The Return of the Martial Ancestor of Martial Arts

Chapter 155 You are in trouble (sixth update!)

Yangcheng, this ancient and majestic city is located between the mountains, lying quietly on the endless plain like a wild beast, with countless powerful presences fleeting among it.

Above the nine heavens, a huge green rosette held several figures suspended in mid-air, blocking all the fierce wind from the outside world.

"Yangcheng is indeed the most powerful city within a radius of ten thousand miles. The quality and level of the strong people here are much better than our gathering point."

The elegant young man standing with his hands behind his back looked down with interest.

"In the past month, we have not done nothing. We have collected almost all the information about Yangcheng. Currently, because the ancient key in the Leiyan Mountains is about to be released, Yangcheng has gathered people from no less than twenty dynasties. A mixture of dragons and snakes.”

"The more famous ones are the four dynasties: Dayou Dynasty, Iron Dynasty, Hailin Dynasty, and Holy Light Dynasty. All four of them have a half-step Nirvana strongman sitting in charge. Jin Mu, the Holy Light Dynasty where the waste is located, is in Yangcheng It’s a bit of a reputation.”

"But there are only two real overlord-level forces in Yangcheng, namely the Yuan Dynasty and the Lingyun Dynasty. Both families have no less than ten half-step Nirvana realm experts. The leader can only attack Nirvana if he gathers enough Nirvana pills. The existence of environment.”

Mo Ling, who stood behind him, spoke respectfully.

"Tsk, what kind of useless overlord is this? He doesn't even have a true Nirvana Realm powerhouse. You guys stand back, today I want the entire Yangcheng to know what an unquestionable overlord is."

Lin Dong waved his hand, and Xiao Yan and others immediately took the order and retreated.

"The Heaven-shaking Demonic Ape appears!"

As Lin Dong's fingertips tapped lightly in mid-air, the large space in front suddenly accelerated and squirmed, and a huge figure with a height of a hundred feet appeared directly from the shocked eyes of Mo Ling and others.

This is a giant ape whose entire body is pitch-black, with a ferocious face, dark hair standing like steel needles, and bulging muscles all over its body as if made of the hardest fine iron, with a cold yet vigorous luster flowing faintly on its surface.

The ferocious face is covered with dense black lines, faintly gathering into a terrifying face, mysterious and weird. These strange lines seem to be the source of the power of this peerless beast.

The beast's body, which was as huge as a hill, was extremely oppressive. Just suspended in the void, there was a violent aura soaring to the sky, and it was so fierce that it suppressed the breathing of Mo Ling and others.

Inexplicably, Mo Ling and the others felt that this big beast looked familiar, and their breathing suddenly became rapid: "That's..."

As Lin Dong pushed the Demonic Ape Transformation to an unprecedented level, he was able to absorb the five drops of demonic ape essence blood that had been refined in his body out of his body, and directly summon the demonic beast's body to fight for him in the outside world.

The heaven-shaking demon ape! As an adult, you can become a powerful monster comparable to the Nirvana realm!

"Master, I am here to obey your call!"

The Heaven-Shaking Demonic Ape appeared and immediately knelt down like a jade pillar pushing down a mountain of gold, and prostrated respectfully in front of Lin Dong.

"Go, come down there and let them feel the pain!"

Lin Dong moved his arm and pointed at the majestic city thousands of feet below.

"Follow your will!"

The squatting Demon Ape suddenly raised his head and punched his chest with his right fist. A look of fanaticism and ferocity flashed across the terrifying face covered with black lines.

"call out!"

The next second, the mountain-like beast body of the Sky-Shaking Demonic Ape suddenly curled up into a ball and suddenly shot down like a fired cannonball.

It was a black comet dragging a long tail flame across the sky rapidly. It continuously tore the air, making bursts of explosive sounds that tore eardrums.

Finally, it crashed into the center of the huge city.


The extremely violent energy shock wave instantly flattened all buildings and creatures within a thousand feet, and a huge bottomless ravine quickly spread to the surrounding area, like a ferocious beast greedily devouring everything.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The violent sound of breaking wind rose, and figures one after another flew up from every corner of the city like ants on a hot pot.

"W-what...what happened here?!"

The tragic scene in the center of the city instantly stunned the people from the major dynasties who came out to investigate the situation.


Accompanied by an extremely violent and shocking beast roar, a huge figure with a height of hundreds of feet leaped out of the bottomless ravine, raising its head and roaring in the rain of rubble.

"The Heaven-shaking Demonic Ape is comparable to a strong man in the One Yuan Nirvana Realm, but why does it appear here? Or is it coming from the sky?"

Among the crowd, some strong men had already recognized the identity of the fierce man.


The crazed Skyshaker Demon Ape smashed the tall stone tower in the center of Yangcheng with one punch, and then rumbled towards the place where the crowd gathered. Futon swept away the strong men one by one with a palm of his big hand.

"Damn it, this beast is going crazy, get away!"

"What are you afraid of? There are more than 30 half-step Nirvana masters in Yangcheng, and thousands of creation masters. This monster ape can be piled up to death."

"Yes, let's take action together to kill this beast!"

After the leaders of the major dynasties met, they decided to join forces to kill this Nirvana monster that had inexplicably crashed into Yang City. They were outnumbered and fearless.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

As soon as he finished speaking, deafening bursts of air explosions were heard again in the sky, and four more comets with long tails of flames plummeted towards Yangcheng.

Four "comets" arrived at the ground at the same time, and the huge impact wave almost overturned the entire Yangcheng.

"Ho! Roar! Roar!"

Four huge beasts like hills suddenly stood up at the four corners of the city. The four hundred-foot-high beasts and the sky-shaking demon ape in the center roared in unison, echoing each other from afar.

Ancient dragon ape! Hercules ape! The golden ape that moves mountains! Sea-covering ancient ape!

"Are four more monster apes that are comparable to those in the One Yuan Nirvana Realm? Now things are getting really serious..."

The pale-faced Liu Yuan and Ling Zhi glanced at each other subconsciously, and their bodies shook violently.

These five Nirvana Realm monster apes were obviously from the same group, and the invasion had been planned for a long time. Fortunately, for a Nirvana monster, many of their dynasties can easily kill it when they join forces; if all five of them come together, even if they are lucky enough to repel it, it will be a narrow escape.

Their two dynasties (Dayuan Dynasty and Lingyun Dynasty) are both top-notch mid-level dynasties. Because their strength crushes many dynasties in Yangcheng, it is their duty to play the role of counterattack leader.

I thought that by taking the initiative to encircle and suppress the big evil, they could gain some reputation among many dynasties. But now it seems that they will be the first to be liquidated later.

"Haha, yes, you are in trouble."

At this moment, a chuckle suddenly sounded in the sky above Yangcheng.

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