"Well, we will meet again if we are destined."

Qing Pheasant glanced at the world with nostalgia, green light emerged, and immediately turned into a dark blue beam of light and escaped into Lin Dong's body.

"Then, let me give you one last gift."

The chuckle fell, and a mini green dragon suddenly appeared deep in Lin Dong's dantian, hovering under the Nine-Star Yuan Dan and fell into a deep sleep.

"Is this a sign left by the teacher?"

Lin Dong sensed it for a moment and immediately smiled.

This mini green dragon is somewhat similar to his Devouring Seal. If Lin Dong is in danger of death, through this beacon, Qing Pheasant can temporarily project part of his power.

"Boy, give me one hundred thousand Xuanyuan Pills first. I am currently at the half-step Shengxuan Realm. As long as I give you a little push, I will be able to fully step into the Shengxuan Realm. By then, I will meet a powerful person from a super sect. I’ll keep you safe.”

Xiao Diao flashed and appeared beside Lin Dong.

"Wait a minute, there is another guest here who has not shown up. What's the rush?"

Lin Dong smiled slightly and looked up at the void behind Xiao Diao.


Xiao Diao's expression changed and he turned around suddenly.

"Haha, the controller of the Devouring Ancestral Talisman is indeed extraordinary. He can even detect my existence."

In Xiao Diao's extremely ugly eyes, the space squirmed slightly, and a slightly skinny old man in linen clothes appeared strangely in place.

"Is this the trial place of Qinglong Palace? There was an afterimage of that adult before. I have never dared to get too close to this place. Even just now, that adult should have noticed it, but he was just too lazy to pay attention to me."

The old man in sackcloth looked around and said with a smile.

"Okay, it turns out there is a mouse hiding here, go to hell!"

The little mink, whose face was getting more and more ugly, suddenly thrust out his palm, and an extremely sharp purple-black giant claw immediately emerged from the void, rumbling to grab the mysterious old man in linen clothes.

He had just boasted in front of Lin Dong, but to keep him safe in front of the powerful men of the super sect, a mysterious old man immediately lurked next to the two of them without knowing it, and he was simply fighting hard. His face!

"Hey, Lord Sky Demon Diao, shouldn't you be so angry? I don't have any ill intentions in this trip." The expression of the old man in linen remained unchanged, and he lightly moved forward with a big dry hand hidden in his sleeve.


The monstrous Yuan Power swept out crazily. The Mai Yi old man's Yuan Power was extremely strange. It was fused with an extremely powerful vitality force, which was endless and endless.

As soon as the majestic Yuanli Pilian appeared, he instantly shattered the fiercely attacking purple-black giant claw, and then slowly dissipated in the air.

In this game, the two seemed to be tied.

"A strong person in the Shengxuan realm?"

Xiao Diao's face darkened, and the energy around his body surged. Faintly, the shadow of a peerless ferocious beast hundreds of feet long appeared out of thin air behind him, appearing to be attacking.

"I know that your previous strength should be much stronger than mine, but now you have just gathered your physical body, and your combat power has not yet recovered much. Even if you summon the true form of the Sky Demon Marten clan, it will be difficult to defeat me."

"Besides, this space is jointly controlled by the eight super sects of our Dongxuan Territory, and the strong men of Yuanmen are also among them. Your Demon Territory Sky Demon Diao Clan has a big enmity with Yuanmen. If your identity is exposed because of this, then But I can’t leave at all.”

The old man in sackcloth retreated, his energy condensed but not emitted. He was obviously very afraid of Xiao Diao, a strong man from the four hegemonic clans in the Demon Realm.

"Those old dogs from Yuanmen..."

Hearing this, Xiao Diao's eyes instantly turned red, but the movement of summoning the main body slowly stopped.

"Little Marten, let me do it."

Lin Dong stretched out his hand to stop Xiao Diao, then turned to look at the old man in sackcloth and said, "Why don't you introduce your identity first?"

"My name is Wu Dao, and I am the deputy head of the Huang Palace of the Dao Sect."

The old man in sackcloth smiled brightly and announced his identity openly.

"It turns out that he is the elder of the Dao Sect among the eight super sects in the Dongxuan Territory. Lin Dong is polite. I wonder where Elder Wu Dao's behavior comes from?"

Lin Dong raised his hands and said.

"Originally I just planned to come in and pay homage to the ruins of the ancient super sect Qinglong Palace, but I have changed my mind now. Little friend Lin Dong, would you like to join our Taoist sect?"

"You have to know that it is very troublesome to stand out from the Hundred Dynasties War and officially join the Eight Great Masters. Only those who have the heaven-level Nirvana Seal can become a formal disciple, and only those who are on the Nirvana Golden List can become a direct disciple."

"I have the power to recruit special disciples. As long as you are willing to join our Dao Sect, you don't have to participate in the tragic war of hundreds of dynasties. You can directly become a direct disciple of our Dao Sect."

The enlightened old man looked at Lin Dong with burning eyes.

With a bone age of only twenty, he has already entered the Five-Yuan Nirvana Realm. The only person who can rival Lin Dong on the ancient battlefield is his senior brother Qin Yuan from the Tianyuan Dynasty, the leader of the ten super dynasties in the direct line of the Yuanmen.

Qin Yuan is a top five-yuan Nirvana realm strongman, who is enough to attack the terrifying existence of the six-yuan realm. Currently, Lin Dong and Qin Yuan should be the only two people on the ancient battlefield who have stepped into the five-yuan realm. The four-yuan Nirvana realm is considered the top power. By.

Besides, Lin Dong is the holder of the Devouring Ancestral Talisman among the eight supreme ancestral talismans in the world. He might be a powerful one who can impact the Wheel-turning Realm in the future.

If the leader of the Devouring Ancestral Talisman can be brought back to the sect, it will be a great contribution to the Taoist sect, and the leader will definitely reward him with enlightenment.

So, will Lin Dong agree?

"No, I refuse."

Just when the enlightened old man was confident that Lin Dong would definitely not refuse this huge temptation, a firm voice came.

"What? You refuse? Do you know what it means to be a direct disciple of my Dao Sect?"

The smile on Wu Dao's face suddenly solidified, and he looked at Lin Dong in great surprise.

"With my talent, I, Lin Dong, will definitely be able to climb the Baichao Mountain and shine in the Nirvana Golden Ranking Battle. Even the champion of the Hundred Dynasties Battle will definitely be mine."

"With my conditions, as long as I go to Baichao Mountain, any of the eight super sects in Dongxuan Region will not welcome me and give me superior conditions for me to choose from."

"Which one should I go to? Why should I go to your Dao Sect?"

Lin Dong gave Wu Dao a strange look. The deputy palace master of the Dao Sect's Huang Palace wanted to bully him for not understanding the market.

"My lord, I have never seen such a shameless person, and he still walks in front of him? What does he think of our eight super sects? !!"

Enlightenment's eyes twitched crazily, and he complained crazily in his heart.

But while he was calming down, Wu Dao had to admit bitterly that Lin Dong, an extremely narcissistic boy, had a certain truth in what he said.

Not to mention his extremely powerful cultivation in the Five Yuan Nirvana realm, just because of his status as the master of the Devouring Ancestral Talisman, any one of the eight major families would be willing to pay a certain price to bring Lin Dong under their sect. deficit.

Devour the ancestral talisman! What do you think it is? Cabbage on the roadside? ! !

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