The Return of the Martial Ancestor of Martial Arts

Chapter 168 Xixuan Territory, Ghost King Sect (Nineteenth update!)


In the vast sea of ​​fire, two black shadows emerged like ghosts, only four or five feet away from where Lin Dong and the others were standing.

Although the two do not have a skin-devouring package, they can create a small vacuum zone on the body surface, firmly blocking the thorny sea of ​​Nirvana fire from the outside world, and treating the Nirvana Burning Sky Array as if it were nothing. The method is extremely strange.

"I have owned this ancient space, Dongxuan Territory, for long enough. It's time for me to take control of it."

"Let's hurry up and meet with the General of the Dead to bring you adults here."

"I... I'm really looking forward to that scene..."

The two mysterious phantoms exchanged a few words in a low voice, then accelerated non-stop and submerged into the sea of ​​red fire ahead.

"Haha, someone is actually plotting to seize the ancient space jointly developed by the eight super sects of the Dongxuan Territory. It's really brave."

As soon as the mysterious black figure walked away, two figures appeared.

"The smell on their bodies is vaguely familiar. Well, let me think about it carefully. Our clan has also fought against the super sects of the West Xuan Region. They seem to be members of the Ghost King Sect among the seven super sects of the West Xuan Region."

"It seems that the super sect of Xixuan Territory is trying to seize this ancient space. Now there is something exciting to watch."

Little Marten also ran out to join in the fun.

"Brother, I heard that there is an important city called Vientiane City in our northwest region, where strong men from the super sect are stationed. Should we rush there and inform the super sect in the Dongxuan Region of this news?"

"In this case, we might be able to get some benefits."

After hearing this, Xiao Yan immediately looked at Lin Dong.

"Benefits? What benefits can those super sects give us? Whether it is martial arts or training resources, we are not lacking. Besides, for us, fishing in troubled waters will maximize our benefits."

Lin Dong smiled and shook his head.

"Stupid Tiger, your elder brother is right. We are not strong at the moment. It is better not to interfere in the cross-mysterious battle between the two major sects for the time being. We will be done with it."

"We'd better hurry through this sea of ​​fire and get the Wheel of Life and Death Pill. It's fair to let Mr. Diao recover his body first. In this way, even if Mr. Diao only recovers part of his strength, we can keep the two of you smooth in this ancient space. No hindrance.”

The little mink raised its paw and urged the two of them.


However, the silent sea of ​​​​fire suddenly began to squirm strangely, and the two mysterious black shadows that had left before turned back halfway.

Looking at a man, a mink and a tiger who were parked in place, one of them smiled coldly and said: "Fortunately, we two brothers are cautious by nature and deliberately killed a carbine. As expected, we caught a few eavesdropping rats."

However, what is disappointing is that the mysterious black figure expected that Lin Dong and the others would be caught, but the panic on their faces did not appear.

On the contrary, Lin Dong and the other three looked at each other with strange expressions.

"Tsk, tsk, I didn't want to pay attention to you two annoying bed bugs. Why do you think you chose to come back so smartly? Jie Jie, sometimes the carbine can turn into a fatal gun if you are not careful."

Xiao Diao did not have the slightest fear of being caught on the spot. Instead, he laughed strangely twice. Two small four-dimensional Nirvana realm experts dared to make such wild remarks.

"What should I do? You two clever little guys accidentally discovered our existence. How can we keep this secret forever? It's really annoying~"

Lin Dong showed a strange smile and looked at the two nakedly.

Xiao Yan didn't say much. With his eyes red, he directly took out a huge black-scaled snake stick. His strong and oppressive body leaned down slightly and murmured hoarsely: "Kill them!"


The two black figures looked at each other in confusion.

Damn it, did they both have the wrong script?

The shocking secret of these foreign infiltrators was obviously discovered by Lin Dong and the others, but the three of them behaved like the ultimate villains and planned to silence the two of them who had seen their true faces?

Doesn’t his majestic Ghost King Sect of Xixuan Territory have no respect for face? ! !

"Huh, arrogant. With just two of you who are strong in the three-dimensional Nirvana realm, and a demon spirit who has lost his body and is in a weak state, you also want to take down two of us who are in the top four-dimensional Nirvana realm? I advise you... ....”

Among the two black shadows, another strong man with an ordinary face laughed after hearing this.

"God-level spiritual skill, Thunder Sound of the Sky!"

Before the black shadow finished speaking, a murmuring sound like the death of the god of death had already resounded in the ears of the two of them.


Suddenly there were thunder and strong winds high in the sky. The rich power of wind and thunder gathered crazily towards this area. The huge thunder field surged sharply. The power of wind and thunder quickly intertwined and faintly gathered into a huge fuzzy person. Face.


Following Lin Dong's movements, the huge human face with an indifferent expression suddenly opened its mouth and roared crazily. A series of terrifying sonic storms carried its anger and poured down crazily.

"Bang bang bang!"

The terrifying sound wave storm swept across the entire Nirvana sea of ​​fire, and the all-pervasive sound waves penetrated crazily into the human body. The two black figures who were suddenly injured went black in front of their eyes, and fell headlong into the sea of ​​​​fire below.

Liu Cheng and Hu Shuo, who had black blood flowing out of their nostrils and ears, hurriedly flew up again, staring at Lin Dong with extremely horrified expressions: "Five Seal Talisman Master?! Who on earth are you. ....."

"Wind and Thunder Palm!"

A huge light palm suddenly separated from the thunder field in the sky, and rumbled down towards Liu Cheng and the two of them. The large space was like mud and it was difficult to move.

While you are sick, I will kill you!

"Damn it, now we've hit a brick wall!"

Liu Cheng and Liu Cheng, who looked pale, had no time to think about it. They quickly clasped their four withered hands together and changed the seals like lightning.

"Death Demon Seal!"

The rich black light lingered crazily in the palms of the two people, directly turning into two huge black energy seals roaring out. The seals were covered with dense and dense strange runes, filled with endless death energy and corrosive power. .

"Bang bang bang!!!"

The palm prints intersect, and the violent wind and thunder power released by the huge light palm crazily erodes the two dark seals. The large areas of death energy are quickly evaporated, and the death energy seal is melting rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The powerful combination of the two top four-dimensional Nirvana realm experts actually temporarily blocked Lin Dong's casual attack!

"Spear of God!"

However, before Liu Cheng and Hu Shuo could show joy, two transparent spears made entirely of spiritual power appeared before their eyes like ghosts.

"No!!! King of Ghosts..."

Amidst the two shrill roars, the transparent spear instantly pierced the chests of the two men with an indescribable terrifying wave.

Red blood and broken organs could not stop flowing from the corners of their mouths, and life was rapidly escaping from their bodies.

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