The Return of the Martial Ancestor of Martial Arts

Chapter 302 Xuanling Island, Tianfeng Ancient Family

Chaos Demon Sea, Tianfeng Sea Area.

In the silent night, a heavily guarded convoy was being attacked wildly by a tide of beasts in the darkness. Even though the convoy was powerful and elite, it was suddenly attacked by a group of Demonic Rock Horned Beasts with an average strength of six or seven Yuan Nirvana Realm monsters. , still a little caught off guard.

"Ho! Roar! Roar!"

"Damn it, where did these Demon Rock Horned Beasts come from, and why did they suddenly attack our Gu family's convoy? Isn't it said that these beasts are gentle in nature and never attack humans on their own initiative?"

"The left end of the convoy was attacked by a tide of beasts, please support! Please support!"

The roars of the strong human beings were mixed with the roars of the beasts, and the fierce fighting became the only melody in this darkness.


Suddenly, a Demonic Rock Horned Beast followed the gap opened by the convoy and headed straight towards the hinterland of the convoy with bloodshot eyes. A delicate girl in a light blue dress stared at the incoming Demonic Beast, her face turned horribly pale. .

Although her Yuanli cultivation barely reached the Seven-Yuan Nirvana Realm, which was at the same level as this Demonic Rock Horned Beast, the girl who was weak by nature and seldom went out was still frightened by the sudden attack of the monster and actually forgot to use Yuanli. force attack.

"Buzz! Phew!"

At this time, the void suddenly rippled rapidly, and a black scroll with countless lines on its surface suddenly flew out, blasting the dark monster that looked like it was made of fine iron, and sprayed blood mist into the air.

"Phew~ I'm saved..."

After reacting, the delicate girl's complexion gradually turned rosy, and she leaned on the carriage helplessly.

"Demon Rock Horned Beast? Where is this place?"

A rich and handsome young man in black suddenly emerged from the void, took the black scroll that blasted the seven-dimensional nirvana monster, and frowned at the extremely bad environment around him.

"This...this is Xuanling Island in the Tianfeng Sea area of ​​the Luanmo Sea. We are the team of the Gu family and are being attacked by the Demon Rock Horned Beasts. My name is Gu Ya."

Looking at the handsome young man who was like a god descending from the sky to save him from danger, the delicate girl in a light blue dress kept talking like beans.

“The Gu family’s motorcade is the Gu family among the five major families in Tianfeng Sea Area?”

The young man keenly grasped the key words from the girl's slightly confused words.

"Yes, we are here to look for the Shengsheng Xuanling Fruit, but who would have thought that we would suddenly be attacked by a herd of beasts. Sister Gu Yan is leading everyone to resist with difficulty. Since you are so powerful, big brother, can you help our Gu family? ,I beg you."

Seeing that this handsome young man who fell from the sky seemed to know the name of the Gu family, Gu Ya nodded hurriedly and cautiously prayed for his help.

"Okay, stay where you are and don't run around."

The handsome young man smiled slightly and disappeared in a flash.


The pretty girl didn't seem to have any hope in her prayer. Seeing that the handsome young man agreed, she could only stare blankly at the tall and straight figure going away.

This young man in black clothes who descended from the sky is naturally Lin Dong, who was teleported from the Dongxuan Territory with the help of the Sealing Formation Diagram. Now, as soon as he arrives, he encounters the Gu family being attacked by a herd of beasts, which is a good entry point. .

"Blue Sky Dragon Transformation Technique, Azure Dragon Transformation!"

The tragic sound of fighting suddenly came with a loud shout, causing the strong man of the Gu family who was arriving at the beast group to subconsciously raise his head and look towards the direction of the sound in mid-air.

"hold head high!"

In a high-pitched dragon roar, green light surged out, and an unusually large and vigorous body instantly stretched out between the sky and the earth, majestic and vicissitudes of life.

"Get out of here, you bunch of despicable beasts whose minds have been controlled!"

The giant green dragon, which was a hundred feet long, spoke human words. Its huge golden dragon eyes were full of contempt. It bowed its tail flexibly and turned into a ray of blue light and shadow into the void.


The next second, with a loud roar, the giant cyan dragon that tore through the void raised its huge claws and exploded a demon rock horned beast king with the strength of the Nine Yuan Nirvana Realm.

The group of Demonic Rock Horned Beasts, stimulated by the majestic dragon power, actually broke free from the control of the man in the dark. The blood in their eyes disappeared, replaced by endless terror and the fear of this monster overlord.


Amidst the mournful wails, the demonic rock horned beasts, who were trembling with fear, immediately gave up attacking the convoy and retreated into the dark dense forest in panic.

"High-level dragon clan, Qinglong?!!"

Looking at the giant cyan dragon that exuded pure and incomparable dragon power, dozens of powerful men from the Gu family were stunned for a moment, and with one word, they drove away the group of demonic rock-horned beasts.

"hold head high!"

The powerful and slender green dragon roared low, and transformed, and a handsome young man standing with his hands behind his hands walked out of the rich green light, and his aura had faintly reached the peak of Shengxuan Realm.

"Who is the leader here?"

Lin Dong looked around at the chaotic crowd and frowned.

"Gu Yan from the Gu family has met you. Thank you very much for your help."

A cold and charming woman in a pale white dress walked out of the crowd with various gestures. She turned out to be a strong person in the Half-Step Shengxuan Realm, comparable to the existence of the Little Thunder King of the Yuan Sect.

The woman in white was not as amazed as her subordinates. She was well-informed and knew that this strange Shengxuan Realm powerhouse was probably not a Dragon Clan powerhouse, but had practiced a very special body-refining martial arts.

"What grudges have you made with others? This group of Demonic Rock Horned Beasts is obviously controlled by others, and the person who took action should be a new Immortal Talisman Master."

Lin Dong said calmly.

"These beasts are indeed controlled by others. Are they those guys from the Wei family during the day? But where did they come from to be driven by the Immortal Talisman Master? Or are they the Immortal Talisman Masters who are comparable to those in the Shengxuan Realm?"

The cold and charming woman in a pale white dress frowned slightly when she heard this, obviously she already had suspicions in her mind.

"What's there to guess? The Immortal Talisman Master hasn't gone far yet. I'm just going to catch him. You just wait, I'll be right back."

Lin shook his head, raised his feet and disappeared at the speed of light.

"Hey, I don't know if this strange Shengxuan Realm expert is an enemy or a friend..."

Gu Yan sighed quietly, looked at the mess on the ground, and then ordered in a deep voice: "Pay attention to the vigilance, and organize people to clean the place quickly."

"Yes, Miss Gu Yan!"

Everyone in the Gu family suddenly accepted the order and respected this young lady who was the direct descendant of the family.


"A strong man in the Shengxuan Realm? Damn it, where did he come from and dare to ruin my Xu Yun's plan?! No, the plan failed, I have to evacuate quickly."

Deep in the dense forest, a figure wrapped in a black robe suddenly stood up and flew towards the sky quickly. He could not let the Gu family know his identity.

"Since my friend is here, why bother leaving in a hurry?"

The chuckle fell, and a slender figure suddenly emerged from the void, blocking the only way for the man in black to escape.

"Damn, it came so fast!"

The man in black's heart suddenly sank, and his majestic spiritual power flowed out like a tide, cold and dark.

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