The Return of the Martial Ancestor of Martial Arts

Chapter 157 We are the vulnerable group (eighth update!)

Jin Mu, the eldest brother of the Holy Light Dynasty who was well-known in Yangcheng, was now killed in front of everyone with one punch, which made people feel sad that the rabbit died and the fox died.

"Look, it's not that I won't give you a way to live, but that your brother who was promoted to priest is too weak, so I'm sorry, but you all have to die."

Lin Dong shrugged apologetically to the frightened Shengguang Dynasty people.

"Hahaha, it's finally my turn to play."

After receiving the order, the five ancient dragon, ape and beasts smiled ferociously and surrounded the nine Holy Light people from five angles.

Under the joint attack of five monster apes that had reached the One Yuan Nirvana Realm, the last remaining Creation Realm experts of the Holy Light Dynasty did not even have a chance to escape, so they were all crushed into pieces.

The Holy Light Dynasty is completely destroyed!

After completing their mission, the ancient dragon ape beasts let out a low roar, and then turned into five drops of demon ape essence blood of different colors and quickly escaped back into their master's body.

"Okay, I'm done with personal matters, now it's time to talk about business."

After Lin Dong looked around the silent surroundings, he nodded with satisfaction: "Robbery, hand over all the valuable things you have!"

People from major dynasties: "..."

Although the five monster apes that were comparable to those in the Nirvana Realm had disappeared, the men of the major dynasties no longer had the courage to take action, because they had no doubt that Lin Dong could kill them all by himself.

The crowd was silent for a few seconds, and then, people from all major dynasties honestly stepped forward to hand over their Nirvana Pills, martial arts techniques, and even high-level spiritual treasures.

"Wait, you two come here."

When the activity of paying the protection fee was about to end, Lin Dong suddenly spoke up and stopped the two top half-step Nirvana realm experts who were on the verge of breaking through.

"Your Excellency Lin Dong, the insurance and protection fees for our two families have been paid."

The two senior brothers of the Yuan Dynasty and Lingyun Dynasty, Liu Yuan and Ling Zhi, suddenly stiffened and turned around slowly.

"Hey, don't be nervous, you two. Your two dynasties are the top mid-level dynasties that are about to be upgraded to high-level dynasties. We low-level dynasties are a vulnerable group, so we should be afraid of you."

Looking at the two people whose muscles were tense, Lin Dong comforted them softly.

"...I'm going to the fucking vulnerable group!!!"

Liu Yuan and Ling Zhi cursed in their hearts, then forced a smile and said, "I wonder what your Excellency Lin Dong has ordered? I will definitely comply with it."

"When I came to Yangcheng, I found that all the city walls were empty. It was really ugly. Oh my, why don't you put up your own flags?"

"Here, these are the red flame flags of my Great Yan Dynasty. Please help me place them in every corner of Yang City, so that the red flame flags of my Great Yan Dynasty can completely fly over Yang City."

Lin Dong shook his hand, and dozens of red flags appeared in his hand.

Liu Yuan and Ling Zhi's movements of reaching out both stopped.

Why are there no flags of any dynasty flying on the walls of Yangcheng?

It's not because there is no overwhelming overlord-level force in the city, and no one obeys anyone, so a strange balance is barely formed. Yangcheng is essentially a city without a master.

Now that Lin Dong wants to occupy Yangcheng, it doesn't matter. Even the two original Yangcheng giants are required to plant the flag. This is too much! This is too much!

Seeing this, Mo Ling and the others behind Lin Dong also had strange looks on their faces.

As early as when they arrived at a gathering point, they discovered a "quirk" of Lin Dong: every time he went to a gathering point, he would inevitably place the red flame flag of the Great Yan Dynasty on that city wall.

Lin Dong's explanation for this was: In order for the name of the Great Yan Dynasty to resound throughout the ancient space, the red flame flag of the Great Yan Dynasty must be allowed to fly over every gathering point they can see.

Codename: Red flags flying all over the world!

Sub-codename: Crazy flag!

I just didn't expect that this time, Lin Dong would let the original team from Yangcheng plant the flag.

"Huh? What? Are you unwilling to do this for me?"

Lin Dong raised his eyebrows, with a look of displeasure on his face.

"No, no, no, I'm willing, I'm willing."

Liu Yuan and Ling Zhi, who had reacted, waved their hands quickly, forced themselves to laugh, took dozens of red flame flags, and turned to leave.

"By the way, since you two are the leaders here, you should repair the broken places here. It looks really bad."

The ancient key to the Leiyan Mountains was still three days away, which meant that Lin Dong and his party would have to stay in Yangcheng for a while. It was not a good sight to see the ruins.

"Yes, I'll understand later."

Liu Yuan and Ling Zhi, who were hopeless, both handed over their hands.

Damn it, although it is true that warriors can build houses very quickly with Yuan Li, do these guys really think we are building houses? !

"Well, let's go."

Lin Dong and his party flew unceremoniously towards the most luxurious building in the center of the city.

It made Liu Yuan and Ling Zhi suffer from toothache again. Damn it, that’s where I live in the Yuan Dynasty/Lingyun Dynasty! !


In the center of Yangcheng, in the most extensive manor.

"Brother Lin Dong, we have made a fortune this time. We have collected 1.2 million Nirvana Pills alone."

Tianluo Sword Du Yun excitedly handed several Qiankun bags to the table.

"Aren't you curious before about why I didn't collect more Nirvana Pills at the last gathering point? It's not because I have a good heart, but because those poor ghosts are really poor. I really don't think they are the ones with three melons and two dates."

"Look, the Nirvana Pills you need to reach the Nirvana Realm have almost been collected for the Yangcheng group." Lin Dong smiled as he pointed at the Qiankun bag beside him. "Give them all to us?" Mo Ling and the others were surprised. "Well, reach the Nirvana Realm as soon as possible. Your strength is still too weak for me. Even if you can't help, don't hold me back." Lin Dong flicked his finger, and the more than one million Nirvana Pills flew back. "We will." Mo Ling and the others clenched the Qiankun bag in their hands and responded. "Well, go and practice. We will set off in three days." When the morning light completely shone on the huge city of Yangcheng, the whole city was completely boiling. Today was the day when the ancient key of the Leiyan Mountains was born. The troops of the major dynasties had already prepared their troops and started to set off one after another. Outside the giant manor in the city, the troops of the Great Yuan Dynasty and the Lingyuan Dynasty were waiting respectfully at the door. "Ling Zhi, what are you doing?"

Liu Yuan, the eldest senior brother of the Yuan Dynasty, narrowed his eyes and looked at his old rival, the dozens of strong men of the Lingyun Dynasty, who were walking towards him.

"Hehe, as the saying goes, it's good to take shelter under a big tree. I'm here for the same purpose as you are. I heard that there may be high-level dynasties participating in this operation. Our chances are not too great. If we can follow Lord Lin Dong and get a chance, that would be good."

Ling Zhi led dozens of Lingyun Dynasty's experts to stand still.

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