The Return of the Martial Ancestor of Martial Arts

Chapter 193 Sealing Heaven Formation Diagram, Treasure of Pure Yuan

At the top of Baichao Mountain, a huge endless square occupies all the visitors' field of vision. It is as smooth as a mirror, as if it was created by a peerless swordsman holding a powerful treasure.

A dark crowd gathered at the top of Baichao Mountain, and the atmosphere was extremely heated.

After struggling in this ghost place for a year, many of the powerful people who are able to set foot here are finally the official disciples of the super sect, and there are even many direct disciples who have firmly stepped into the door of the super sect.

No longer do I have to stay in this hellish place, even sleeping, I have to be wary of someone suddenly touching me and gently opening my skull.

"Boy, they're here."

In the camp of the Great Yan Dynasty, Xiao Diao, who was having a low conversation with Lin Dong, suddenly stopped talking and looked up into the void as if he was aware of it.


The space rippled rapidly, and figures of eight figures standing or standing, or sitting cross-legged with eyes closed, or sitting upright on light chairs, or standing with arms crossed, appeared strangely in the void. The powerful Yuanli pressure even squeezed the entire space. Buzzing.

Yuanmen, Jiutian Taiqing Palace, Daozong, Wanpuppet Gate, Fugu, Shenzong, Jianzong, Honghuang Palace!

"Here we come, the powerful men from the eight super sects of Dongxuan Territory!"

The chaotic crowd suddenly became silent, and they all looked at the eight figures of different shapes in the air with solemn expressions, their eyes wild and expectant.

Feeling the blazing gazes projected from below, the eight powerful figures in the air all smiled slightly. They were all too familiar with this kind of gaze.

"Huh? That is?"

Among the eight people, an old man in linen robes suddenly felt something strange. He subconsciously lowered his head and looked down. He saw an elegant young man with a gentle smile on his lips, winking at him.

"Ha, it turns out it's this little guy, but we can't let the other seven people discover the relationship between me and him. It's not the right time yet."

The old man in sackcloth thought for a moment, quickly controlled his facial expression, and twitched his lips slightly: "Little guy, don't forget what you promised me."

"Uncle Enlightenment Master, don't worry. I just found an opportunity at the foot of the mountain to beat up Qin Tian, ​​the one who danced the most joyfully. I guarantee that no one will dare to fight me in the Nirvana Gold Ranking Battle later, and I will win the championship."

After a moment, Wu Dao closed his eyes with satisfaction after receiving a positive answer.

"The cultivation of these eight people should be at the level of Shengxuan Realm. The eight super sects in the Dongxuan Territory are also powerful elders who are in charge of one side. Their cultivation is just okay."

Xiao Diao put away his gaze and said calmly.

"Don't be afraid, Xiao Diao, you are also in the Shengxuan realm now. If you summon the true form of your Celestial Demon Diao clan again, it will only take a matter of minutes to tear apart a strong person who has achieved the Shengxuan realm." Lin Dong smiled nonchalantly.

That's right, thanks to the continuous supply of Xuanyuan Pills during this period, Xiao Diao's cultivation has returned to the Life Profound Realm when he set foot in the core area. If he is given another period of time, it will not be difficult to return to the Death Profound Realm. .

"Hey, kid, please take it easy. My current cultivation level is only at the Life Profound Realm, not the Death Profound Realm. If I were to be attacked by eight powerful people at the Life Profound Realm at the same time, I would definitely have too much time to take care of myself, let alone protect you and Silly Tiger."

Looking at Lin Dong's carefree expression, Xiao Diao stressed in a low voice.

"Do you think I was born with a taunting body? Can I provoke the eight powerful men at the same time?" Lin Dong curled his lips and said nothing.

When the sun on the holy mountain climbed above everyone, one of the eight powerful figures suddenly stood up.

It was a man with gray hair and a white robe, with a tough face. He was wearing a large white robe, which gave him a different demeanor.

On the white robe, there is a black sun that blends black and white like the rise and fall of yin and yang, indicating that this mysterious strong man comes from the Yuanmen, the head of the eight super sects in the Dongxuan Territory.

"Everyone, I am Liu Tong, the deacon of Yuanmen."

The gray-haired man stood tall, glanced at the crowd below, and said calmly: "The War of Hundred Dynasties has reached the final level. I will preside over this Nirvana Gold Ranking Battle. Now please hold the Purple Gold Nirvana Seal... ...."boom! ""

"Boom! Click, click, click, click!"

A loud noise suddenly roared from the void, and a huge hole seemed to be torn open in the sky instantly. Black light emerged, and a scroll emerged from the crack in space like lightning, swelling into a huge black in the face of the storm. Array diagram.

The huge formation stretched across the sky, with the shadows of large mountains and rivers emerging from it, exuding extremely astonishing fluctuations in energy. As the black light squirmed rapidly, the power of confinement that seemed to seal the world was rapidly rippling away.

This is obviously a powerful treasure of pure essence, a legendary spiritual treasure that transcends the heaven level, and is the sect-suppressing treasure of all the super sects in the mysterious realm.

"Sealing the Heaven Formation Diagram? Are they from the West Xuan Territory?!!"

"Isn't this the head of the seven super sects in the West Xuan Territory, the treasure of the West Xuan Sect? Why does it appear here?"

"Oops, the Sealing Heaven Formation has been activated. The entire space near Baichao Mountain has been blocked. We have lost contact with the outside world."

The huge movement high in the sky instantly alarmed the eight Liu Tong people. Looking at the black formation slowly unfolding above their heads, they heard screams of surprise in unison.

"Hahaha, you all have good eyesight, Zheng Zhong is here to greet you all."

The laughter fell, and a long and narrow space crack suddenly tore open in mid-air, and dozens of mysterious figures with powerful auras came out.

Among them, there are seven figures who are not weaker than the eight Liu Tong people. They are in the Shengxuan Realm, a total of seven strange and powerful people who have set foot in the Shengxuan Realm.

"Zheng Zhong, it is indeed you people from the West Xuan Territory who are causing trouble. I didn't expect that after so many years, you still miss this ancient space in my Dongxuan Territory."

As the representative of the Yuan Sect here, Liu Tong took a step forward without hesitation.

Back then, the huge vision when the ancient space was born instantly alarmed all the super sects in the two mysterious realms of the East and West. After discovering the value of the ancient space, the two sides immediately started a bloody battle over it.

It's a pity that in the end, the major super sects in the Dongxuan Region were stronger and had superior skills to capture this ancient space and open it up as an ancient battlefield for the Hundred Dynasties War.

It's just that after all these years, Xixuanyu has always been obsessed with this valuable space, and will still make some small moves from time to time.

The silence in recent decades almost made the eight major figures in the East Xuan Region suspect that the West Xuan Region had lost interest in it, but who knew that it suddenly broke out today with a fierce force?

"Haha, it turns out to be Deacon Liu Tong of the Yuan Sect. I say that your Dongxuan Territory has occupied this space for long enough. It's time to change the owner."

A gray-robed figure in the Xixuan Territory lineup responded with a smile.

Zheng Zhong, the elder of Xi Xuan Zong, the overlord of Xi Xuan Territory, the last chief of Xi Xuan Zong, the youngest Sheng Xuan Realm elder in the sect, a strong young man with many honors, even the major super sects in Dong Xuan Territory. Heard about it.

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