The Return of the Martial Ancestor of Martial Arts

Chapter 163 Why do you always have to force me (Fourteenth update!)


"Hey, the four of you actually succeeded in reaching the Nirvana realm. Congratulations."

Lin Dong smiled in surprise as he looked at the four people from Mo Ling who came to greet them.

"Hey, don't underestimate us. Although we are indeed far behind you in cultivation, we are still trying to catch up with you. Even if we can't help you, we can't hold you back."

Manshan, whose face was flushed, said loudly.

"Very good, let's go directly to Magic Rock City. The fruits are ripe and it's time to start harvesting."

Lin Dong raised his head and glanced at the red flame flag on the city wall outside, and immediately wrapped up several people and disappeared from the place. There was no longer any value in staying in Yangcheng.


Demonic Rock City, as a huge city in the northwest region, has countless middle and low-level dynasties and a small number of high-level dynasties stationed in it. They are all dominated by the Demonic Rock Dynasty.

With the existence of the Demon Rock Dynasty, which ranks among the top high-level dynasties, Demon Rock City is considered a powerful force in the northwest, and few people dare to provoke it head-on.

"Ancient dragon ape appears!"

High in the sky, there was a sudden murmur that was almost like a dream.


In a deafening beast roar, the hundreds-foot-tall ancient dragon ape phantom slapped the tower of the south gate of Demonic Rock City. The ancient city wall that could withstand several waves of beasts collapsed like paper under the beast's palm.

"Ho! I'll crush them all to pieces..."

The increasingly ferocious ancient dragon ape wanted to continue to show its evil ways and smashed all the city walls in front of it, but was pulled by an invisible thought. Unwilling to do so, it could only turn into points of light and shatter in mid-air.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"Presumptuous! Who dares to offend our Demonic Rock City!"

"Where are the strong men of the Demonic Rock Dynasty?!"

After a moment of dead silence, the entire Demonic Rock City was completely boiling, and powerful beings one after another rose into the sky from the city and flew towards various sections of the city wall.

In the panic, a team led by a man in white seemed quite calm.

"A bunch of trash, the enemy is in the sky! In the sky!"

The man in white with a cold temperament jumped up to the tower and shouted.

Everyone raised their eyes to look at the sky, and they were even more shocked when they looked at it.

I saw a handsome young man in black with green lotus feet on the nine heavens, and behind him there were five figures with powerful auras standing with their hands down, looking at them leisurely.

Four are known to be in Nirvana, but the strength of the other two strong men is unknown!

"Tsk, in the one-yuan nirvana realm, your cultivation level is the only one in the entire Demonic Rock City that is barely passable. Are you Shi Xuan, the second senior brother of Demonic Rock?"

On top of the green lotus, the young man in black standing with his hands behind his back said leisurely.

"I am Shi Xuan, who are you?"

The man in white on the city wall tiptoed, and with more than twenty strong men from the Demonic Rock Dynasty, he rushed forward. Thoughts flashed through his mind.

Now that the main force of the Demon Rock Dynasty has been exhausted, the elite soldiers are divided into two groups. One is led by his brother Shi Kun out of a secret realm near Demon Rock City, and the other is led by Chen Tomb and Li Pan out of the Leiyan Mountains to fight for the two An ancient key was born.

Only he, Shi Xuan, was left to lead a Nirvana Realm powerhouse and more than twenty half-step Nirvana Realm powerhouses to sit together in their base camp, Demon Rock City. At this time, their old nest was empty.

Don't look at the fact that there are thousands of strong men waiting in formation below, but the only ones he can use are more than twenty strong men from the direct lineage of Demon Rock City. The others are all members of other major dynasties in Demon Rock City who respect the Demon Rock Dynasty. .

When the Demon Rock Dynasty was at its peak, the major dynasties might respectfully declare themselves vassals and pay tribute.

When the Magic Rock Dynasty declines, other major dynasties may be the first to pounce.

At this sensitive moment, six strange and powerful men came together.

"Introduce yourself, Lin Dong of the Great Yan Dynasty."

The elegant young man with green lotus feet said politely.

"Which high-level dynasty is the Great Yan Dynasty?"

Shi Xuan thought to himself, but frowned slightly and said: "You innocently destroyed the wall of our Demonic Rock City. Do you really think that our Demonic Rock Dynasty and the two brothers of the Shi family are easy to bully?"

"Well, I was just in a hurry, sorry."

Lin Dong smiled apologetically, and then he held his hands and said, "Brother Shi Xuan and I hit it off right away, and Lin Dong happened to have an unmerciful request this time. I hope Brother Shi Xuan will fulfill his request."

"How could a ghost fall in love with you at first sight! Why don't you die!"

Shi Xuan, whose eyes twitched violently, used great perseverance to suppress the overwhelming anger in his heart, and said expressionlessly: "Say!"

"I heard that Senior Brother Shi Kun of Demon Rock has obtained the ancient key, how about giving it to me?"

Lin Dong hesitated for a moment, then smiled shyly.

"What? How could this guy know about the secret actions of my Demonic Rock Dynasty? Besides, my eldest brother is still on his way back to Demonic Rock City. I am the only one who knows the news about what he has achieved along the way. Where did the news leak out?! "

Shi Xuan's heart suddenly stirred up a huge wave. After being shocked, he forced himself to calm down and looked at Lin Dong coldly: "I don't know what you are talking about?"

"So, Brother Shi Xuan is not willing to be my friend, Lin Dong?"

The smile on Lin Dong's cheeks quietly faded, cold air surged around his body, and the temperature between heaven and earth seemed to drop a lot instantly.

"If you don't, there won't be. Why bother bothering me anymore? Please leave this place quickly, otherwise you won't blame me for waiting for you."

Shi Xuan's face tightened, and he waved the palm behind his back rather covertly.

"Why do you always force me? Li Pan is like this, Chen Tomb is like this, and you Shi Xuan is like this too. Why do you always force me?!!"

Lin Dong suddenly raised his head, staring at Shi Xuan with a pair of black eyes. There seemed to be two black vortexes squirming deep in the pupils. As they rotated rapidly, a strange devouring power surged out.


In an instant, Shi Xuan felt a stinging pain in his head like needles. He made a decisive decision and bit the tip of his tongue with all his strength. Severe pain was felt. After spitting out a large mouthful of blood, he finally managed to get out of that weird state.

"What? Li Pan and Chen Tomu also fell into your hands? Doesn't that mean..."

Shi Xuan's expression changed when he woke up, and he immediately raised his voice and shouted loudly: "Quick! Form an formation! Quickly launch the city defense formation!"

"Buzz! Boom!"

As soon as Shi Xuan finished talking, the monstrous torrent of Yuanli flowed freely in the void, and extremely thick Yuanli light pillars quickly penetrated out, densely intertwined in mid-air, forming a Yuanli light curtain that tightly bound the world. blockade.

In the center of the light curtain, the six people from the Great Yan Dynasty were like trapped animals!

"Senior Brother Shi Xuan, this animal has already entered the urn!"

As the air squirmed, figures with strong auras appeared behind the light curtain, and they were clearly many direct descendants of the Demonic Rock Dynasty.

"Why? Why do you always force me? I don't want this, I really don't want this..."

In mid-air, Lin Dong, who was standing with his feet on the green lotus, sighed quietly with sadness and joy, and then closed his eyes helplessly.


The next second, a violent energy fluctuation like a sleeping dragon swept through the world with an astonishing frequency!

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