The Return of the Martial Ancestor of Martial Arts

Chapter 153 Demonic Tiger, Lin Yan! (Fourth update!)

"Wait outside. I will take Xiaoyan to the cave to set up a large array with Nirvana Pills, and extract the fire of Nirvana to replace Xiaoyan's bones."

The little mink hooked his claws, and the Qiankun bag on Lin Dong's waist flew out immediately.

"Xiaoyan's cultivation will definitely take a step closer after his successful bone replacement. As the eldest brother, I can't be easily surpassed by others."

Looking at the two figures gradually disappearing into the shadows, Lin Dong smiled softly and casually found an open space at the entrance of the cave to sit down cross-legged.


As he completely gave up suppressing the restless energy in his body, a strange crimson color quietly infiltrated the skin all over his body, and even had the tendency to faintly condense together to form a ball of crimson flames, with white smoke rising faintly.

The second level of Nirvana Tribulation has arrived!


At the same time, there was sudden lightning and thunder high in the sky, accompanied by large dark clouds. The violent force of wind and thunder instantly filled the entire airspace above the valley, firmly locking on the thin figure sitting cross-legged below.

The third level of wind and thunder calamity has arrived!

This time, he wants to completely refine the power of the soul left by the Mu Master!

"Hahaha, come on, come on, come on, everyone!"

Amidst loud laughter, a solid spiritual body carried an ancient mysterious talisman on its head, and rushed into the thunderclouds in the sky in a very eye-catching manner, completely detonating the violent wind and thunder power.

"Ho! Roar! Roar!"

Just when Lin Dong was bravely overcoming the disaster, the huge cave of the Earth-shattering Tiger was constantly hearing shrill roars, shaking the entire cave. The man seemed to be enduring great pain. General.

"Now, change your bones!"

Deep in the cave, the solemn-looking little mink suddenly thrust its paw towards the blurry blood mass in the center of the formation, and then pulled out a white skeleton.


That lump of flesh and blood that seemed to be alive went completely crazy!


Night, by the campfire.

"Four days and four nights have passed. Even if we include the time for Xiao Yan to cross the second level of Nirvana, it should be almost the same. Why haven't the two of them come out yet?"

A thin figure looked worriedly into the depths of the cave.

Over the past few days, although Xiao Yan's original aura has been getting stronger, the roars have become weaker and weaker, which made Lin Dong feel worried. Even though he knew that Xiao Yan would definitely succeed, he was still restless inside.

The bonfire gradually extinguished and late night gradually fell~


As dawn was approaching, the huge mountain suddenly began to shake violently. After a deafening bombardment, countless rocks shattered, and a huge figure broke out of the mountain.

Lin Dong, whose nerves had been on edge, immediately stood up and looked up.

I saw a giant tiger, as black as ink, standing proudly on the top of the mountain. It was a hundred feet tall, with dense black hair standing upside down like steel needles. Under the sunlight above the nine heavens, it shimmered with metal. like luster.

A pair of huge black wings extended from its ribs, comparable in size to more than half of a tiger's body. The black wings, which were enough to cover the sky and the sun, instantly blocked all the sunlight shining downwards as soon as they opened.


The standing black giant suddenly spread its wings, then raised its head and roared on the top of the mountain. The sound waves, which were thick and substantial, swept wildly around the surroundings in a circular shape, and all solid objects were shattered into balls after balls of powder.

"How's it going? Are you satisfied with Master Diao's work?"

Little Diao's figure quietly appeared on Lin Dong's shoulders.

"Such a pure power of the devil and tiger..."

Lin Dong took a deep breath after hearing this, and murmured softly: "Satisfied, very satisfied. We have finally opened up the road ahead for this guy, and he will not be left behind among our three brothers in the future."

Xiaoyan was originally a fire python tiger with extremely ordinary qualifications. His upper limit of strength in his lifetime was only the pitiful Tianyuan realm. Even with a mutated physique and Lin Dong constantly protecting him, it was already extremely difficult to reach the Nirvana realm.

Due to his inherent deficiencies, he will have a high chance of dying when he reaches the level of the Mysterious Realm of Life and Death in the future. However, today, his bloodline was changed to the bloodline of the Heavenly Demon Tiger clan by Xiao Diao using his great magical power.

As one of the eight royal families in the Demon Realm and one of the three top bloodlines of the tiger monsters, the upper limit of the bloodline of the Demonic Tiger Clan is even the legendary reincarnation realm.

"Hehe, that's right. It doesn't matter who makes the move. From today on, this stupid tiger is officially qualified to be my Lord Diao's third brother."

Looking at the giant black tiger on the top of the mountain, roaring up to the sky and arrogant, Little Diao nodded with great satisfaction.

This is a peerless ferocious tiger from the prehistoric world!


On the top of the mountain, the mighty black giant tiger may have heard something. A warm color quickly appeared in the dark tiger's eyes, and its huge black wings suddenly flapped, and then descended towards the valley below.

Lin Dong and the two were enveloped in the aura of endless violence, but their expressions remained unchanged as they watched the giant black tiger pounce on them with smiles on their faces.


Sure enough, just when the giant black tiger was about to reach the ground, a rich black light suddenly burst out from its body. As the light group squirmed rapidly, a strong figure landed lightly on the ground.

"The dual nirvana realm is good. You can successfully survive the dual nirvana tribulation after changing your bones. It shows that your foundation is good."

Feeling the extremely powerful aura, Lin Dong smiled slightly.

"Hehe, thank you eldest brother and second brother for your support this time."

The dark man who looked like an iron tower said his thanks shyly like a child.

"Thank you. Here, take it. This is the Heavenly Demonic Transformation of the Heavenly Demon Tiger clan's martial arts. It is very suitable for the power of your bloodline."

"It was obtained by Master Diao when I first set foot in the Death Mysterious Realm. I was greedy for the blood of the Heavenly Demon Tiger clan and secretly hunted a Perfect Heavenly Demon Tiger in the Life Xuan Realm. It will be an advantage for you."

Xiao Diao interrupted impatiently, clenched his paws, and a black jade slip quickly appeared. An extremely strange black light circulated on the surface of the jade slip, and there was a faint sound of tiger roaring.

"Thank you two..."

Xiao Yan accepted the black jade slip and was about to say thank you when he saw Xiao Diao's even more impatient expression, so he wisely stopped talking.

"Tsk, you have the clan-suppressing martial arts of the Heavenly Demon Tiger Clan. Do you also have the clan-suppressing martial arts of the Anbyss Tiger Clan and the Earth-Shaking Thunder Tiger Clan among the three royal clans of the Tiger Clan?"

Lin Dong looked at Xiao Diao in amazement. This thing was simply a treasure chest.

"Hehe, let alone the Dark Abyss Tiger Clan and the Earth-Shaking Thunder Tiger Clan. In fact, among the four major hegemonic clans in the Demon Realm and the Eight Royal Clan, except for me, the Sky Demon Marten, I have tasted the blood power of the other seven clans. How about the taste? , but each has its own merits.”

"After tasting the power of blood, Lord Diao will naturally have to plan the battlefield, right? I also have the clan martial arts from the Dragon Clan, Jiufeng Clan and Kunpeng Clan, do you want them?"

Xiao Diao raised his chin reservedly and said.

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