard this gathering point safely and wait for you to come back."

After all, Mo Ling and the others were also the top geniuses of the Great Yan Dynasty, and they were very arrogant. They were aroused by Lin Dong's words and all agreed.

"Okay, then it's settled. I hope I can see the four of you again after I come back." Lin Dong stroked his hands and chuckled, and the four of them with a wink immediately retreated.

"A small strong man in the Creation Realm actually has information about the bones of the Demonic Tiger. This stupid tiger can change its bloodline just after entering the ancient battlefield. It is also considered his good fortune."

The air squirmed slightly, and a thin figure appeared on Lin Dong's shoulder.

"Hehe, it's all thanks to big brother." Xiaoyan smiled honestly.

"It's your share too. I heard that there is a Wheel of Life and Death Pill in that ancient secret. Jin Mu is very interested in it and is actively preparing to fight for the ancient key to open the ancient secret."

Lin Dong turned his head and glanced at Xiao Diao.

"What? You dare to steal Lord Diao's Wheel of Life and Death Pill? These bastards are probably tired of living, so why don't you crush that bullshit Senior Brother Holy Light to death! Crushing him to death!!!"

The little mink's expression changed, and he immediately waved his paws and roared loudly.

"What's the rush? It's still some time before the ancient key in the Leiyan Mountains is revealed. Let's go and replace Xiaoyan's bones first, and then go to Zhidao to kill people in Yangcheng."

Lin Dong comforted him amusedly.

"Yes, chop him! We must chop him!!!"

Xiao Diao cursed and returned to the ancestral stone space.

"Brother, you should go to bed early. We will set off early tomorrow morning. I will transform into a beast and take you to fly directly to the Beast Valley to find the bad luck of the powerful earth-shattering tiger. It will be faster this way."

At the thought of bone replacement, Xiaoyan's dark face could not help but flash a strange blush. He really couldn't wait any longer!

"Haha, this guy really wants to leave now."

Looking at Xiao Yan exiting, Lin Dong smiled helplessly, turned his palm over, and a white elephant sculpture with dense runes on its surface appeared in his palm.

Intermediate martial arts, the sacred elephant collides with the sky!

"Senior Brother Holy Light? Ha, they are like pigs and dogs."

As soon as Lin Dong thought about it, the majestic spiritual power of the Eryin Tianfu Master immediately poured into the white elephant sculpture like a tide, instantly destroying the deep imprint of the human race.

At the same time, a corner of Yangcheng thousands of miles away.

"Who is it? Who dares to kill me, a member of the Holy Light Dynasty?!!"

A rather angry roar suddenly sounded above the station.

The next morning.

In order to keep it secret, the three Lin Dong brothers quietly left the gathering point.


Beast Valley is a huge valley surrounded by an endless green ocean, but few people set foot here, and it has almost become a forbidden land.

Because there is a powerful earth-splitting tiger here that is comparable to a human race's first-level Nirvana realm powerhouse. It is the undisputed demon beast overlord in a thousand-mile radius.

However, the powerful earth-splitting tiger has been living in seclusion recently because it knows that the "big sweep" of the human race's powerhouses once every twenty years is coming again. It is hiding deep in its nest, thinking about how to use the Heavenly Demon Tiger Bone to force through the second level of Nirvana.

One day, two mysterious figures visited the Beast Valley.

"Powerful Earth-Splitting Tiger, how long are you going to hide?"

The thin figure standing with his shoulders folded laughed loudly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

As soon as the voice fell, a regular shaking sound came from the huge cave deep in the valley, and a tall figure immediately appeared in the sight of Lin Dong and the others.

It was a tall figure that was half human and half beast, several feet tall, like a giant, with a huge tiger head with two white fangs, bloodshot eyes, and covered with inverted black hair, violent and bloodthirsty.

This was a powerful half-human, half-tiger monster!

"Human, leave here quickly, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Looking at Lin Dong and the other two whose auras were no weaker than his own, a deep fear flashed across the ferocious face of the powerful Earth-Splitting Tiger. Didn't it escape?

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