"Jie Jie, what are you doing at the Great Desolation Monument? Give up struggling. You can't hold on much longer. Wouldn't it be nice to let this king enchant you with peace of mind?"

At this time, the magic patterns settled at the bottom of the ancient stele seemed to come alive instantly, climbing crazily towards the top of the stone monument. As the magic patterns squirmed and climbed, they faintly condensed into a huge face with magic patterns.

"Great Monument of Desolation, why didn't you say...uh?"

The smile on the devil's face that was just about to smile suddenly froze, and he stared at the ancient formation in mid-air that exuded shocking fluctuations.

In addition to the Devouring Ancestral Talisman, the Space Ancestral Talisman, the Ice Ancestral Talisman, the Dark Ancestral Talisman, the Ancestral Stone, and the Qiankun Ancient Formation, there are four powerful Ancestral Talismans peeping from one side.

"Damn, damn, Great Desolation Monument, where did you find so many ancestral symbols and divine objects of heaven and earth? Do you want me to die? Don't even think about it!!!"

The demon face screamed weirdly, and once again turned into countless demon patterns and climbed crazily towards the stone monument.

"Hmph, you want to run away even when you are about to die. It's too late. Get back here!"

The Great Desolation Monument snorted coldly, and the body of the monument suddenly erupted with a dazzling ancient yellow brilliance, rumbling and suppressing the crazy scurrying magic patterns back to the bottom of the monument.


With the wave of the Great Desolation Monument, the earth suddenly became extremely transparent, and the situation underground was also exposed to everyone's sight.

Under the ground, a demonic figure with a body of ten thousand feet tall and shrouded in a strange black mist, with fingers as sharp as wild beasts, was staring at everyone with a pair of red demonic eyes, exuding a monstrous evil. meaning.

This is a true demon king with two levels of reincarnation and calamity!

Above its head, an indescribably towering ancient yellow stone tablet was firmly suppressing it, erupting with a shocking ancient yellow light that pushed it back into the ground inch by inch.

"Look, this True King has been attacking the seal more frequently recently, and most of its strength has been restored. If you don't come back again, it will take more than a year at most, and I will completely fall into the clutches of the devil."

Dahuang Monument introduced with lingering fear.

"Great Desolation Monument, if you want me to capture you without mercy, then I won't let you do it!"

There was a fierce flash in the eyes of the demonic figure, and bursts of bursting sounds suddenly came from the body. The demonic energy surged wildly, and its already huge figure actually expanded again, instantly forcing back the ancient yellow light that suppressed it.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After using the taboo method, the ten thousand-foot demonic shadow let out a long roar, burning all the demonic energy around it crazily, and slammed into the great desert monument like a madman, causing the towering monument to shake violently.

"Damn it, this true king is starting to fight hard, hold on tight, I won't be able to hold on for long."

Upon seeing this, the face of the Great Desolation Monument changed suddenly, and it hurriedly turned into a faint light and escaped into the body of the monument, concentrating its strength to suppress the true king.

"Suppress me! Give it to me!!!"

After shouting violently, under the control of the stele spirit, the body of the Great Desolate Monument suddenly erupted into a ray of light, pressing hard against the crazy King of Strange Demons underground, launching the most intense war of attrition.

"The Ancient Formation of Heaven and Earth, rise!"

Lin Dong suddenly clasped his hands together, and formed a series of dazzling seals one after another. The seals suddenly stagnated, and the majestic energy and spiritual power in his body flowed into the sky-filled light array above like a tide.


Ying Huanhuan was unwilling to be left behind, she held her slender hands, and a majestic torrent of ice-blue Yuan Power roared towards the Ancient Qiankun Formation.

"Hahaha, it's our turn!"

When Ying Xuanzi and the four of them saw this, they looked at each other and then raised their feet together. The Yuanli in their bodies burst out like a volcano that had been suppressed for a long time. Four extremely thick Yuanli light beams of different colors were as fast as lightning. The ground crashed into the ancient formation of Qiankun.

The four powerful men of the Wheel-turning Realm are taking action with all their strength!


After being replenished with terrifying Yuan Power, the sky-filled ancient formation immediately started rumbling, with endless runes flashing rapidly, and countless transparent rays of light interweaving down, shrouding and washing away the ten thousand-foot-long demonic shadow that was suppressed underground. Get rid of the overwhelming demonic energy.

"Five spirits seal the demon!"

After shouting violently, the five huge stars that were shining in the center of the Ancient Qiankun Formation suddenly erupted into five deadly rays of different colors that intertwined and merged into a terrifying ray of light that looked like chaos and penetrated down.

"Ah! The Demonic Soul Burial Seal!!"

The ten thousand-foot demon shadow, whose heart was beating wildly, immediately gave up breaking the seal. As the endless demonic energy roared, it quickly condensed into a ferocious demon seal that was thousands of feet long to protect it in front of it.

Unfortunately, everything was a disappointment!

"call out!"

The chaotic light flew across the sky, tearing apart the Qianzhang Demonic Seal in an instant, and then pierced the forehead of the Wanzhang Demonic Shadow in its extremely horrified eyes, and then wiped out all the demonic heart and origin of the demon in the body.

quick! Extremely fast!


The ten thousand-foot-long demonic figure was about to form a magic seal, and its vitality was instantly taken away by the chaotic light. The huge figure that could cover the sky suddenly froze and fell to the ground.


Endless transparent rays of light intertwined and swept down to the ground, washing away all the lifeless demonic shadows and residual demonic energy, leaving the world pure.

The true king is dead!

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The surging wind sounded, and the six divine objects that completed their missions in mid-air also returned to their respective masters.

"Hahaha, the Great Desolation Monument would like to thank you all. It has been ten thousand years, it has been ten thousand years, and I can finally be completely free."

The body of the monument flashed with light, and the spirit of the monument that looked like a white-haired old man flew out again.

"Senior Dahuangbei, this is what we should do. After all, outside is the ancestral court of our Dao Sect, and our Dao Sect has no shirk."

Ying Xuanzi and the old man in blue robe waved their hands quickly.

"Since I, the Dark Palace, have been in charge of the Dark Ancestral Talisman, suppressing strange demons and resisting the catastrophe of heaven and earth is the inescapable responsibility of my lineage."

Bo Xuan, who put away the Dark Ancestral Talisman, also smiled modestly.

"Uh, by the way, my mission of suppressing the True King of Strange Demons has been completed, so who should I follow next? The Ice Lord or Lin Dong?"

Looking at the handsome man and woman in front of him, the Great Desolation Monument suddenly fell into a tangle.

Logically speaking, Lin Dong is the one who can help him solve the crisis. For example, he has several ancient artifacts from the Ancestral Stone, so he should follow him.

However, the Ice Lord is the strongest disciple of Fuzu, and the second person in the world who is expected to achieve the ancestral realm, so she is right.

"Idiot, of course it's with Lin Dong. Aren't Lin Dong's things mine?" Ying Huanhuan smiled sweetly and hugged Lin Dong's arm, smiling so brightly.

The old father Ying Xuanzi on the side frowned at the girl's intimate actions with a look of regret on his face, but after thinking about it he still did not stop her face to face.

There are outsiders here, so let’s give the child some face.

"...You make a lot of sense."

The Great Desolation Monument, who was also eaten a mouthful of dog food, looked at Lin Dong with admiration. He was actually able to take down the Ice Lord, known as the first iceberg goddess in ancient times. From today on, I will call you big brother.

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