The Return of the Martial Ancestor of Martial Arts

Chapter 159 Demonic Rock Dynasty (Tenth update!)

"Boy, stop and hand over the Sky Talisman Spirit Tree. This thing now belongs to our Demonic Rock Dynasty."

Just as Lin Dong reached for the Sky Talisman Spirit Tree, a ghostly black shadow appeared at the door of the stone chamber, looking down at the two of them.

"Xiaoyan, go and deal with him."

Lin Dong's expression remained unchanged and his palms continued to grasp the Sky Talisman Spirit Tree.


The Sky Talisman Spiritual Tree seemed to be aware of the crisis, and its branches suddenly began to shake violently. The poisonous branches that had already transformed into turquoise came to life in an instant, and quickly wrapped around his arms.

"yes, Sir."

Xiao Yan grasped the palm of his hand, and the black-scaled snake stick appeared quickly. He stamped his right foot violently, and then rushed upward with a fierce aura that reached the sky.

"Be bold, my Demonic Rock Dynasty is at the top of the high-level dynasty, and I am a strong man who has set foot in the Nirvana Realm..."

The face of the figure wrapped in black robes changed, and he stepped back. Yuan energy surged around his body, as if he did not expect that the reputation of the Demonic Rock Dynasty did not scare Lin Dong and the other two.

"The eight heaven-shaking sticks! The first stick!"

Xiaoyan, who looked like a mad tiger, said nothing, silently raised the black-scaled snake stick and then smashed it down, violent energy flowing out crazily.

"Hiss, is this the top Nirvana realm expert in duality?!!!"

The pupils of the black-robed figure suddenly shrank, and the face that was not handsome in the first place was horribly distorted by fear. The powerful Yuan Power surged out crazily, faintly forming the shapes of thousands of beasts around it.

"All beasts..."


The sky was covered with stick shadows. The body of the black-scaled snake stick suddenly rushed in like a poisonous snake coming out of its hole. The head of the black-robed figure suddenly exploded like a ripe watermelon.


The headless body covered in blood lay limp on the ground.

Li Pan, a powerful man in the Nirvana realm of the Demonic Rock Dynasty, died!

"Hmph, what a piece of trash, what a bullshit dynasty."

Xiaoyan, who retracted the black-scaled snake stick, stopped his movements, spat contemptuously at the corpse on the ground, turned around and left.

"It's quite fast."

Lin Dong, who had already put away the Sky Talisman Spirit Tree, looked at Xiao Yan with a smile.

"Hehe, it's just a waste that has just stepped into the Nirvana Realm. When it hits the Nirvana Realm, it consumes about two to three hundred thousand Nirvana Pills at most, which is about the same as the two idiots at the entrance of the valley just now."

Xiaoyan put away his natal spiritual treasure and smiled.

"The ancient key in Leiyan Valley corresponds to the Green Dragon Palace of the Four Xuan Sects. I remember that the guys from the Demon Rock Dynasty are trying to get another ancient key. That should be the inheritance of the White Tiger Palace of the Four Xuan Sects. Just take a look. How is their entry?"

With a thought in Lin Dong's mind, a faint devouring power spread out, swallowing up all the spiritual energy around the headless corpse that had not completely dissipated.

"Demon Rock Dynasty, resident in Demon Rock City, a close ranking in the high-level dynasty, Li Pan in the Nirvana Realm, the leader of the Thunder Rock Valley, Senior Brother Chen Tomu, Senior Senior Brother Shi Kun..."

As the black hole vortex squirmed and rotated, a massive amount of information quickly emerged in Lin Dong's mind.

"Xiao Diao, Xiao Yan, once things are over here, we may go to Magic Rock City. There should be an ancient key there."

"This time, the Demon Rock Dynasty's troops are divided into two groups. The senior brother Shi Kun leads the team to seek an ancient key near Demon Rock City. Chen Tomb and Li Pan lead the team to pursue the ancient key to the Leiyan Mountains. The second senior brother Shi Xuan leads the team to seek an ancient key near the Demon Rock City. Responsible for guarding their home base of Magic Rock City."

"The ancient key may be related to the inheritance of the Si Xuan Sect, the dominant force in this area in ancient times. We must get it. Xiaoyan and I each have one."

Lin Dong smiled after getting the information he wanted.

"Going to Demon Rock City, where the Demon Rock Dynasty is based? How can you guarantee that Demon Rock Senior Brother Shi Kun's operation will go smoothly? If their actions along the way are not successful, wouldn't our trip be in vain?"

The figure of the little mink quickly emerged.

"The level of power in that area is similar to that in Yangcheng. There are only a few high-level dynasties. As the overlord of that area, the Demonic Rock Dynasty has a high probability of succeeding. Besides, it is better to kill a thousand by mistake than to kill a thousand by mistake. Let one go.”

Lin shook his head. He must go to Demon Rock City.

"Brother, how strong is the Demonic Rock Dynasty?"

Xiao Yan looked at Lin Dong eagerly.

"Senior Brother Shi Kun is at the top of the One-Yuan Nirvana Realm. He just failed to attack the second Nirvana Tribulation. Shi Kun is at the One-Yuan Nirvana Realm, and there are several Nirvana Realm experts. They are all a group of people who want to sell their heads and are not worth mentioning."

Lin Dong smiled contemptuously upon hearing this.

"Okay, we've done this deal. We'll grab another ancient key and give it to Xiao Yan, so that this stupid tiger can get a piece of the inheritance of the Four Mysterious Sects."

Xiao Diao immediately slapped his thigh.

"Let's go, go directly to the main hall, get the ancient key here first, don't let the cooked duck fly away in front of you."

Lin Dong rolled up his sleeves and wrapped a tiger and a marten before quickly disappearing from the spot.


In the deepest part of the stone palace, the ancient palace occupies nearly ten thousand feet and is extremely eye-catching.

When Lin Dong and the two arrived, more than a dozen people had gathered in the main hall, including the Xuanbing Dynasty and Dawu Dynasty that Lin Dong had met at the entrance of the valley, and the Demon Rock Dynasty who wore the same clothes as Li Pan. The strength of the three groups is the most powerful.

"Brother Lin Dong, you are here."

Lin Dong and Xiao Yan had just stepped into the main hall, and the four of them, Mo Ling, who had arrived here first, quietly came up to them, their faces all glowing, obviously they had gained a lot along the way.

"How is the situation in the palace?"

Lin Dong nodded lightly and quickly scanned the hall. He only paused briefly when he encountered the ball of light suspended in the deepest part of the hall.

"A Demon Rock Dynasty came. It seems to be a very powerful existence among high-level dynasties. It suppressed the Xuanbing Dynasty and the Dawu Dynasty and temporarily joined forces. The leader of the Demon Rock side is called Chen Tomb. He is a strong man in the Nirvana Realm. It’s much stronger than Hua Yun and Wu Mo.”

Mo Ling introduced the situation in the palace very quickly.

"How dare a waste like this dare to snatch the ancient key from our Great Yan Dynasty? Are you tired of living? Go away, drive them away directly, and kill them all if they don't accept it."

Lin Dong sneered and led Xiao Yan and the other five people towards the center of the hall.

While several people from the Great Yan Dynasty were communicating in low voices, as the leader of the Demon Rock Dynasty this time, Chen Tomb's inner mood was quite anxious.

Although his cultivation level is stronger than that of his opponents Hua Yun and Wu Mo, it is really difficult to overpower the two of them while also trying to snatch the ancient key.

The team was originally accompanied by Li Pan, a strong man from the Nirvana Realm. Unfortunately, he just left the team to grab some heavenly talisman spirit tree. He was a high-level spiritual talisman master who was on the verge of a breakthrough.

As a result, the guy has not returned to the team yet, making Chen Tomb unable to get off the stage for a while.

"Hmph, you idiot Li Pan, if you delay the important events of our Demonic Rock Dynasty, neither I nor Senior Brother Shi Kun will let you go."

Chen Tomb, who fell into embarrassment, couldn't help but curse in his heart.

"Are you Chen Tomb of the Demonic Rock Dynasty?"

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

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