The Return of the Martial Ancestor of Martial Arts

Chapter 180 No, girl, it’s not what you think

"Three three-dimensional nirvana and two two-dimensional nirvana. The powerful existence that forced the three of them to run around like bereaved dogs was all killed in less than a minute. This, this... ....”

Looking at Xiao Yan who was squatting docilely aside and eating barbecue, Su Kui found it difficult to connect him with the peerless crazy tiger just now.

"Brother Lin Dong, how far has your Yuanli cultivation reached?"

Su Rou, whose face turned red as she watched, asked curiously.

"Look, the third child, Lin Yan, is in the five-element nirvana realm, and the second child, I, is in the nine-element nirvana realm. So what level do you think Lin Dong, the eldest brother, is at?"

Perhaps Su Rou was too soft-tempered, and even Xiao Diao, who had been watching the show, couldn't help but make fun of her.

"Then, doesn't that mean that Brother Lin Dong is the legendary top expert who has set foot in the profound realm of life and death?!"

Su Rou was so shocked that Tan's mouth opened slightly, and her beautiful eyes suddenly widened.

"Little Marten, why are you teasing this little guy~"

Lin Dong patted Xiao Diao angrily, and then said with a smile: "Why do you believe what others say? If I have already entered the profound realm of life and death, why do I come to participate in this Hundred Dynasties War?"

"Hmm, yes."

A look of doubt appeared on Su Rou's fair cheeks, and after a moment, she suddenly nodded.


You are so cute, your mother, do you know? !

Lin Dong, who was so cute that his face was filled with blood, couldn't help but sigh in his heart. I'm afraid no one would be willing to hurt her with such an innocent heart~

"Okay, let's not mention this, Su Rou, do you want me to help you completely solve Fengyun Dynasty's troubles?"

Lin Dong took a deep breath and quickly regained his composure.

"Of course, Brother Lin Dong, please help me."

The girl in green clothes nodded immediately without thinking.

"Okay, great, how about we make a deal?"

"I will help you deal with the Fengyun Dynasty, and in exchange, you need to choose to join the Jiutian Taiqing Palace among the eight super sects after climbing Baichao Mountain. Help me keep an eye on one person's movements, and then tell me at any time."

Lin Dong clapped his hands and smiled mysteriously.

"Climb Baichao Mountain? I'm only in the Dual Nirvana realm. I can't do it. Brother Lin Dong, Su Rou can't help you."

Su Rou wrinkled her pretty face and pursed her lips.

"Don't forget, you have a spiritual seal in your body. If you can fully develop the power of the spiritual seal, it will be enough to sweep the entire ancient battlefield. It's just that your own strength is weak, and secondly, the spiritual seal also contains the idea of ​​a strong man. Only if it remains, you can’t show your strength.”

"Yes, now I can only unlock a part of the seal, barely reach the top level of three yuan, and I can only defeat my brother."

Su Rou lowered her head, obviously feeling a little depressed.

"Damn it, you can only beat me after all?!!"

Su Kui, who was also shot while lying down, twitched at the corner of his mouth and felt so tired. Ah, he really wanted to kill his family for justice! !

"Don't forget, you still have me."

A chuckle came from Su Rou's ears, and then, a large, warm hand suddenly grabbed her cold jade hand, and then intertwined their fingers.

"Don't move around, calm down, and control the spiritual seal in your body. I will help you completely eliminate the residue of consciousness in it."

The girl in green clothes was just about to struggle when a strange force flowed along the interlocking point of their fingers and poured into her body like a tide, forming a large net and quickly rushing toward a hidden place.

"It turns out, it turns out that I wrongly blamed Brother Lin Dong~"

Su Rou consciously thought of the crooked place, and even her small earlobes were quickly filled with a bright red color. She took a deep breath, immediately stabilized her mind, and tried her best to control the almost violent force in her body, and cooperated with Lin Dong's movements .


Deep in the Niwan Palace in Lin Dong's mind, the Devouring Ancestral Talisman that had been suspended in mid-air also shone brightly, seeming to be faintly echoing something.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...


Half an hour later, an unusually powerful wave of Yuan Power suddenly shot up into the sky, and the majestic pressure even squeezed the space so that light ripples appeared.

Faintly, a strange air of antiquity and vicissitudes of life permeated the shocking fluctuations of Yuan Power.

Five Yuan Nirvana!

In the center of the coercion, Su Rou, who had always shown herself to be weak, closed her beautiful eyes tightly at this moment. Her blue gown moved automatically without the wind, and an ancient spiritual seal appeared on her wrist, exuding a different kind of majesty.

"It turned out to be a gift from a powerful person in the Dzogchen Realm of Shengxuan. This guy's power of soul is quite hidden, but the taste is quite delicious."

Lin Dong suddenly opened his eyes and licked his lips excitedly.


At this moment, the girl in green clothes opposite woke up faintly.

"Tasty? Licking your lips? Brother Lin Dong, he can't be..."

Su Rou, who only listened to half of the words, happened to see Lin Dong licking his lips and his expression with a hint of excitement, and her beautiful eyes suddenly widened.

"What the hell? Girl, have you misunderstood? Wake up! I'm not the kind of person you think! Bastard, I, Lin Dong, am really not that kind of person. Please listen to my explanation!!"

Looking at the girl in green who still wanted to speak, Lin Dong understood everything in an instant, and even the excitement of swallowing a incomplete Yuanshen body suddenly stopped.

"Ahem, Su Rou, listen to me, what I just said was actually because of..."

Lin Dong coughed lightly and looked at Su Rou with soft eyes.

"I...I understand, brother Lin Dong, you don't need to explain."

The delicate girl buried her head deeply in her chest and said in a voice like a mosquito.

Lin Dong was determined to explain clearly, but he was instantly blocked by this sentence, "No, girl, you don't understand!"

"No, listen to my explanation!!"

Lin Dong took a deep breath and forced a smile on his face again.

"Yeah, brother Lin Dong, I understand everything..."

Afterwards, no matter what Lin Dong explained, Su Rou always nodded obediently, and then used this sentence to talk to him back and forth.

"Eh, forget it, whatever you want."

Lin Dong, who finally decided to give up resistance, had to sigh sadly.

Hearing this, the five Xiao Diao people around them, who were watching the show, all showed meaningful smiles, and they all gave Lin Dong a thumbs up in their hearts. It was awesome.

"The remaining consciousness of the spiritual seal in your body has been completely eliminated by me. Now the only thing that restricts you from developing the power of the spiritual seal to the maximum is your own cultivation. If you can fully unleash its power, you should be able to compete with me. A strong person in the Shengxuan realm.”

"But limited by your cultivation in the Dual Nirvana Realm, at present you can only draw out the power of about the Five Yuan Nirvana Realm, which is what you call the three-stage seal."

Lin Dong rubbed his eyebrows and said seriously.

"I will definitely work hard to improve my cultivation so that I can help big brother Lin Dong... No, so that I can help big brother."

When it came to business, Su Rou immediately clenched her delicate pink fists and promised.


The corners of Su Kui's eyes twitched invisibly. Hey, he felt so tired. He must have thought that his sister really wanted to help his elder brother.

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