The Return of the Martial Ancestor of Martial Arts

Chapter 178 Three brothers gather together

"No, is this a fluctuation in spiritual martial arts?!"

The expressions of the Fire General and the Mountain General changed rapidly, and the majestic Yuan Power surged out rapidly.

"The power of the flame demon will burn the world!"

"Barbarian mountains, move mountains!"

Two roars with a trace of panic were squeezed out from the throats of the two of them. The fire and earth elements swept through them wantonly. There was a huge flame giant and a mountain giant standing up from the ground, trying to wrap up the two of them. And down.


At this moment, black light swept across, and the black light giant palm with a faint roaring sound came down. After crushing the two Yuanli giants, it directly slapped the face with an astonishing fluctuation. The horrifying second general of the volcano.

"No! You can't kill me! We are Dagan..."


A shocking storm swept through, and the second general of Huoshan was directly torn into a ball of blood mist by the terrifying wave of destruction, and his roar stopped abruptly!

"Hmph, what bullshit second general? A bunch of embarrassing things! Let's go!"

Lin Dong sneered and put down his palm, leading Xiao Yan to turn around and leave.


At this moment, there was deathly silence in the hall.

Two great general-level beings from the Daqian Dynasty involved in the four-dimensional level, and Lin Dong from the Dayan Dynasty was killed with just one slap? Then what kind of terrifying cultivation level would this Lin Dong have?


Thinking of the people from the major dynasties here, they all took a deep breath.

Looking at the retreating figures of Lin Dong and the others, Demon Spear Liu Bai retracted his arm with a smile. When the situation was critical just now, he had just planned to join forces with Lin Dong and others to fight side by side.

But who could have imagined that Lin Dong suddenly took action like lightning and suppressed the two generals like thunder. The whole process took less than ten seconds.

You've already ended the fight before I even started. It's not that I didn't want to take action, but that you didn't give me a chance to show off my demon spear! !

Liu Bai thought of this with half sadness and half joy.


outside the city.

"Brother, second brother must have taken the Wheel of Life and Death Pill and successfully reincarnated, right? Where are the others?" Xiao Yan looked at Lin Dong suspiciously, seemingly confused.

"You stupid tiger still cares about me. It's not in vain that Master Diao has been taking care of you for so long."

The chuckle fell, and a faint light escaped from Lin Dong's body. As the light group squirmed rapidly, a handsome young man wearing a purple-black gown quickly emerged.

This is of course the little mink hiding in the ancestral stone space.

As a high-grade treasure of pure Yuan, the Burning Heaven Cauldron can create its own space, allowing living people to enter and exit. There is no reason that the second-ranked ancient divine object in the world cannot do this.

"Hey, second brother."

Xiaoyan scratched his head with his big hand and smiled honestly.

"What are you laughing at? The one-year period is approaching, and the real War of the Hundred Dynasties will officially begin. We must go to Vientiane City, an important city in the northwest region, as soon as possible to receive the entrance ticket - the Nirvana Seal. Hey, Mr. Diao, I have been silent for so long , it’s time to have some fun with these little guys.”

Xiao Diao stared into the void, his eyes full of eagerness to try.

"Don't worry, our Great Yan Dynasty still has four members who have not yet returned to the team. I will summon them to meet up at Vientiane City."

As he said that, Lin Dong, who was sitting cross-legged, changed the seals like lightning.


A huge dark black sky enveloped the entire land.

A bonfire was burning happily, and three figures were sitting around the bonfire, seemingly discussing something in a low voice. The atmosphere was quite relaxed.

From time to time in the dim night, the low roaring sounds of waves of beasts could be heard, and there were even many Nirvana realm beast kings hiding among them. It was the aura of the beast tide sweeping away, which was breathtaking.

It's just that the tide of beasts that were barren of grass wherever they passed in the past are consciously avoiding something. They don't dare to approach this place ten miles above the mountain. They are afraid.

"Hmph, these annoying beasts, Master Diao, do you want me to go and devour them all?" Among the three of them, a trace of impatience flashed across the handsome face of the young man in a purple and black gown.

"You don't mind dirtying your mouth?"

Lin Animation glanced at him casually and rubbed the ancient rune that was beginning to disappear between his eyebrows. "Mo Ling and the others have left the Qianyun Sect ruins and are expected to meet us at the foot of Wanxiang City in three days."

"Those four guys should... hmm?"

Xiao Diao, who was about to speak, suddenly stopped and turned his head to look deep into the dense forest.


The sound of the soles of their feet rubbing together arose, and several figures huddled together quickly rushed out. When they noticed Lin Dong and the others not far away, they were also shocked.

"You are?!"

A strong man in the lead took a step forward nervously and slowly released a breath of himself as a powerful person in the Three-Yuan Nirvana Realm.

Lin Dong's gaze went straight past the man and rested on the beautiful figure in blue who was holding his left hand. Unexpectedly, a pair of black eyes had transformed into two constantly rotating black hole vortexes.

As the vortex squirms and flows, waves of faint devouring power spread out.

The girl in green clothes has a beautiful appearance and a calm temperament. There is a timidity in her big watery eyes that makes people feel protective.

At this moment, she seemed to be seen through instantly. After subconsciously letting out a sweet cry, she suddenly hid behind the burly man.

"I smell the spirit seal from you. You seem to be in trouble. Do you need to come over and sit down for a while?"

Upon seeing this, Lin Dong flicked the bonfire and smiled lightly.

"Ah? Big brother, how did you know that Su Rou has a spiritual seal in her body?"

The woman in green clothes who was hiding stuck out her little head and looked at Lin Dong timidly.

"Arou, shut up!"

The burly man who seemed to have a close relationship with the woman in green yelled with despair, how could he have such a stupid sister.

The spirit seal is an energy seal formed by the transformation and condensation of the residual energy in the body of a high-level powerhouse after he has passed away over a long period of time. It is essentially an extremely large energy body.

If someone with a similar physique obtains it and can gradually control it, he will be able to explode into a power that is several times, ten times or even a hundred times greater than his own.

However, everything has pros and cons.

The spiritual seal may have the residual consciousness of the strong man hiding in it, which can erode the warrior's consciousness at worst, or directly take away his body at worst.

"Holding a spiritual seal? That ghost requires very high talent from the recipient. Doesn't it mean that this little girl from the human race will also be a powerful figure in the future?"

Xiao Diao blinked his red phoenix eyes suspiciously, and he really doubted that the beautiful figure in Tsing Yi in front of him, who was as weak as the girl next door, could have such talent?

"oh oh."

After reacting, the woman in green nodded stupidly, quickly covered her mouth with her delicate hands, and carefully looked at Lin Dong and the others.

Strong man: "..."

"Are you sure you don't want to come over here? There is no shop like this after passing this village." Lin Dong raised his head and smiled meaningfully.

"Brother, why don't we go over and sit down? Those big brothers don't look like bad people. Besides, we have already..."

The woman in green was swept away by the Qingyi young man's ink eyes, her fair and pretty face suddenly turned red, and she immediately turned her head towards her brother.

"Hey, okay, that's all we can do now."

Although the girl in green didn't say anything later, the burly man understood what his sister meant and immediately looked up to the sky and sighed.

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