"I know you must want to hear what I will talk about with Qingzhu, but give up, I just don't want you to listen." Lin Dong smiled and looked around at the crowd around him. He stomped his foot lightly, and the green lotus under his feet suddenly burst out with a strong green light. In the green light, the green lotus suddenly expanded to a size of several feet, and then wrapped around Lin Dong and the other two. What was even more strange was that the cold and beautiful figure who looked like a banished immortal did not say anything to stop them, but acquiesced to Lin Dong's actions. "Buzz!" Amid the wailing of the crowd, the huge green lotus finally stretched out completely, and then enveloped the two of them. At this moment, there were countless young heroes in the world who were sad and crying. Inside the huge green lotus. "I thought that no matter how fast your Yuanli progressed, it would take at least seven to eight years to refine the body of the green sky lotus seed. Who knew that you only took four short years." An elegant figure stood with her shoulders folded, and it seemed that she was not affected much. "No, it only took me two years. I had already refined the lotus seed before entering the ancient battlefield."

Lin Dong smiled softly, glanced at the graceful curve in front of him, and suddenly frowned: "The peak of Nirvana? Qingzhu, it seems that you have fallen behind in cultivation in the past few years."

"In the past four years, you have the full support of the resources of the Jiutian Taiqing Palace, but you are still wasting time in the Jiuyuan Nirvana Realm; I am practicing alone in a low-level dynasty, practicing both Yuanjing and Qijing, and I have reached the Six Yuan Nirvana Realm and the Seven Seal Heavenly Talisman Master. You really disappoint me."

"If you give me another year, I will definitely catch up with you."

Or Perhaps some words inexplicably hurt Ling Qingzhu. Her crystal-clear eyes fluctuated noticeably. She opened her mouth slightly and retorted unhappily:

"Do you think everyone is as perverted as you? You have not yet entered the super sect to practice, but you have the terrifying strength of a true disciple. The chiefs of the major super sects in the East Xuan Domain are generally at the top of the eight yuan realm."

"Now I have stepped into the peak of the Nirvana realm, and I am only one step away from the Shengxuan realm with the power of vitality. The only young generation who can compare with me is Yuan Cang, the young Yuanjun of Yuanmen."

Speaking of this, the beauty raised her head imperceptibly.

She is a noble phoenix flying in the sky. Her super high practice that surpasses the younger generation is part of her pride, and she will never allow anyone to insult her.

"Well, I understand. In this case, the overall practice level of the East Xuan Domain is low, and this generation of disciples is not good enough."

Lin Dong sighed as if he suddenly realized something, with a look of disappointment on his face.


Hearing this, Ling Qingzhu rolled her eyes at this annoying guy.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about something happy. I once picked up a martial art of the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace on the roadside - Taiqing Youtianbu. You know what, this martial art is unexpectedly useful."

"It's just that the source of this martial art is unknown. I'm afraid that if I meet the elders of your Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace outside, they will misunderstand that I stole it. If they fight, it will be bad. How about this, just say that you gave it to me?"

Lin Dong seemed to have noticed the beauty's misfortune and immediately changed the subject.

"Two years ago, a five-element Nirvana deacon in the palace disappeared inexplicably. Afterwards, I found that he went all the way south before his death. The Great Yan Dynasty happened to be in the southern part of the East Xuan Region. Do you think there is any inevitable connection between them?"

Ling Qingzhu bit her red lips with her pearly teeth and stared at the shameless thief coquettishly.

"I'm not, I don't have it, don't talk nonsense."

After hearing this, Lin Dong waved his hands to deny it, which was righteous.

"I'll cover it up for you this time. Don't do it next time."

After a moment, the tender red lips under the light white gauze moved slightly.

"Thank you very much. I knew Qingzhu cared about me the most. Otherwise, how could you secretly pay attention to the news of the Great Yan Dynasty? It's because I was there."

Lin Dong stroked his chin, his cheeks full of emotion. He was smart and said that he had seen through everything.

"...Don't be sentimental. Is there anything else? I'm leaving. There are disciples waiting for me outside the palace." After a moment of silence, the beautiful face seemed to regain its calmness and tranquility.

"Of course there is more. Now is the business."

"Do you still remember our agreement? I said I would come to Dongxuan Territory to find you, and I will definitely come to find you. Look, I'm already standing here. What's your answer?"

Lin Dong clapped his hands and leaned out to look at the beauty.

"You...are you not stronger than me?"

The beautiful figure with jade feet stepping lightly on the green lotus, a trace of imperceptible panic flashed in her beautiful eyes as cold as a deep pool.

Back then, on the top of the mountain outside the ancient tomb, she was entangled by Lin Dong and had no choice but to throw out a sentence in a panic, "Wait until your cultivation is stronger than mine", to evade Lin Dong.

Who knew that four years later, the gap between the two did not widen as she thought, but became closer, closer than ever before.

"Qingzhu, believe me, give me a year, the next time we meet, I will definitely catch up with you, or even surpass you. By then, I will make our relationship public, whether you agree or not."

Lin Dong curled his lips and said nonchalantly.

For him, the Shengxuan realm is just the starting point to step into the ranks of true strong men, and it is really not an insurmountable chasm.

"You are always so strong. You were like this four years ago and you are still like this four years later. You have never considered my feelings."

Ling Qingzhu glanced at Lin Dong with a complicated expression, her jade face was full of confusion, and she didn't know what to do.

"Because my mother said that when you meet the woman you like, you should act quickly to avoid letting her run away and regret her life. You are the woman I think you like, so you just accept your fate and obey me."

Lin Dong smiled softly and looked at the beauty with piercing eyes: "Qingzhu, what's your answer? If you don't agree, I will join the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace, and then I will choose a crowded place to express my love to you loudly, once a day."

"Although Jiutian Taiqing Palace recruits mostly female disciples, it does not mean that there are no male disciples. With my extraordinary strength that can dominate hundreds of dynasties, as long as I am willing, you palace elders will definitely welcome me with raised hands."

"No, no, you are not allowed to come."

Qingyi Qianying subconsciously retorted. As soon as she imagined such a terrible scene, she, who had always been so pure, could not help but feel a chill in her body. Should she continue to live in the palace? How could she, the young palace master, have the dignity to continue to lead the thousands of disciples in the palace?


As soon as the words came out of her mouth, the beauty instantly regretted them.

Looking at Lin Dong's smiling eyes, Ling Qingzhu still didn't understand that she was being teased by him.

After all, how could he do such a wild and uninhibited thing if he was so proud?

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