The Return of the Martial Ancestor of Martial Arts

Chapter 173 Apprenticeship to Qing Pheasant

"Crash! Boom!"

The silver ocean suddenly set off huge waves, and the mysterious creature hidden in the depths of the ocean finally revealed its true appearance.

I saw an indescribably huge mysterious creature entrenched in the dim space. It was so big that no one could see the end of its slender body, as if it stretched endlessly to the sky.

The entire body of this mysterious creature is dark green in color, with sharp and strong scales covering its sinuous body. A sense of déjà vu arises as if it is as powerful as the Great Steel Wall. It seems that this huge creature will swallow the sky once it moves. It's like eating the ground.

The mysterious creature was just sitting quietly in the void without moving at all, but it gave Lin Dong, who was already dumbfounded below, a powerful sense of pressure and shock.

High-level dragon clan, Qinglong!

"Yaoshou, this big guy must be at least ten thousand feet long..."

Lin Dong wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and murmured sadly.

"Little guy, stop talking. It's not very polite to stare at the body of a powerful dragon like this."

The chuckle fell, and a rather elegant-looking figure in a blue shirt suddenly appeared on top of the head of the vast green dragon, sitting cross-legged peacefully.

"Little guy, first of all, congratulations on successfully passing the inheritance test of our Qinglong Palace and being qualified to accept the inheritance of Qinglong Palace."

Seeing Lin Dong looking at him, the figure in green shirt nodded with a smile.

"Lin Dong met you in the Great Yan Dynasty in the Lower East Xuan Territory."

Lin Dong looked at the elegant scholar-like man and hurriedly raised his hands in salute.

"Well, introduce yourself~"

The figure in the green shirt had a gentle smile on his lips and said with a smile: "My name is Qing Pheasant. You can call me Master Qing Pheasant, the Qing Dragon King or the Master of the Qing Dragon Palace."

"Lin Dong has met Master Qing Pheasant."

Lin Dong, who wanted to hug the thick thigh of the Azure Dragon King, bowed deeply once again.

"Yes, at nineteen years of age, he has already reached the realm of three-dimensional nirvana. As a five-seal heavenly talisman master, his talent is much stronger than what I had back then."

Qing Pheasant glanced at Lin Dong and nodded with satisfaction.

In the ancient times, when Fu Zu and the Eight Ancient Lords were overwhelming the entire continent, peak powerhouses were constantly born in the world and became famous.

Compared with those who are at the top of the peak, it is difficult for Qinglong King Qingzhi to even rank in the second echelon. He was just an ordinary wheel-turning powerhouse at that time.

Until the ancient war that affected the entire continent came, and a large number of top experts from Tianxuan Continent faced the disaster, Qing Pheasant survived by chance. After waking up from ten thousand years of slumber, he accumulated a lot of experience and embarked on the second reincarnation in one day. territory.

The Azure Dragon King is hardly a top genius, but he is a typical late bloomer!

Qing Pheasant's eyes kept scanning the corners of Lin Dong's body, as if sensing the prying eyes of powerful outsiders, the ancestral stones and the Ancient Qiankun Formation hidden in the flesh and blood took action one after another to cover up his aura.

"Well, it seems that there is nothing wrong with this little guy, so I'm relieved." Qingzhi didn't find anything strange, and finally he was relieved of his doubts.

There are still those damn things in the world. Back then, they were very good at infecting the powerful people of Tianxuan Continent. If his inheritance from Qinglong Palace accidentally fell into the hands of such creatures, it would really be a big mess. joke.

However, at this moment, the Devouring Ancestral Talisman located in the center of Niwan Palace did not retreat but advanced, and actually took the initiative to release a ray of its own aura outwards.

"Since you have passed the test, I will give you two options for you to choose from. One is the inheritance of Qinglong Palace, and the other is my inheritance. What do you want... No, this is the smell of swallowing ancestral symbols!! "

Sensing that trace of devouring power, Qing Pheasant suddenly froze and looked at Lin Dong with a surprised expression, obviously very surprised.

"Hey, how could this Devouring Ancestral Talisman take the initiative to release a trace of its own aura? By the way, I remembered that the previous person in charge of the Devouring Ancestral Talisman, His Excellency Heitong, seemed to know Qing Pheasant."

Lin Dong, who was also surprised, thought for a moment and reacted immediately.

However, he was not too worried about Qingzhi noticing the existence of Devouring. This leader of the kind and lawful lineup could not do anything to snatch the Devouring Ancestral Talisman.

"Yes, Lord Qing Pheasant, I am the current generation's holder of the Devouring Ancestral Talisman."

Lin Dong's expression remained unchanged as he summoned the Devouring Ancestral Talisman from Niwan Palace.

"So it turns out that guy with black eyes has died..."

Qingzhi did not check it, but stared blankly at the Devouring Ancestral Talisman suspended in mid-air, feeling nostalgic, reminiscing, and reminiscing.

"Okay, put away the Devouring Ancestral Talisman. Remember, keep it well and don't disgrace its amazing reputation."

After a moment, Qing Pheasant regained consciousness and waved his hand, and a gentle force immediately sent the Devouring Ancestral Talisman back into Lin Dong's body.

"Since you are the one in charge of the Devouring Ancestral Talisman, I may have to change my original plan."

Qing Pheasant caressed his chin with his big hand and looked at Lin Dong with a smile.

Master Fuzu accepted the eight ancient masters who were in charge of the eight great ancestral talismans as his disciples, and single-handedly raised and taught those eight adults to become the top powerhouses in the world. Perhaps I can overcome Master Fuzu's addiction back then, and accept it. A disciple who holds the Devouring Ancestral Talisman.

Besides, this kid's talent is not any weaker than mine back then, and may even be much higher than mine. He might be a being who sets foot in the realm of reincarnation again in the future.

"Little guy, are you willing to be my disciple? Well, I never force others. You can think about it carefully."

Qing Pheasant thought of this and looked at Lin Dong with a pleasant look.

"Well, this Lord Qinglong King knows me. If he doesn't say anything, I will take the initiative to become a disciple and hug this big man's golden thighs."

Lin Dong didn't even think about it. He knelt down like a mountain of gold or a jade pillar, "Disciple Lin Dong has seen Master Qing Pheasant."


Qing Zhi looked at this scene with a confused expression.

Damn, I'm so hasty to say it, even if you are perfunctory, you still have to deal with me. Has this bastard ever seriously thought about becoming a disciple? ! !

"Huh? Lin Dong, are you serious? Do you want to think about it carefully?"

Qing Zhi, whose brain was a little down, asked subconsciously.

"No need, Teacher Qingzhi. From the first moment I saw the teacher, I knew that I was destined to become my master today!"

Lin Dong raised his head with a solemn look on his face.

"..., Teacher? It seems I haven't formally agreed yet, right?"

Qingzhi, who felt a slight pain in his liver, stretched out his hand to rub the center of his brow, took a deep breath and said, "Get up, from today on, you are officially the disciple and the only disciple of my Qinglong King Qingzhi."

Well, I feel so tired. His disciple shouldn't cause him any trouble in the future, right?

"is teacher!"

Lin Dong stood up solemnly, clasping his hands into fists, and bowed deeply to Qing Pheasant again.

"Get up."

Qing Pheasant also sat upright and received the gift with a solemn expression.

Now that he, the Azure Dragon King, has made a decision, he will never regret it!

ps: fourth update

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