The Return of the Martial Ancestor of Martial Arts

Chapter 196 The Eight Desolate Emperors control everything!

Lin Dong, standing in the air, soon entered everyone's field of vision. A layer of light black gauze was vaguely attached to his body surface, and the mysterious fluctuations wrapped around him like a membrane. The sharp eyesight of the Shengxuan Realm powerhouse quickly noticed something.

"Such a strong power of death, a Shengxuan Realm powerhouse? No, this is a backup left in his body by a peak powerhouse who surpassed the Shengxuan Realm, allowing him to temporarily attack on par with the Shengxuan Realm powerhouse."

"Although this state may only last for a few seconds, it is enough to deal with the sweep of most Shengxuan Realm powerhouses. This kid must have had an adventure, or even a mysterious peak powerhouse standing behind him."

Soon, the powerhouses of the East and West Xuan Realms guessed most of the facts.

"Hahaha, Lin Dong, you did a great job."

Wudao and others who figured it out immediately laughed.

"Chang Wei and the others' auras have completely disappeared, and there is still a strong force of death around them. It must be this person named Lin Dong who did it. I don't believe that his state can continue like this. Little beast, I will kill you!!" Zheng Zhong's eyes instantly turned red, and he raised his hand to slap Lin Dong. "Bang!" The surging Yuanli swept out crazily, and a powerful Yuanli that combined with extremely powerful vitality came in an instant, violently smashing Zheng Zhong's attack. "Wudao old man, you dare to stop me?" Zheng Zhong looked up and saw an old man in hemp clothes with an obscure aura floating in, just blocking his way. "Humph, what if I stop you? Do you really think that the old Taoist was scared? I don't think you have realized the current situation. Liu Cheng and the other two died. Now you are five against eight. The eight of us are enough to leave you five behind." Wudao waved his sleeves, and the milky white surging Yuanli swept indiscriminately. "Over the years, we in the East Xuan Region have not been completely defenseless against you. Our eight super sects have stationed a large number of strong men in the outer layer of the ancient space. They should have noticed the abnormality by now, and it is almost time for them to arrive."

"In addition, all the people you sent to set up the space formation to attract the top strong men have died, and there is no possibility of success. If I were you, I would definitely surrender immediately."

Yuanmen Deacon Liu Tong smiled sinisterly and kept speaking to disturb their minds. Attacking people should attack their hearts.

As soon as Liu Tong said this, Zheng Zhong and the other five immediately changed their faces.

The opportunity to seize the ancient space has passed, and they are at a disadvantage of five to eight. Even if they can suppress the eight people who have realized the truth again with the help of the power of the Sealing Heaven Formation, a large number of East Xuan Region strong men are coming, and Zheng Zhong and the others know that they are powerless to save the situation.

"Damn it, the plan failed, let's go."

The remaining five Shengxuan Realm masters in Xixuan Territory looked at each other, and immediately separated four of them to launch a crazy attack to block the eight people who had attained enlightenment, while Zheng Zhong was responsible for taking back the top-grade pure Yuan treasure that was blocking Baichao Mountain.

"Hah! Sealing Heaven Formation Diagram, collect!"

As Zheng Zhong changed his seals like lightning, the huge formation diagram that spanned a large area of ​​the sky in the void immediately closed into a black scroll, with extremely terrifying fluctuations emanating from it, and then turned into a ray of dark light that swept down quickly.

"Lin Dong, you dare to ruin the major events of the seven super sects in Xixuan Territory and kill two of my Shengxuan Realm masters. This matter will never be revealed so easily. When I return to the territory, I will definitely..."

Seeing that the sect treasure was about to be obtained, Zheng Zhong also breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and looked at the thin figure in the distance, his eyes full of resentment.

"Oh? Looks like you've set your sights on me? If you don't want to leave, then stay. Although the remaining strength can barely make one strike, it's enough to kill you."

Lin Dong, who exchanged glances with Zheng Zhong, smiled softly. With a thought, the last bit of death force flowing through his limbs and bones was immediately rapidly extracted and all lingered on his palm.

"Eight Desolate Emperor Hand!"

A soft groan suddenly squeezed out of his throat. Lin Dong's right palm split into claws, and his five fingers suddenly clawed at the void. Immediately, five drops of blood fell from his fingertips, and the surging Yuanli swept out, directly wrapping up the five drops of blood.


As the Yuanli squirmed frantically, a pale yellow and majestic hand covered with countless runes quickly took shape, and slammed down with an ancient artistic conception of dominating the world.

The pale yellow ancient hand, which revealed a little bit of crimson, had not yet fallen, and the Yuanli in the surrounding space had begun to rapidly flee this area, and a huge palm-shaped depression appeared on the ground of the square below.

"This kid's state hasn't disappeared yet? What should I do? I can't take this strongest attack beyond the Shengxuan realm!!" Zheng Zhong was so angry that he regretted it. Why did he say that one more sentence before leaving? You are so rude, you deserve it! ! At this time, the yellow hand that turned into a huge shadow had already brought an extremely terrifying pressure, and it fell directly in Zheng Zhong's extremely terrified eyes. "Ah! The Sealing Heaven Formation Map, suppress it!" Zheng Zhong, who was facing the crisis of life and death, had no time to think about it. He gritted his teeth and drove the black scroll directly to meet it. The black scroll shook lightly, and immediately endless black light burst out, rushing towards the yellow hand. "Boom!" The energy storm swept the whole world crazily, sweeping away everything visible. Even the twelve Shengxuan realm masters who were fighting around were shocked and stopped immediately, and retreated violently. "Woo woo~"

The thick smoke that filled the sky slowly dissipated, and the two objects that collided with each other were tightly entangled, desperately trying to dissolve each other.

"Haha, it turns out to be the Sealing Heaven Formation Diagram. How can you refuse the treasure that is delivered to your door? Then I will be disrespectful."

Lin Dong's expression remained unchanged when he saw this, but his fingers were changing strangely like butterflies, and his lips wriggled slightly: "The Eight Desolate Emperor's hands control all things!"

"Buzz! Boom!"

The majestic yellow hand covered with countless runes suddenly burst out with bursts of light, and a bit of crimson appeared. It changed direction and directly grabbed the black scroll with bare hands.

Under that bright red light, the rich light emitted by the black scroll melted as quickly as snow, and it had to be held firmly in the hand of the majestic big hand and swept away quickly.


Zheng Zhong, whose mind was vaguely connected to the Sealing Heaven Formation, was shaken as if he had been hit hard, and he spat out a large mouthful of blood.

"You little beast, come back to my sect's heavy treasure!!"

Zheng Zhong, who was feeling weak, was so angry that he roared and rushed forward.

Even though he is a powerful elder of the West Xuan Sect, if the Sealing Heaven Formation Diagram is lost in his hands, he will definitely face extremely cruel punishment after returning to the sect, and he will not be able to explain it to the sect leader.


At this moment, the void twisted rapidly, a huge space channel emerged rapidly, and existences with powerful auras were approaching here at high speed.

"Elder Zheng Zhong, leave quickly. A large number of strong men from the Dongxuan Region have arrived. If we don't leave, we will have no chance at all."

The four Xixuan Realm Shengxuan Realm experts who also noticed this scene suddenly changed their expressions and immediately rushed to Zheng Zhong's side. After restraining him, they quickly crushed a teleportation rune in their hands.

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